
Strategic Air Command DVD Jimmy Stewart June Allyson Movie

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When An Air Force Reserve Veteran Pilot Of A 20th Bomber Command B-29 Is Recalled To Service To Transform His Bombing Skills From Flying Combat Missions Over Japan Into Nuclear Bomber Aviation And Command During The Cold War, He Sacrifices His Personal Life, His Professional Baseball Career And His Dexterity - But Must He Also Sacrifice His Marriage? Beautiful VistaVision Color Footage Of High Aerial Adventure, Convair B-36 Peacemakers, Boeing B-47 Stratojets And Celebrity Icons Jimmy Stewart, June Allyson, Frank Lovejoy, Harry Morgan And More, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (VistaVision Color, 1955, 1 Hour 52 Minutes.) #StrategicAirCommandFilm #StrategicAirCommand #SAC #JamesStewart #JuneAllyson #FrankLovejoy #HarryMorgan #ConvairB36Peacemaker #ConvairB36 #B36 #Peacemaker #Convair #BoeingB47Stratojet #BoeingB47 #B47 #Stratojet #SACHistory #USAFHistory #StrategicBombers #NuclearBombers #NuclearWeapons #IntercontinentalAircraft #IntercontinentalBombers #NuclearWeaponsDeliveryVehicle #UnitedStatesAirForce #USAF #Aviation #AviationHistory #HistoryOfAviation #HistoryOfFlight #MilitaryAircraft #Movies #Film #MotionPictures #Cinema #Hollywood #AmericanCinema #CinemaOfTheUS #DVD

Anthony Mann

Beirne Lay Jr. (Story And Screenplay) Valentine Davies (Screenplay),

James Stewart ... Lt. Col. Robert 'Dutch' Holland
June Allyson ... Sally Holland
Frank Lovejoy ... Gen. Ennis C. Hawkes
Barry Sullivan ... Lt. Col. Rocky Samford
Alex Nicol ... Ike Knowland
Bruce Bennett ... Gen. Espy
Jay C. Flippen ... Tom Doyle
James Millican ... Maj. Gen. 'Rusty' Castle
James Bell ... Rev. Dr. Thorne
Rosemary DeCamp ... Mrs. Thorne
Richard Shannon ... Flight Instructor Pilot
John McKee ... Capt. Symington
Harry Morgan ... Sgt. Bible (flight engineer) (as Henry Morgan)

Strategic Air Command (Film) is a 1955 American military aviation film starring James Stewart and June Allyson, directed by Anthony Mann, and released by Paramount Pictures. It was the first of four Hollywood films that depicted the role of the Strategic Air Command in the Cold War era. Strategic Air Command was the second film released in Paramount's new widescreen format, VistaVision, in color by Technicolor and Perspecta pseudo-stereo sound. It would also be Stewart and Mann's eighth and final collaboration and the last of three films that paired Jimmy Stewart and June Allyson, the others being The Stratton Story and The Glenn Miller Story.

Strategic Air Command (SAC) was both a United States Department of Defense (DoD) Specified Command and a United States Air Force (USAF) Major Command (MAJCOM), responsible for Cold War command and control of two of the three components of the U.S. military's strategic nuclear strike forces, the so-called "nuclear triad", with SAC having control of land-based strategic bomber aircraft and intercontinental ballistic missiles or ICBMs (the third leg of the triad being submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM) of the U.S. Navy). SAC also operated all strategic reconnaissance aircraft, all strategic airborne command post aircraft, and all USAF aerial refueling aircraft, to include those in the Air Force Reserve (AFRES) and Air National Guard (ANG). However, SAC did not operate the KB-50, WB-50 and WB-47 weather reconnaissance aircraft operated through the mid and late 1960s by the Air Weather Service, nor did SAC operate the HC-130 or MC-130 operations aircraft capable of aerial refueling helicopters that were assigned to Tactical Air Command (TAC), then Military Airlift Command (MAC), and from 1990 onward, those MC-130 aircraft operated by the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC), or any AFRES (now Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)) or ANG tactical aerial refueling aircraft (e.g., HC-130, MC-130) operationally gained by TAC, MAC or AFSOC. SAC primarily consisted of the Second Air Force (2AF), Eighth Air Force (8AF) and the Fifteenth Air Force (15AF), while SAC headquarters (HQ SAC) included Directorates for Operations & Plans, Intelligence, Command & Control, Maintenance, Training, Communications, and Personnel. At a lower echelon, SAC headquarters divisions included Aircraft Engineering, Missile Concept, and Strategic Communications. In 1992, as part of an overall post-Cold War reorganization of the U.S. Air Force, SAC was disestablished as both a Specified Command and as a MAJCOM, and its personnel and equipment redistributed among the Air Combat Command (ACC), Air Mobility Command (AMC), Pacific Air Forces (PACAF), United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE), and Air Education and Training Command (AETC), while SAC's central headquarters complex at Offutt AFB, Nebraska was concurrently transferred to the newly created United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), which was established as a joint Unified Combatant Command to replace SAC's Specified Command role. In 2009, SAC's previous USAF MAJCOM role was reactivated and redesignated as the Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC), with AFGSC eventually acquiring claimancy and control of all USAF bomber aircraft and the USAF strategic ICBM force.

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