
Clive James' Fame In The 20th Century TV Series DVD 4 Discs


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The Acclaimed TV Presentation Of The Clive James Review Of The Elusive And Unpredictable Nature Of Fame In The Twentieth Century! An Eight Episode Eight-Hour-Long Television Series Spectacular Where The Greatest Cast Ever Assembled - Over 280 In All - Share The Spotlight, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An Archival Quality 4 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set! (Color, 1993, Eight Episodes Of 50 Minutes Each.) #CliveJames #FameInThe20thCentury #FameInTheTwentiethCentury #TwentiethCentury #20thCentury #Fame #Celebrity #DVD

From the earliest flickering movies, it's been a love/hate relationship between a parade of personalities and the media that created them. Fame is a twentieth century phenomenon that forever fused reality with image. Clive James traces the evolution of fame in art, politics, science and sport, in combination with a dazzling assortment of classic performances. An intimate view of the giants of the first mass media century and the forces that created them, as revealed through Clive James' humor and insight into the strange chemistry that makes someone larger than life.


VOL. 1:

Episode 1: Series Overview; Elvis Presley; Elizabeth Taylor; Ronald Reagan; Madonna; Pope John Paul II; Diana, Princess of Wales; William Randolph Hearst; Thomas Edison; Queen Victoria; Leo Tolstoy; Arthur Conan Doyle; Rudyard Kipling; Enrico Caruso; The Wright Bros; Louis Bleriot; Marie Curie; Greer Garson; Theodore Roosevelt; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Dwight D. Eisenhower; John F. Kennedy; Lyndon B. Johnson; Richard Nixon; Gerald Ford; Jimmy Carter; Bill Clinton; Buffalo Bill; Harry Houdini; Sarah Bernhardt; Isadora Duncan; The Closeup (The Close-Up); Roald Amundsen; Robert Falcon Scott; Jack Johnson; Herbert Kitchener (Lord Kitchener); Edith Cavell; Mata Hari; Manfred von Richthofen (Red Baron); T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence Of Arabia); Peter O'Toole; Vladimir Lenin; Henry Ford; Mary Pickford; Douglas Fairbanks; Rudolph Valentino; Buster Keaton; Charlie Chaplin; Roscoe Arbuckle (Fatty Arbuckle); Greta Garbo; John Gilbert

Episode 2: Charles Lindbergh; Rene Fonck; Al Jolson; Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy (Laurel And Hardy); Babe Ruth; Jack Dempsey; Al Capone; Edward G. Robinson; Rod Steiger; Jason Robards; Marlon Brando; Al Pacino; Robert De Niro; Louis Armstrong; Duke Ellington; Greta Garbo; Marlene Dietrich; Maurice Chevalier; Jeanette MacDonald; Nelson Eddy; Sigmund Freud; Albert Einstein; Paris; Josephine Baker; Ernest Hemingway; F. Scott Fitzgerald; James Joyce; Igor Stravinsky; Pablo Picasso; Coco Chanel; Amy Johnson; Malcolm Campbell; Henry Segrave; Don Bradman; Mahatma Gandhi; Noel Coward; The Marx Bros; Groucho Marx; Harpo Marx; Jean Harlow; Mae West; George Gershwin; Fred Astaire; Ginger Rogers; The Lindbergh Kidnapping; Adolf Hitler

VOL. 2

Episode 3: Benito Mussolini; George Bernard Shaw; Adolf Hitler; Johnny Weissmuller; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Bing Crosby; Shirley Temple; Albert Einstein; Arturo Toscanini; Walt Disney; Gary Cooper; James Stewart (Jimmy Stewart); Henry Fonda; John Wayne; James Cagney (Jimmy Cagney); Errol Flynn; Clark Gable; Judy Garland; Greta Garbo; Joan Crawford; Betty Davis; Katharine Hepburn; Cary Grant; Rita Hayworth; Ernest Hemingway; Ingrid Bergman; Orson Welles; Edward VIII; Wallis Simpson; Jesse Owens; Joe Louis; Neville Chamberlain; Joseph Stalin

Episode 4: Winston Churchill; Adolph Hitler; Charles De Gaulle; Charles Lindbergh; Judy Garland; Clark Gable; Vivien Leigh; Charlie Chaplin; Humphrey Bogart; Hirohito; Hideki Tojo; Hermann Goering; Heinrich Himmler; Erwin Rommel; Bernard Montgomery; Louis Mountbatten; Noel Coward; George Formby; Gracie Fields; Laurence Olivier; Vera Lynn; Douglas MacArthur; Bing Crosby; James Stewart (Jimmy Stewart); David Niven; Ronald Reagan; Errol Flynn; Frank Sinatra; Glann Miller; Betty Grable; Rita Hayworth; Fred Astaire; Katharine Hepburn; Spencer Tracy; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Marlene Dietrich; Jimmy Durante; Gary Moore; George S. Patton; Josephine Baker; Jean Paul Sartre; Simone De Beauvoir; Maurice Chevalier; Pablo Picasso; Jean Cocteau; Coco Chanel; Benito Mussolini; Albert Einstein; Joseph Stalin; John Wayne; Liberace

