
The Shakespeare Mystery DVD Edward de Vere Oxfordian Theory

  • Model: 1660


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Was the author of the plays attributed to William Shakespeare really ''The Bard of Avon'', the son of a glove maker, or was he really Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, heir to the second oldest earldom in the English kingdom and one of the great noblemen and statesmen of his day? This investigative documentary follows up on the over 4,000 books written since Shakespeare's day that question the authorship of these plays, works that most consider to be the greatest plays ever written, and makes a strong circumstantial case that the author was actually Edward de Vere, stronger than the traditional circumstantial case that he was William Shakespeare. Scholarly, clever, insightful, riveting, fascinating and deeply moving, the lattermost especially so when one considers that some of the greatest laments in Shakespeare's plays were really de Vere's own veiled sorrows at the prospect of never being able to receive the credit he deserved for being the author of such profound works. *Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1989, 58 Minutes.) #TheShakespeareMystery #WilliamShakespeare #Playwrights #Poets #EdwardDeVere #EdwardDeVere17thEarlOfOxford #EarlOfOxford #Documentaries #Oxford #Shakespeare #OxfordianTheory #ShakespeareAuthorshipCandidates #Peerage #ElizabethanEra #ElizabethIOfEngland #QueenElizabethI #Plays #Theater #Theatre #Stage #Poetry #LovePoetry #Literature #EnglishLiterature #DVD

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was born at Stratford-on-Avon, England. Renowned as the most influential writer in the English language, he created 36 plays and 154 sonnets, including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and The Merchant of Venice. Many believe Shakespeare was a front for the writings of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, English courtier, Lord Great Chamberlain (April 12, 1550 - June 24, 1604). He is the most popular alternative candidate proposed for the authorship of the works of William Shakespeare. de Vere was an English peer and courtier of the Elizabethan era. Oxford was heir to the second oldest earldom in the kingdom, a court favourite for a time, a sought-after patron of the arts, and noted by his contemporaries as a lyric poet and court playwright. His reckless and volatile temperament precluded him from attaining any courtly or governmental responsibility and contributed to the dissipation of his estate. De Vere was the only son of John de Vere, 16th Earl of Oxford, and Margery Golding. After the death of his father in 1562, he became a ward of Queen Elizabeth and was sent to live in the household of her principal advisor, Sir William Cecil. He married Cecil's daughter, Anne, with whom he had five children. De Vere was estranged from her for five years after he refused to acknowledge her first child as his. De Vere was a champion jouster and travelled widely throughout Italy and France. He was among the first to compose love poetry at the Elizabethan court, and he was praised as a playwright, and though the authorship of the collected works of William Shakespeare are according to the Oxfordian Theory of Shakespeare authorship properly credited to him, none of the plays attributed to de Vere by name are known to survive. A stream of dedications praised de Vere for his generous patronage of literary, religious, musical, and medical works, and he patronised both adult and boy acting companies, as well as musicians, tumblers, acrobats and performing animals. He fell out of favour with the Queen in the early 1580s and was exiled from court after impregnating one of her maids of honour, Anne Vavasour, which instigated violent street brawls between de Vere's retainers and her uncles. De Vere was reconciled to the Queen in 1583, but all opportunities for advancement had been lost. In 1586, the Queen granted de Vere a 1,000 pound sterling annuity to relieve his financial distress caused by his extravagance and selling off his income-producing lands for ready money. After his wife's death, he married Elizabeth Trentham, one of the Queen's maids of honour, with whom he had an heir, Henry de Vere. He died in 1604, having spent the entirety of his inherited estates.

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