
The Light Stuff DVD The World's Record Human Powered Flight

  • Model: 1222


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As-It-Happened Real Time Documentation Of The World's Record For Human Powered Flight In The MIT Daedalus, Set By Kanellos Kanellopoulos On April 23, 1988, Of 3 Hours 54 Minutes 59 Seconds From Heraklion, Crete To Santorini Island, Greece, And The All-Important MIT Science Project And Team Of Engineers And Athletes Behind It! *Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1988, 59 Minutes.) #MITDaedalus #Daedalus88 #HumanPoweredAircraft #HPAs #HumanPoweredFlight #ManPoweredFlight #ManPoweredAircraft #HumanPoweredTransport #KanellosKanellopoulos #Daedalus #Heraklion #Crete #SantoriniIsland #Greece #MIT #MITLincolnLaboratory #HanscomField #Aircraft #Aviation #AviationHistory #HistoryOfAviation #HistoryOfFlight #DVD

MIT Daedalus: The MIT Aeronautics And Astronautics Department's Daedalus was a human-powered aircraft whose flight holds the official FAI world records for total distance, straight-line distance, and duration for human-powered aircraft. The craft was named after the mythological inventor of aviation, Daedalus, and was inspired by the Greek myth of Daedalus' escape from Crete using manmade wings. There were actually three aircraft constructed: 1) Light Eagle (originally Michelob Light Eagle): a 42 kg (92 lb) prototype; 2) Daedalus 87: Crashed during testing at Rogers Dry Lake (NASA Dryden Flight Research Center) on February 17, 1988, and was rebuilt as a backup; and 3) Daedalus 88: Flew from Crete to just off the beach on Santorini. Both Daedalus 87 and Daedalus 88' weighed 31 kg (69 lb). All three aircraft were constructed at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Flight Facility at Hanscom Field outside Boston, Massachusetts, by a team of undergraduate students, faculty, and recent graduates of MIT.

Human-Powered Aircraft (HPAs) are aircraft belonging to the class of vehicles known as human-powered vehicles. Early attempts at human-powered flight were unsuccessful because of the difficulty of achieving the high power-to-weight ratio. Prototypes often used ornithopter principles which were not only too heavy to meet this requirement but aerodynamically unsatisfactory. Human-powered aircraft have been successfully flown over considerable distances. However, they are still primarily constructed as engineering challenges rather than for any kind of recreational or utilitarian purpose.

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