
American World War II Aviation Films WWII Aircraft DVD 2 Discs

  • Model: 1093


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Four Full Hours Of The Air War History Of World War II Packed Into 12 Documentary Films, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An Archival Quality 2 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set!

* 6/25/24: Updated With WAR CRONICLES: AIR WAR OVER ASIA!

* 8/29/19: Updated And Upgraded: Updated With WAR STORIES: AIRMEN OF WORLD WAR II, With All Other Videos Newly Redigitized In High Quality 9 Mbps DVD Video For Improved Image And Audio Quality!


WAR STORIES: AIRMEN OF WORLD WAR II (Color, 1991, 51 Minutes)
Distinguished American television journalist and World War II Navy veteran Edwin Newman leads this journey through the history of US air power throughout all military theaters of operation and in all three main military brances, with particular focus on the men and the missions flown by those who participated in them by way of exclusive interviews and insightful commentary throughout.

Eminent American actor Patrick O'Neal narrates this survey of the entire span of events involved in the American bombing effort of the European Theater of World War II, from Ploesti to Schweinfurt, from Regensburg to the transformative arrival of the P-51 long-range fighter, to the fall of Germany.

WAR CHRONICLES: AIR WAR OVER ASIA (Color, 1985, 23 Minutes)
Eminent American actor Patrick O'Neal narrates this survey of the uneven contest between the superior combat aircraft of Imperial Japan and the backward United States aircraft of the early days of the Asia-Pacific War, and the eventual reversal of this state of affairs that resulted in the devastation and capitulation of the Japanese Empire.

ALL AMERICAN (Black/White, 1943, 27:27)
A cavalcade of films produced by the Army Signal Corps to promote the achievements of the Army Air Force to America's industrial labor force. Includes an overview of the USAAF rank and file; fighter pilots in the Aleutians and the South Pacific; a bombing raid on Wegesak, Germany; air transport; more.

A lively animation illustrating how good camoflague techniques can be employed to protect a far-flung airfield from attack.

CURTISS-WRIGHT "MINUTE MOVIES" (7) (Black/White, 1944, 8:58)
Advertisments produced for the recruitment of labor to work in Curtiss-Wright Aeronautical plants during the war. Some of them are introduced by the great Lowell Thomas, and all show the facilities, work stations, neighborhoods & issues associate in order to entice workers from their current work to their state-of-the-art facilities.

THE FIGHT FOR THE SKY (Black/White, 1944, 19:07)
Future American President Ronald Reagan narrates this overview of air combat over Fortress Europe between American P-51 Mustangs, P-47 Thunderbolts and even the twin-tailed P-38 Lightning and the ME-109 Messerschmidts and F-190 Focke Wulfes of the German Luftwaffe. Filled with stunning gun camera footage of aerial combat.

A World War II era expose of the renowned aircraft manufacturer's unclassified production techniques and their employment in the past in civil aviation and in the present in military aviation.

PARATROOPS (Black/White, 1944, 9:05)
An interservice recruitment film touting the bold achievements of American's fighting paratroopers.

An Army Air Force training film starring Ronald Reagan as a fledgling fighter pilot.

SPECIAL DELIVERY (Black/White, 1946, 11:49)
The delivery system's what's featured here in this retrospective of the bombers of the Army Air Force, culminating in the Bikini Atoll atomic bomb tests. Includes footage of the flying wing too!

TARGET INVISIBLE (Black/White, 1945, 8:24)
Airborne microwave radar was, after the atomic bomb, the most important technological advantage the Allies had developed during World War II. This film demonstrates just how this system operated and was used during a dramatization of a bombing mission over the Japanese mainland.

Aviation In World War II: During World War II, aviation firmly established itself as a critical component of modern warfare from the Battle of Britain in the early stages to the great aircraft carrier battles between American and Japanese Pacific fleets and the final delivery of nuclear weapons. The major combatants - Germany and Japan on the one side and Britain, the United States and the USSR on the other - manufactured huge air forces which engaged in pitched battles both with each other and with the opposing ground forces. Bombing established itself as a major strategic force, and this was also the first war in which the aircraft carrier played a significant role. As with Aviation in World War I, military investment during World War II drove aviation forward in leaps and bounds. The streamlined cantilever monoplane quickly proved its worth in almost every role, although a few older biplanes remained in niche roles for much of the war. Engine power and aircraft performance increased steadily, with jet and rocket engines beginning to make their appearance by the end of the war. Avionics systems increased in sophistication and became more widespread, including power-assisted flight controls, blind flying instrumentation, radio communications and radar tracking. The development of civil aviation stagnated until peace could be restored, and in the combatant countries many existing civilian aircraft were pressed into military service. However military technologies developed during the war would revolutionise postwar aviation. In particular, the widespread construction of aerodromes with serviceable runways would provide the basis for a postwar move of long-range passenger flights from flying boats to landplanes.

Air Warfare Of World War II: Air warfare was a major component in all theaters of World War II, and, together with anti-aircraft warfare, consumed a large fraction of the industrial output of the major powers. Germany and Japan depended on air forces that were closely integrated with land and naval forces; the Axis powers downplayed the advantage of fleets of strategic bombers, and were late in appreciating the need to defend against Allied strategic bombing. By contrast, Britain and the United States took an approach that greatly emphasised strategic bombing, and (to a lesser degree) tactical control of the battlefield by air, as well as adequate air defences. Both Britain and the U.S. built a substantially larger strategic forces of large, long-range bombers. Simultaneously, they built tactical air forces that could win air superiority over the battlefields, thereby giving vital assistance to ground troops. The U.S. and Royal Navy also built a powerful naval-air component based on aircraft carriers, as did the Japanese; these played the central role in the war at sea.

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