The Old Time Radio History MP3 DVD MegaSet

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The Entire Surviving Broadcasts Of 9 Classic Series Plus Three Of Our Own Renowned Historical Audio Titles!

Adventures In Research | Audio History - The Digital Record | Campaigning & The Presidency | Cavalcade Of America | Destination Freedom | General Douglas MacArthur Speeches | NBC University Of The Air | New World A'Comin' | President Richard Nixon Speeches | On The Edge Of Two Eras: The Entire WJSV Broadcast Day 9/21/39 | Priest Of The Airwaves: Father Coughlin | Romance Of The Ranchos | You Are There!

440 Hours Packed Into 1349 MP3s Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 DVD! #TwentiethCenturyHistory #20thCenturyHistory #NinteenthCenturyHistory #19thCenturyHistory #WorldHistory #History #AudioHistory #SoundRecordings #Radio #RadioBroadcasts #AdventuresInResearch #CampaigningAndThePresidency #CavalcadeOfAmerica #DestinationFreedom #DouglasMacArthur #NBCUniversityOfTheAir #NewWorldAComin #RichardNixon #WJSV #FatherCoughlin #RomanceOfTheRanchos #YouAreThere #MP3 #DVD


The 1944-54 Celebration Of "Yankee Ingenuity" - 46 Quarter Hour Episodes!

Adv In Research - 441121 095 History Of 1st Regular Radio Broadcast | Adv In Research - 441128 096 Eyes and Ears for Millions Pt 2 of | Adv In Research - 451016 142 Tribute to George Westinghouse | Adv In Research - 460516 173 1869 George Westinghouse | Adv In Research - 460702 180 1825 Electronics In Communications | Adv In Research - 460709 181 Electronics In Transportation | Adv In Research - 460730 184 King Of Clocks | Adv In Research - 460806 185 The Paper Invention That Worked | Adv In Research - 460813 186 Golden Jubilee | Adv In Research - 460820 187 First American Patent | Adv In Research - 460827 188 Typewriter History | Adv In Research - 460903 189 Science In Recreation | Adv In Research - 460910 190 Story Of Metal | Adv In Research - 460917 191 1782 Birth Of The Balloon | Adv In Research - 461008 194 1876 Dynamite | Adv In Research - 461015 195 1941 So Far | Adv In Research - 461022 196 1946 Hurricane Maker | Adv In Research - 461029 197 1946 Oil From Shale | Adv In Research - 461105 198 1866 Cash Register | Adv In Research - 461112 199 1846 Uncle Sams Attic | Adv In Research - 461119 200 Toothpowder Mountain | Adv In Research - 461126 201 1891 Gustave Dalen | Adv In Research - 461203 202 1894 Sting Of Death | Adv In Research - 461210 203 The Dread Scourge Typhus | Adv In Research - 461231 206 Time Through The Ages | Adv In Research - 470107 207 Beauty In Clay | Adv In Research - 470114 208 Plague Tradegy | Adv In Research - 470121 209 Man Of Destiny | Adv In Research - 470128 210 The Rain Wizard | Adv In Research - 470204 211 Stone That Gave Light | Adv In Research - 470211 212 The Perfect Clock | Adv In Research - 470218 213 The Golden Mold | Adv In Research - 470225 214 The Lost Chemical | Adv In Research - 470304 215 The Modern Road | Adv In Research - 521209 514 Dirty Hands | Adv In Research - 540119 572 The Immigrant Inventor | Adv In Research - 540511 588 And Then the Night | Adv In Research - 540525 590 Fight Against Fire | Adv In Research - 540601 591 The King of Ice | Adv In Research - 540608 592 I Scream, You Scream | Adv In Research - 540615 593 Yesterday's Secret Weapon | Adv In Research - 540622 594 The Man Who Found a Continent | Adv In Research - 540629 595 Mariah Coventry | Adv In Research - 540706 596 A Piece of Silk | Adv In Research - 540914 606 The Recluse of Fitzroy Square | Adv In Research - 540921 607 Victory in the Desert

17 Hours Packed Into 432 MP3s! This collection spans the globe to document the world's audio records to present key moments of the first true media age that is the twentieth century, preserved for posterity in carefully restored & digitally enhanced MP3 audio!

