
Wings Over The Gulf DVD Persian Gulf War Aviation 2 Disc Set

  • Model: 2158


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The Airplanes Of Operation Desert Storm And Their Achievements In The Liberation Of Kuwait During The Persian Gulf War (Color, 1992, 3 Episodes Of 46 Minutes Each.) PLUS Bonus Title: AIR SHOW: FLYING INTO DESERT STORM, A Comprehensive Survey Produced By Aviation Week Of Each And Every Plane Flown By Both Sides Of The Conflict (Color, 1992, 47 Minutes), Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In A 2 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set! #OperationDesertStorm #PersianGulfWar #GulfWar #GulfWarI #Aviation #MilitaryAviation #Iraq #Kuwait #FighterPlanes #AttackPlanes #StealthPlanes #AviationHistory #MilitaryAviation #DVD

* 4/12/19: Updated With AIR SHOW: FLYING INTO DESERT STORM, A Comprehensive Survey Produced By Aviation Week Of Each And Every Plane Flown By Both Sides Of The Conflict!


Epi. 1: The F-15 Eagle and F-117 Nighthawk

Epi. 2: The Panavia Tornado and A-6 Intruder


Epi. 3: The F-16 Fighting Falcon and A-10 Thunderbolt II ("Warthog")

Bonus Title: Air Show: Flying Into Desert Storm

The Gulf War Air Campaign: The Air Campaign Of The Gulf War, also known as the 1991 Bombing Of Iraq, was an extensive aerial bombing campaign from January 17, 1991 to February 23, 1991. The Coalition of the Gulf War flew over 100,000 sorties, dropping 88,500 tons of bombs, widely destroying military and civilian infrastructure. The air campaign was commanded by USAF Lieutenant General Chuck Horner, who briefly served as Commander-in-Chief-Forward of U.S. Central Command while General Schwarzkopf was still in the United States. The British air commanders were Air Vice-Marshal Andrew Wilson (to November 17, 1990) and Air Vice-Marshal Bill Wratten (from 17 November). The air campaign had largely finished by February 23, 1991 when the coalition invasion of Kuwait took place. The initial strikes were carried out by Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships situated in the Persian Gulf, by F-117A Nighthawk stealth bombers with an armament of laser-guided smart bombs, and by F-4G Wild Weasel aircraft as well as F/A-18 Hornet aircraft armed with HARM (High Speed Anti-Radiation) anti-radar missiles. These first attacks allowed F-14, F-15, F-16, and F/A-18 fighter bombers to gain air superiority over Iraq and then continue to drop TGM-guided and laser-guided bombs. Armed with a GAU-8 rotary cannon and infrared-imaging or optically guided Maverick missiles, A-10 Thunderbolts bombed and destroyed Iraqi armored forces, supporting the advance of US ground troops. Marine Corps close air support AV-8B Harriers employed their 25mm rotary cannon, Mavericks, cluster munitions, and napalm against the Iraqi dug-in forces to pave the way forward for the Marines breaching Saddam's defenses. The AH-64 Apache and AH-1 Cobra attack helicopters fired laser-guided Hellfire missiles and TOW missiles which were guided to tanks by ground observers or by scout helicopters, such as the OH-58D Kiowa. The Coalition air fleet also made use of the E-3A Airborne Warning and Control Systems and of a fleet of B-52 bombers.

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