VOL. 3

Episode 5: Lucille Ball; Desi Arnaz (I Love Lucy); Liberace; Queen Elizabeth II; Edmund Hillary; Roger Bannister; Winston Churchill; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Richard Nixon; Joseph McCarthy; Charlie Chaplin; Paul Robeson; Edward R. Murrow; Richard Burton; Sophia Loren; Marilyn Monroe; Brigitte Bardot; Guy Gibson; Richard Todd; Douglas Bader; Kenneth More; Alec Guinness; Alfred Hitchcock; Grace Kelly; Hugh Hefner; Doris Day; Aristotle Onassis; Evita Peron; Juan Manuel Fangio; Stirling Moss; Pablo Picasso; Frank Sinatra; Marlon Brando; James Dean; Bill Haley; Elvis Presley; Nikita Khrushchev; John F. Kennedy

Episode 6: John F. Kennedy; Richard Nixon; Marilyn Monroe; Jacqueline Kennedy (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis); Sean Connery; John Profumo; Christine Keeler; Peter Sellers; Elizabeth Taylor; Ernest Hemingway; Judy Garland; Rudolf Nureyev; Yuri Gagarin; The Beatles; Bob Dylan; Elvis Presley; Marlon Brando; The Rolling Stones; Billy Graham; Maharishi Mahesh Yogi; Che Guevara; Mao Tse Tung (Mao Zedong); Jean Paul Sartre; Simone De Beauvoir; John Wayne; Cassius Clay (Muhammad Ali); Martin Luther King; Lyndon B. Johnson; Robert F. Kennedy; Aristotle Onassis; Charles Manson; Paul Newman; Robert Redford; Andy Warhol; Neil Armstrong; Buzz Aldrin; Michael Collins

VOL. 4

Episode 7: Richard Nixon; Henry Kissinger; Jane Fonda; Bobby Fischer; Olga Korbut; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Marlon Brando; Jack Nicholson; Warren Beatty; Clint Eastwood; Robert De Niro; Raymond Burr; William Conrad; Peter Falk; James Garner; Telly Savalas; The Osmonds; Elvis Presley; Liberace; Frank Sinatra; Grace Kelly; Orson Welles; Salvador Dali; Howard Hughes; The Disaster Movie (Towering Inferno); Robert Vaughn; Richard Chamberlain, Paul Newman; Steve McQueen; Faye Dunaway; Pele; Bjorn Borg; Billie Jean King; Chris Evert; John McEnroe; ABBA; Bruce Lee; David Bowie; Duke Ellington; Baader-Meinhof Group (Baader-Meinhof Gang, Red Army Faction); Andreas Baader; Ulrike Meinhof; Patty Hearst; Idi Amin; Woody Allen; Dustin Hoffman; Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay); Barbra Streisand

Episode 8: Ronald Reagan; Margaret Thatcher; Sylvester Stallone; Larry Hagman; John Lennon; Diana, Princess of Wales; Meryl Streep; Michael Jackson; Joan Collins; Arnold Schwarzenegger; Jane Fonda; Cher; Martina Navratilova; Madonna; John F. Kennedy Jr.; Grace Kelly; Frank Sinatra; Oliver North; Rock Hudson; Liberace; Bob Geldof; Band Aid; Sting; Lech Walesa; Mikhail Gorbachev; Muammar Gaddafi (Muammar Gaddafi, Moamar Kadafi, Moamar Qadafi, Moammar Qadafi); Ayatollah Khomeini; Saddam Hussein; Norman Schwarzkopf; Vladimir Lenin; Mick Jagger; The Rolling Stones; Luciano Pavarotti

