
The Amber Room: The Catherine Palace's Nazi Plunder DVD


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The Amber Room, The Legendary Eighth Wonder Of The World, The Amber And Gold Paneled Chamber Of The Russian Imperial Family's Summer Residence, The Catherine Palace, Looted By The Nazis During World War II And Whose Whereabouts Remains A Mystery, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1994, 2 Episodes Of 24 Minutes Each.) #AmberRoom #EighthWonderOfTheWorld #EighthWondersOfTheWorld #Amber #Gold #RussianImperialFamily #CatherinePalace #WorldHeritageSites #NaziPlunder #Raubkunst #NaziTreasure #Odessa #SS #NaziGold #StolenArt #TreasureHunts #NaziGermany #ThirdReich #WorldWarII #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #DVD

The Amber Room (Russian: Yantarnaya Komnata, German: Bernsteinzimmer, Polish: Bursztynowa Komnata) was a chamber decorated in amber panels backed with gold leaf and mirrors, located in the Catherine Palace, the residence of the Russian imperial family and visiting nobility, located in Tsarskoye Selo (now known as Pushkin, Saint Petersburg), Russia. Constructed in the 18th century in Prussia, the room was dismantled and eventually disappeared during World War II. Before its loss, it was considered an "Eighth Wonder Of The World". A reconstruction was made, starting in 1979 and completed and installed in the Catherine Palace in 2003. The Amber Room was intended in 1701 for the Charlottenburg Palace, in Berlin, Prussia, but was eventually installed at the Berlin City Palace. It was designed by German baroque sculptor Andreas Schluter and Danish amber craftsman Gottfried Wolfram. Schluter and Wolfram worked on the room until 1707, when work was continued by amber masters Gottfried Turau and Ernst Schacht from Danzig (Gdansk). It remained in Berlin until 1716, when it was given by the Prussian King Frederick William I to his ally Tsar Peter the Great of the Russian Empire. In Russia, the room was installed in the Catherine Palace. After expansion and several renovations, it covered more than 55 square metres (590 sq ft) and contained over 6 tonnes (13,000 lb) of amber. The Amber Room was looted during World War II by the Army Group North of Nazi Germany, and taken to Konigsberg for reconstruction and display. Some time in early 1944, with Allied forces closing in on Germany, the room was disassembled and crated for storage in the Castle basement. Konigsberg was destroyed by allied bombers in August 1944 and documentation of the room location ends there. Its eventual fate and current whereabouts, if it survives, remain a mystery. In 1979 the decision was taken to create a reconstructed Amber Room at the Catherine Palace in Pushkin. After decades of work by Russian craftsmen and donations from Germany, it was completed and inaugurated in 2003.

The Catherine Palace (Russian:Yekaterininskiy Dvorets) is a Rococo palace in Tsarskoye Selo (modern Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia. It was the summer residence of the Russian tsars. The Palace is part of the World Heritage Site known as Saint Petersburg And Related Groups Of Monuments.

Nazi Plunder (Raubkunst in German) was the stealing of art and other items which occurred as a result of the organized looting of European countries during the time of the Nazi Party in Germany. The looting of Polish and Jewish property was a key part of the Holocaust. The plundering was carried out from 1933, beginning with the seizure of the property of German Jews, until the end of World War II, particularly by military units which were known as the Kunstschutz, although most of the plunder was acquired during the war. In addition to gold, silver and currency, cultural items of great significance were stolen, including paintings, ceramics, books and religious treasures. Although most of these items were recovered by agents of the Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program (MFAA, also known as the Monuments Men), on behalf of the Allies immediately following the war, many of them are still missing. An international effort to identify Nazi plunder which still remains unaccounted for is underway, with the ultimate aim of returning the items to their rightful owners, their families or their respective countries.

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