''GodBlessAmerica''CongressionalLeadershipBriefing0728PMEST20010911 | ''IDon'tBelieveInPrivateProperty''People'sParkSanFrancisco | 1956 RNC - ''Four More Years'' | ABCCC | Adlai Stevenson 52 Campaign -''You Are Americans'' | AFRSSaigon631102-CoupCurfew | AFVN-'GoodMorningVietnam!'AdrianCronauer | AFVN-54_AM_99.9_FM_ID | AFVN-ID&MailCallPSA | AFVN-MovieSchedules | AFVN-StationID&ChieuHoiProgram | AFVN - Chu Hoi Program PSA | AFVN - Chu Hoi Program | AFVN - South Vietnamese Radio | AFVN - USO Ad | AFVNBlooper-DejaVueAllOverAgain | AFVNBlooper-ThereWereThey | Agnew Resigns | AlgerHiss-'IAmNot&NeverHaveBeen' | Americanism_FDR_1920 | Apollo 10-Liftoff | Apollo 4 (SaturnV 1st Flight) - Cronkeit Amazed | Apollo 8-Borman''LayReads'' | Apollo 8-Liftoff | Apollo 8 - 1st Closeup Account Of Moon's Surface | Apollo11-'OneSmallStep' | Apollo11Launch | Apollo11MoonLanding | Apollo11PhoneCall | Apollo13-'Houston,WeHaveAProblem' | Apollo13Launch | Attorney Gen. Katzenbach 19630611 - Attempts Admittance of Black Students To UoA, Confronts Gov. Wallace | BabeRuthSaysGoodbyeToBaseball | Barry Goldwater - ''Extremism In Defense Of Liberty'' 1964 Republican Convention | BBC Radio Newsreel 450509 - V-Day in Dachau | Benes_prepares_for_war | Billy Murray - Bunker Hill 1905_x09 | Billy Sunday - The Return of the Saloon | BullConner6304-'BobbySoxer'Kennedy | Calvin Coolidge - Free Enterprise | Capt.SamGracio1944OnBataanDeathMarch | CaseyStengelCongressionalTestimony | Castro_Ambition_1959 | CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite - Beginning of First 30 minute Broadcast | Chamberlain 3903 - Declares Britain willing to war if necessary | Charles Bramm - Eyewitness Account Of JFK's Assassination | Charles Lindberg 270611 - Reception Washington DC - NBC's Graham MacNamee Reporting | Churchill-'IHaveNotAlwaysBeenWrong' | Churchill-LendLease'MostUnsordidAct' | Churchill-Riddle,Mystery,Enigma | Churchill 1931 - All Smith ''As High As I'll Ever Be'' Atop Empire State Bldg | Churchill 1940 - Gen. Georing Say Great Britain Has Been Spared | Churchill 1946 US Speaking Tour - Risk In Having Him Speak | Churchill 381016 - Broadcast to US - ''We Must Arm!'' | Churchill 450508 MinistryOfHealthBldg | Churchill Christmas Message 411224 | Churchill to US 410616 | Churchill Westminster College 460305 - TheSinewsOfPeaceAKAIronCurtainSpeech | Churchill_411110 | Churchill_on_HMS_Prince_of_Wales | Churchill_to_France | Churchill191811-'WinTheGreatPeace' | Churchill341116 | Churchill430630_'ReapingTheWhirlwind' | Churchill80thBirthday541130-'TheRoar!' | ChurchillAsLiberalAttacksConservativeTaxation1909 | ChurchillOffersToRun1950 | ChurchillOnFinnishResistanceToSovietInvasion | ChurchillOnWriting | ChurchillUS490331-'WarOfNerves' | ChurchillZurichSummer46-UnitedStatesOfEurope | Col. Sanders - He Does Nothin' Right | DavidDellinger671021'Bayonet' | Dawn_Buster_Opening_Welcome | DD01-Montgomery_060544 | DD05-CBSBobTrout-GermansAnnounceD-DayBegun0200ET440606 | DD07-CBSBobTroutReadsONIBulletin,SHAEFCommunique#1-0331ET440606 | DD11-JohnW.VanDerCookCAN-''TheInvasionOfWesternEuropeHasBegun'' | DD21-D-DayPrayerFromCBS''SecondHusband''440606 | DD22-DeGaulle'sD-DayBroadcastToFrance | Dies_'Nazi_Bolshevism_Soviet_Fascism' | E. R. Murrow 421224 | E. R. Murrow 430730 - Hamburg Raid | E. R. Murrow 440606 Approx.1845ET | E. R. Murrow 450415 - Buchenwald Broadcast | E. R. Murrow 450808 - USSR Declares War on Japan | Earl Long - I Want To Be Governor On The Up And Up! | EarlSpencer'sEulogyOfHisSisterDianaPrincessOfWales | Edison Amusement Park Advertisement Cylinders (date unknown) | Edison Diamond Disc Demonstration Record (date unknown) | Edison_-_Light's_Golden_Jubilee | EdwardKennedyOnRFKAssassination | Eisenhower's_D-Day_broadcast_to_Western_Europe | Eisenhower - ''Sensation-Seeking Columnists And Commentators'' 1964 Republican National Convention | Eisenhower 61 - Farewell Address aka Military Industrial Complex Speech | EisenhowerAwardsAlliedShieldToPeopleOfParis | EisenhowerOnVietnamWar1953 | EisenhowerReactsToJFKAssassination631122 | Eleanor_Roosevelt's_radio_show_120741 | Empire Builders - Armistice Day 301111 | End_of_Graf_Spee | Eric Leinsdorf Boston Symphony - JFK Dead | EugeneMcCarthy68-WhyHeRan | FatherCharlesE.Coughlin33-'RooseveltOrRuin' | FDR-1933InauguralAddress | FDR-SOTUA410106-'4Freedoms' | FDR - War Declaration 411208 | FDR Fiftieth Anniversary of Statue of Liberty 1936.10.28 | FDR_1940_Democratic_Convention | FDR_Arsenel_of_Democracy | FDROnRussiansJustAfterYalta | Field Marshal Montgomery - V-E Day Message 450508 | ForrestalOnIwoJima | Franklin D Roosevelt - Inaugural Address 1933.03.04 | Fred Waring WEAF (Later WNBC NY) - Atomic Bomb News Flash Show | French Reportage of the Enthronement of Pope Pius XII 390312 | FrenchNationalRadio(English)ResumesTransmissions440815 | From_the_Battlefields_of_France_by_Blackjack_Pershing | Fulbright68'DivisionOfOpinion'OnVietnam | Gemini7-''Bogey'' | Gen.MacArthur'sResignationSpeech510419 | Gen.MontgomeryTo8thArmy4210 | Gen.WainwrightBroadcastsSurrenderOrder420506 | Gen.WestmorelandDay2OfTetOffensive | General Jacob L. Devers - V-E Day Message 450508 | GeneralSlim-''TheRoadsFromMandalay''450321 | Glenn-''WhatDidTheySay,John'' | Glenn-NYCParadeSpeech | Gov. Earl Long - Announces Intention To Divorce | Gov. Earl Long - Campaign Speech For 4th Term As Governor of Louisiana | Gov. Earl Long 19590526 Louisana State Legislature - ''Sleep With A Niggerwoman'' | Gov. Earl Long 19590526 Louisana State Legislature - Uncle Killed By A ''Niggerman'' | Gov. Earl Long Pays ''Respect'' To A State Senator's ''Exposure'' | Graf_Spee_News_Bulletin | GroverCleveland1892-'PoliticalIndependence' | GT-03-650603Liftoff | GT-04-EdWhite'sSpaceWalk | GT-05-CallFromLBJ | GT-06A-1stLiftoffAttempt | GT-06A-SantaClaus | GT-06A&-07-Rendezvous | GT-06A&-07Rendezvous | GT-12-Aldrin,Momento,Vet'sDay,Army-Navy | Guiliani010916-''ThisWasNewYorkCity'sWorstWeek'' | Hanoi_Hannah | HeadlineEdition530515 | HenryCabotLodge-''AMongrelBanner'' | HenryFordOnHerbertHoover | Historic Boxing Matches_-_35-09-24_-_Joe_Louis_vs_Max_Baer | Historic Boxing Matches_-_36-08-18_-_Joe_Louis_vs_Jack_Sharkey | Historic Boxing Matches_-_48-06-10_-_Tony_Zale_vs_Rocky_Graziano | Historic Boxing Matches_-_48-06-25_-_Joe_Louis_vs_Jersey_Joe_Walcott | Historic Boxing Matches_-_52-03-26_-_Chuck_Davey_vs_Ike_Williams | Historic Boxing Matches_-_53-10-21_-_Randy_Turpin_vs_Bobo_Olsen | Historic Boxing Matches_-_60-06-20_-_Ingemar_Johanssen_vs_Floyd_Patterson | Howard Cosell - The Greatest Professionals | HowardHughesVsMichiganSen.HomerFergusonSenateWarInvestigatingCommittee | HowardKSmithInRome-1948ItalianElectionResults | HowdyDoodyBloopy | Hubert Humphrey on Nixon 1968 | HubertHumphreyNASCChairman650531-Space&''TheWizardWar'' | Huey Long - ''Samples'' A Drink #1 | Huey Long - ''Samples'' A Drink #2 | Huey Long - 4% Own 85% | Huey Long - Arranges Release Of Every Man A King | Huey Long - Bring Back That Grub | Huey Long - Economic Slavery | Huey Long - Election Between High Papalorum and Low Popahirum | Huey Long - Income Limits | Huey Long - Share The Wealth | Huey Long - What The Can Do, What They Can't Do | Huey Long 1934 - Attacks New Orleans Mayor T. Semmes Walmsley's Administration | HueyLong'ShareTheWealth'34-'Barbeque' | HueyLong-AcronymsOfFDR | Humphrey-'WeMeanToStickItOut'Saigon6710 | Humphrey68Campaign'BiggestElectionSurprise' | Humphrey68DNC-PeaceTalks | Humphrey73-CambodiaBombing | Jack Ruby - Truth Will Never Come Out | Jack Ruby Assassination TV Coverage | Jack_Warner_House_Unamerican_Activities_Com_1947 | JanMasarykOnImminentInvasionOfPoland | Jean Shepherd - JFK 631125 | JerryRubin68DNC'BloodOnIt'sHands' | JFK-'It'sTheirWar'630902 | JFK-'WeChooseToGoToTheMoon!' | JFK-'WeFaceAChallengeInBerlin' | JFK-BirminghamCrisisTerminates630513 | JFK-CivilRightsActNationalAddress | JFK-LastSpeech-SanAntonioAerospaceHealthCenter631121 | JFK-ManToTheMoon | JFK-MoonShotProposal-'ANewCourseOfAction' | JFK-WithdrawalFromVietnam'WhollyWrong'630902 | JFK 6010 - Half Slave, Half Free | JFK 610120 - Presidential Oath of Office | JFK 610301 - Establishes Peace Corp | JFK 610806 - Alliance for Progress - ''Little Merit'' | JFK 611125 - UN Speech on Terrorism | JFK 621022 - Cuban Missile Crisis Speech | JFK 631031 - Excerpt on Happiness from Press Conference | JFK 631121 - Public reaction to his wife | JFK Death - LBJ makes first public address as President | JFK620412-SteelPriceHike | JFKCubanMissileCrisis | JFKInaugurationSpeech | JohnGlenn'Friendship7'Launch | JohnGlenn-NYCHallFriendship7VictoryParade | Joseph McCarthy - Chicago Irish Fellowship Club | KBOX Dallas 631122 | Kentunkin'Derby | Khrushchev&Skouras | King & Queen of Britain Visits Quebec 390517 | King LĂ©opold III Takes Oath of King of