
John L. Lewis DVD United Mine Workers AFL CIO

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John L. Lewis, The Great American Liberal Lion And Labor Leader President Of The United Mine Workers Of America From 1920 To 1960 Who Founded The Congress Of Industrial Organizations (CIO) That Established The United Steel Workers Of America And Enfranchized Millions More Industrial Workers With The Benefits Of Union Membership, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Black/White, 1962, 24 Minutes.) #JohnLLewis #CongressOfIndustrialOrganizations #CIO #UnitedMineWorkersOfAmerica #UMW #UnitedSteelWorkersOfAmerica #USW #AmericanFederationOfLabor #AFL #Liberals #Isolationists #Strikes #TradeUnions #LaborUnions #TradeUnions #Unions #DVD

John L. Lewis, American miner and organized labor union leader (February 12, 1880 - June 11, 1969) who served as president of the United Mine Workers of America (UMW) from 1920 to 1960, was born John Llewellyn Lewis in Cleveland, Lucas County, Iowa. A major player in the history of coal mining, he was the driving force behind the founding of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), which established the United Steel Workers of America and helped organize millions of other industrial workers in the 1930s. After resigning as head of the CIO in 1941, he took the Mine Workers out of the CIO in 1942 and in 1944 took the union into the American Federation of Labor (AFL). A leading liberal, he played a major role in helping Franklin D. Roosevelt win a landslide in 1936, but as an isolationist, broke with Roosevelt in 1940 on FDR's anti-Nazi foreign policy. Lewis was a brutally effective and aggressive fighter and strike leader who gained high wages for his membership while steamrolling over his opponents, including the United States government. Lewis was one of the most controversial and innovative leaders in the history of labor, gaining credit for building the industrial unions of the CIO into a political and economic powerhouse to rival the AFL, yet was widely hated by calling for nationwide coal strikes which critics believed damaging to the American economy and war effort. His massive leonine head, forest-like eyebrows, firmly set jaw, powerful voice and ever-present scowl thrilled his supporters, angered his enemies, and delighted cartoonists. Coal miners for 40 years hailed him as their leader, whom they credited with bringing high wages, pensions and medical benefits. Lewis retired to his family home, the Lee-Fendall House in Alexandria, Virginia, where he had lived since 1937. He lived there until his death on June 11, 1969. His passing elicited many kind words and fond remembrances, even from former rivals. "He was my personal friend," wrote Reuben Soderstrom, the President of the Illinois AFL-CIO, who had once lambasted Lewis as an "imaginative windbag," upon news of his death. Lewis, he said, would forever be remembered for "making almost a half million poorly paid and poorly protected coal miners the best paid and best protected miners in all the world." He is buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, Illinois.

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