
Top Secret: U.S. Navy Dolphins Declassified DVD


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The U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program (NMMP), The Military Use Of Marine Mammals - Principally Bottlenose Dolphins And California Sea Lions - To Perform Ship And Harbor Protection, Mine Detection And Clearance, And Equipment Recovery, And Used In Combat Zones Such As The Vietnam War And The Iraq War - A Documentary Exploration By Bill Kurtis, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1993, 58 Minutes). #USNavyMarineMammalProgram #NMMP #MilitaryUseOfSeaMammals #MilitaryUseOfMarineMammals #MilitaryUseOfAnimals #Dolphins #NavyDolphins #USNavyDolphins #SeaLions #NavySeaLions #USNavySeaLions #ShipProtection #HarbotProtection #MineDetection #MineClearance #EquipmentRecovery #VietnamWar #IraqWar #SeaMammals #DVD

A Military Marine Mammal is a cetacean or pinniped that has been trained for military uses. Examples include bottlenose dolphins, seals, sea lions and belugas. The United States and Soviet militaries have trained and employed oceanic dolphins for various uses. Military marine mammals have been trained to rescue lost naval swimmers, guard navy ships against enemy divers, locate mines for later clearance by divers, and aid in location and recovery of equipment lost on the seabed. The U.S. Navy trains dolphins and sea lions under the U.S. Navy Marine Mammal Program, which is based in San Diego, California. They get some of their dolphins from the Gulf of Mexico. Military dolphins were used by the U.S. Navy during the First and Second Gulf Wars, and their use dates back to the Vietnam War. About 75 dolphins were in the program circa 2007, and around 70 dolphins and 30 sea lions were reported to be in the program in 2019. The United States Navy implemented a program in 1960 to work with dolphins and sea lions in order to help with defense, mine detection, and the design of new submarines and new underwater weapons. The Navy did many tests with several marine mammals to determine which would be best for the jobs they needed done, with "more than 19 species...including some sharks and birds" tested, though the bottlenose dolphin and California sea lion were considered the best at what the Navy needed them for. The bottlenose dolphins' asset was their highly evolved biosonar, helping to find underwater mines, and the sea lions' asset was their impeccable underwater vision, which can help to detect enemy swimmers. In fiscal year 2007, the United States Navy spent $14 million on research on marine mammals as weapons and marine mammal training programs in object recovery and mine detection and have 75 trained dolphins. Dolphins have contributed to saving more lives in open water than specially trained life savers. In 2005, there were press reports that some U.S. military dolphins based on Lake Pontchartrain had escaped during the Hurricane Katrina flooding. The U.S. Navy dismissed these stories as nonsense or a hoax, though they may be taking on the status of an urban myth.

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