Belgium 340223 | KingEdwardVIII36-AbdicationSpeech | KingGeorgeVICoronation | KingGeorgeVIWarDeclaration | Labor's_Service_to_Freedom_Samuel_Gompers | LaGuardia Philadelphia - One Day after a Roosevelt Speech | LancasterCrewOverBerlin430903 | Last_Marseillaise_061440 | Law_and_Order_Coolidge_1924 | LBJ-'AmericaWinsTheWars'650803 | LBJ-'Tremble'SOTU660112 | LBJ-'WhyOhWhy'650803 | LBJ-GreatSociety | LBJ-WillNotSurrenderOrRetreat650728 | LBJ - 1st Congress Address after JFK Assassination - ''All I Have'' | LBJ 620816 - Presents MacArthur With Certificate Of Appreciation | LBJ 631122 - Swearing In As President | LBJ 631123 - First Presidential Proclamation | LBJ660806VotingRightsBillSigning | LBJ680331-BombingHaltOnNV | LBJ680331-WillNotAcceptNomination | LBJ69Halloween-NVBombingHalt | LBJAddressesTheNation631122 | LBJTakesVPOath610129 | Lee Harvey Oswald-Bringuier Debate | Lee Harvey Oswald - ''I'm Just A Patsy!'' | Lee Harvey Oswald - Denies Charges & Acts of Violence | LeeHarveyOswald-LegalHelp | LeeHarveyOswaldNewOrleans6308 | Len Spencer - Lincoln's Speech at Gettysburg 1903_x29 | Lenin_-_Western_assistance_of_Mensheviks | Lindbergh 410901 - America First Rally Des Moines Iowa | Lindbergh received by Coolidge after 1st Transatlantic Flight | LindberghOnNon-Intervention1940 | LodgeInformsHammerskjoldOfKoreanArmistice | Lord Halifax 39 - On the Polish Question | Louisiana Legislature 1935 - Moment Of Silence On Assassination Of Huey Long | Loyalty_James_Gerard_Watson | MA-9-Cooper630515-Prayer | MacArthur-'IHaveReturned!' | MacArthur450901 | MacMillanInterruptedByKhruschevUN | MadameNhu-'BarbequedMonks' | Malcolm X - Criminal To Teach Non-Violence... | Malcolm X - Negro Inside Their House | Malcolm X - Whites Can Help But Not Join | Malcom X 63Detroit-HistoryRewardsAllResearch | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-'BlackNationalistFreedomFighter' | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-'WhatDoWeCareAboutOdds' | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-BetweenLincoln&Washington | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-BloodlessRevolution | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-BloodVsBloodless | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-CommunityStores | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-MoreBlacksThanWhites | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-NonSectarianBlackNationalism | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-PhilosophyIntoAction | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-PoliticalPhilosophy | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-Religion'MyPersonalBusiness' | Malcom X 65TheBallotOrTheBullet-SistersFriendsEnemies | Malcom X UnityRally-'NoCompromise' | Malcom X UnityRally-TheTruth | MarchFromSelma650307-CrowdDispersed | MarchFromSelma650309-Singing | Marshall1stProposesPlanHarvardCommencementSpeech | MillicentFenwick7504'SaveTheDay' | MLK-LastSermon | MLK551205-FirstRecordedCivilRightsSpeech | MLK64-NobelPrize | MLK6607-Multi-EthnicSupport | MLK670415'TheBattlefieldsOfVietnam' | MLK680403LastSpeech-'MineEyesHaveSeenTheGlory' | Montgomery_060544 | Montgomery430903 | MR-3-Shepard610505-Liftoff | MR-4-Grissom610721-Liftoff | Mutual'sDavidDriscoll7PMEST450814-'TheWarIsOver!' | Mutual'sTomSlaterCoversFDRFuneralProcession | Mutual - New Pope Chosen 3903 | Mutual - NY World's Fair patrons resqued | Mutual 1939 - Attempt to broadcast to Mars | Mutual 401027 - The NY World's Fair Closing | Mutual 450427 - Ravensbruck Concentration Camp for Women | Mutual News Flash - U.S.S. Squalus members raised | Mutual Radio Bulletin - JFK Dead 631122 | MutualNewsmanAndrewWestCoversRFKAssassination | NatoGen.Sec'yLordRobertson-''ScienceFiction''010913 | NBC's Special Bulletin Chime, aka 'The 4th Chime' | NBC Chimes | NBCAnnouncesEast&WestMeet450427 | NBCNewsDuringStrike | NehruAnnouncesDeathOfGhandi | Neville Chamberlain 390903 - War Declaration (Overseas Version) | NevilleChamberlain'PieceOfPaper' | New Orleans Gov. T. Semmes Walsmsley 1934 - Defies Huey Long | News_Flash_On_Russian_A-Bomb | Nixon-'I'mNotACrook' | Nixon- Election Ad 1968 | Nixon-CheckersSpeech | Nixon - 'Greatness Comes In Simple Trappings' | Nixon - Apollo 11 Phone Call | Nixon - Vietnam & WWIII 6605 | Nixon 68 Campaign - 'Longest' | Nixon 691103 - 'The Great Silent Majority' | Nixon 700430 - Announces Invasion Of Cambodia - 'Helpless Giant' | Nixon 730524 - 'Secrecy' Former POWS | Nixon Doctrine In Cambodia 70 | Nixon&Khrushchev-The_Kitchen_Debate | Nixon_announces_end_of_Vietnam_War | Nixon68Campaign'Longest' | NixonResignationSpeech | NV_Radio_Prop_-_'Fort_Riley' | OpeningBarrageAtElAlamein421101 | Orson Welles - A Simple Act | PaderewskiOnImminentInvasionOfPoland | PaulHarveySign-off | PentagonBombing-ArlingtonVAPoliceTape010911 | PetFeed&Love | Pres.Bush010917-''Wanted-DeadOrAlive'' | Pres.Bush010920-''NoTruerFriendThanGreatBritain'' | Pres.Bush010920-UsOrTheTerrorists | Pres.Bush010920 | Pres.BushAddressesNationOnTerrorBombings0830PMEST20010911 | Pres.BushBarkesdaleAFBBroadcast0109PMEST20010911 | Pres.BushOvalOffice010913-''TheTerribleTragedy'' | Pres.BushToWTCReliefWorkers | Pres.Carter010918-''GetThem'' | Pres.Clinton's1999StateOfTheUnionAddress | Pres.Harding21-DisarmamentConferenceAddress | Pres.McKinley1896'TheFinancialHonorOfTheGovernment' | Pres.Taft-Humor | Pres.Taft-Striker'sRights | Radio Hanoi | Radio Moscow - Khruschev Orders Ships With Missiles Back To Soviet Union | Radio_Center_Moscow_'Show_Trial'_verdict | Radio_Moscow-End_Of_Cuban_Missile_Crisis_102862SUN | RadioHanoiToNewTroops | RadioMoscowAnnouncesSputnikLaunch | Readjustment_Harding_1920 | Reagan&Gorbachev1985-'Friends' | ReaganOutlawsSovietUnion-'BombingInFiveMinutes' | RFK-AssassinationOfMLKSpeech680404 | RFK64DNC | RFKAnnouncesCandidacyAsPresident6801 | RFKDeclinesPresidentialRun67 | Rice010919-''TheWORLD'STradeCenterWentDown'' | RichardDaleyHelpsPreserveDisorder | Russian_Radio_reports_on_German_Invasion | Sen. Russell Long - Grandpa's Gonna Get A Check | Sen. Russell Long - His Senatorial Success Vs His Father Huey's | Sen. Russell Long - Lobbying | Sen.MikeMansfield-EvolutionOfOppositionToVietnamWar7106 | Sen.WayneMorseOnGulfOfTonkinResolution | Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield - Reaction To JFK's Death | Shaw_on_Russia_1931 | Shirer 380828 - Berlin before Invasion | Shirer 400621 - French Surrender at Compiegne | SpiroAgnew_on_war_demonstrators | SpiroAgnew6910-ATimeToBeDisturbed | SpiroAgnew691113DesMoines-TVNews | SpiroAgnew7002NYDrug,Chemical&AssociatedTradesAssociation-'WeAreInvolved' | SpiroAgnew7002StLouis-'TheRankAndFileDemocrat' | SpiroAgnew7002StLouis-DraftDodgers | SpiroAgnew700428FL-YaleFacultyDissidence | SpiroAgnew700508-PrevaricationOfSpeechAfterKentState | SpiroAgnew700522Houston-'VicePresidentialRhetoric' | SpiroAgnew70Fall-'PamperedProdigies'&'ProfessionalPessimists' | SpiroAgnew70Fall-'RadicalLiberals' | Sputnik | Stalin_'Will_Do_His_Duty' | Stalin_-_Workers_Paradise | Stalin_070341_Peroration | Stalin_Addresses_Nation_070341_1 | Stalin_on_Germany_1936 | SteveAllenCallsJohnnyCarsonLive1963 | Stevenson_Communism_1952 | Stevenson_Zorin_102562WEDAM | StevensonCircumsized | Stuka | SuperAnahist | Teddy Roosevelt - A Living Wage 1912 | Teddy Roosevelt - Crooked Politics & Crooked Business | Teddy Roosevelt - Hit_The_Line_Hard | Teddy Roosevelt - Progressive covenant with the people | Teddy Roosevelt - Social and industrial justice | Teddy Roosevelt - The farmer and the business man | Teddy Roosevelt - The right of the people to rule | The Battle of Midway 420604 | The Hindenburg Crash (less edited) | TheGoddamLawn | TheHindenburgCrash | ThisIsMyBest FDR 450417 Special - I Will Not Go Back | Thomas Edison - Talks About Electricity 1900_x14 | TitoInLondon1953 | TitoSpeaksToAmericanReporter | Titov610805-RadioMoscow | Tom Mooney Labor Leader 390107 After Pardon for 1916 San Francisco Prepardness Day bombing | Trotsky_on_Show_Trials | Truman's_Victory_In_Europe_Speech | Truman 5006 - No Intention of Abandoning South Korea | TrumanAnnouncesAtomicBombDropped | TrumanOnKaltenborn's1948ElectionCoverage | TrumanOnPotsdamResolution | UNDelegateEleanorRooseveltOn'KitchenSlaves'1948 | USLandingOnIwoJima | USNavyBandD-DayMusic2230ET | V-1BuzzBomb | Victory Garden PSA 1943 | VirginiaGraham-''MaritalDevotion'' | WaitingForKaplow | Wallace-'YouGoOnToHanoi' | WaterBuffaloAttacksAmericanPatrolVietnam | WCPM01 400519 1st Broadcast as PM | WCPM02 400617 Their Finest Hour | WEAF(EventuallyWNBC)BeginsTollRadioService220816-1930EST | Whittaker_Chambers-ConcealedEnemy | Will Rogers 32 DNC - Endorses FDR | William_Jennings_Bryan's_Ideal_Republic | WilliamBullitt-Totalitarianism | WJSV National Anthem 1939 | YassarArafat-''WeAreDeeplyShocked''010911