#ElvisPresley #ElizabethTaylor #RonaldReagan #Madonna #PopeJohnPaulII #Diana,PrincessofWales #WilliamRandolphHearst #ThomasEdison #QueenVictoria #LeoTolstoy #ArthurConanDoyle #RudyardKipling #EnricoCaruso #TheWrightBros #LouisBleriot #MarieCurie #GreerGarson #TheodoreRoosevelt #FranklinDRoosevelt #DwightDEisenhower #JohnFKennedy #LyndonBJohnson #RichardNixon #GeraldFord #JimmyCarter #BillClinton #BuffaloBill #HarryHoudini #SarahBernhardt #IsadoraDuncan #TheCloseup #TheCloseUp #RoaldAmundsen #RobertFalconScott #JackJohnson #HerbertKitchener #LordKitchener #EdithCavell #MataHari #ManfredvonRichthofen #RedBaron #TELawrence #LawrenceOfArabia #PeterO'Toole #VladimirLenin #HenryFord #MaryPickford #DouglasFairbanks #RudolphValentino #BusterKeaton #CharlieChaplin #RoscoeArbuckle #FattyArbuckle #GretaGarbo #JohnGilbert #CharlesLindbergh #ReneFonck #AlJolson #StanLaurelandOliverHardy #LaurelAndHardy #BabeRuth #JackDempsey #AlCapone #EdwardGRobinson #RodSteiger #JasonRobards #MarlonBrando #AlPacino #RobertDeNiro #LouisArmstrong #DukeEllington #MarleneDietrich #MauriceChevalier #JeanetteMacDonald #NelsonEddy #SigmundFreud #AlbertEinstein #Paris #JosephineBaker #ErnestHemingway #FScottFitzgerald #JamesJoyce #IgorStravinsky #PabloPicasso #CocoChanel #AmyJohnson #MalcolmCampbell #HenrySegrave #DonBradman #MahatmaGandhi #NoelCoward #TheMarxBros #GrouchoMarx #HarpoMarx #JeanHarlow #MaeWest #GeorgeGershwin #FredAstaire #GingerRogers #TheLindberghKidnapping #AdolfHitler #BenitoMussolini #GeorgeBernardShaw #JohnnyWeissmuller #BingCrosby #ShirleyTemple #ArturoToscanini #WaltDisney #GaryCooper #JamesStewart #JimmyStewart #HenryFonda #JohnWayne #JamesCagney #JimmyCagney #ErrolFlynn #ClarkGable #JudyGarland #JoanCrawford #BettyDavis #KatharineHepburn #CaryGrant #RitaHayworth #IngridBergman #OrsonWelles #EdwardVIII #WallisSimpson #JesseOwens #JoeLouis #NevilleChamberlain #JosephStalin #WinstonChurchill #AdolphHitler #CharlesDeGaulle #VivienLeigh #HumphreyBogart #Hirohito #HidekiTojo #HermannGoering #HeinrichHimmler #ErwinRommel #BernardMontgomery #LouisMountbatten #GeorgeFormby #GracieFields #LaurenceOlivier #VeraLynn #DouglasMacArthur #DavidNiven #FrankSinatra #GlannMiller #BettyGrable #SpencerTracy #JimmyDurante #GaryMoore #GeorgeSPatton #JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #JeanCocteau #Liberace #LucilleBall #DesiArnaz #ILoveLucy #QueenElizabethII #EdmundHillary #RogerBannister #JosephMcCarthy #PaulRobeson #EdwardRMurrow #RichardBurton #SophiaLoren #MarilynMonroe #BrigitteBardot #GuyGibson #RichardTodd #DouglasBader #KennethMore #AlecGuinness #AlfredHitchcock #GraceKelly #HughHefner #DorisDay #AristotleOnassis #EvitaPeron #JuanManuelFangio #StirlingMoss #JamesDean #BillHaley #NikitaKhrushchev #JacquelineKennedy #JacquelineKennedyOnassis #SeanConnery #JohnProfumo #ChristineKeeler #PeterSellers #RudolfNureyev #YuriGagarin #TheBeatles #BobDylan #TheRollingStones #BillyGraham #MaharishiMaheshYogi #CheGuevara #MaoTseTung #MaoZedong #CassiusClay #MuhammadAli #MartinLutherKing #RobertFKennedy #CharlesManson #PaulNewman #RobertRedford #AndyWarhol #NeilArmstrong #BuzzAldrin #MichaelCollins #HenryKissinger #JaneFonda #BobbyFischer #OlgaKorbut #AleksandrSolzhenitsyn #JackNicholson #WarrenBeatty #ClintEastwood #RaymondBurr #WilliamConrad #PeterFalk #JamesGarner #TellySavalas #TheOsmonds #SalvadorDali #HowardHughes #TheDisasterMovie #ToweringInferno #RobertVaughn #RichardChamberlain,PaulNewman #SteveMcQueen #FayeDunaway #Pele #BjornBorg #BillieJeanKing #ChrisEvert #JohnMcEnroe #ABBA #BruceLee #DavidBowie #BaaderMeinhofGroup #BaaderMeinhofGang,RedArmyFaction #AndreasBaader #UlrikeMeinhof #PattyHearst #IdiAmin #WoodyAllen #DustinHoffman #BarbraStreisand #MargaretThatcher #SylvesterStallone #LarryHagman #JohnLennon #MerylStreep #MichaelJackson #JoanCollins #ArnoldSchwarzenegger #Cher #MartinaNavratilova #JohnFKennedyJr. #OliverNorth #RockHudson #BobGeldof #BandAid #Sting #LechWalesa #MikhailGorbachev #MuammarGaddafi #MoamarKadafi #MoamarQadafi #MoammarQadafi #AyatollahKhomeini #SaddamHussein #NormanSchwarzkopf #MickJagger #LucianoPavarotti

Fame is the quality of being well-known and in the public eye. Celebrities are famous by definition.

Celebrity is a condition of fame and broad public recognition of an individual or group, or occasionally a character or animal, as a result of the attention given to them by mass media. A person may attain a celebrity status from having great wealth, their participation in sports or the entertainment industry, their position as a political figure, or even from their connection to another celebrity. 'Celebrity' usually implies a favorable public image, as opposed to the neutrals 'famous' or 'notable', or the negatives 'infamous' and 'notorious'.

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