The Campaigns & Campaigners For The Nation's Highest Office And The Crucial Decisions They Made That Changed The Course Of U.S. & World History - 15 Hours Packed Into 156 MP3s:

Adlai Stevenson 52 Campaign - ''You Are Americans'' | Adlai Stevenson 52 Campaign - Accepts DNC Nomination | Adlai Stevenson 52 Campaign - Concedes Defeat | Adlai Stevenson 56 Campaign - Accepts DNC Nomination | Adlai Stevenson 56 Campaign - Education, Poverty & Civil Rights | Alfred Landon 36 Campaign - Concedes Defeat | Billy Murray - We Want Teddy for Four Years More 1904_x15 | Calvin Coolidge 24 Campaign - Cut Public Spending | Dwight Eisenhower 52 Campaign - Accepts RNC Nomination | Dwight Eisenhower 53 - Cramped White House, Cramped Economy | Dwight Eisenhower 53 - On Vietnam War | Dwight Eisenhower 56 Campaign - The Environment and Industry | Dwight Eisenhower 5x - The Duties Of The Presidency | Dwight Eisenhower 5x - The President & The Supreme Court | Dwight Eisenhower 5x - The President As Institution & Personality | Dwight Eisenhower 60 - Reflections On Public Service | Dwight Eisenhower 61 - Farewell Address aka Military Industrial Complex Speech | Franklin Roosevelt 28 DNC - Nominates Al Smith | Franklin Roosevelt 33 - Inaugural Address | Franklin Roosevelt 33 - Oath of Office | Franklin Roosevelt 39 - Cryptic Comment On Running For Third Term | Franklin Roosevelt 390104 - SOTU Address Excerpt - ''The Last Best Hope Of Earth'' | Franklin Roosevelt 3909 - On Polish Crisis | Franklin Roosevelt 390903 - Fireside Chat on Beginning of WWII | Franklin Roosevelt 390921 - ExtraordinarySessionOfCongressToAidEurope | Franklin Roosevelt 3x - Against 'What Government Ought Not To Do' Complaints | Franklin Roosevelt 3x - The 'Three Horses' Of Government | Franklin Roosevelt 3x - The President & The People | Franklin Roosevelt 400510 - On Invasion Of Holland, Belgium and Luxembourg | Franklin Roosevelt 400526 - Fireside Chat Against War Profiteers | Franklin Roosevelt 4007 - Democratic Convention | Franklin Roosevelt 401102 - Campaign Speech On Resistance To Fascism | Franklin Roosevelt 401229 - ''Great Arsenel Of Democracy'' Speech Excerpt | Franklin Roosevelt 410106 - SOTU Address - The Four Freedoms | Franklin Roosevelt 410120 - 3rd Inaugural Address Beginning | Franklin Roosevelt 410527 - Pan American Union Speech - Americas Prepare For War | Franklin Roosevelt 410721 - Draft Extension Speech Excerpt | Franklin Roosevelt 410911 - German U-Boat Attack On USS Greer Speech aka Shoot On Sight Speech | Franklin Roosevelt 411208 - Day of Infamy Speech (Entire) | Franklin Roosevelt 411209 - 1st Wartime Fireside Chat - ''We Will Win The War'' | Franklin Roosevelt 421012 - Columbus Day Speech - On Prejudice During Wartime | Franklin Roosevelt 430728 - Coal Miner Strike Speech (Entire) | Franklin Roosevelt 430728 - GI Bill Of Rights Speech Excerpt | Franklin Roosevelt 440605 - Rome Falls (Entire) | Franklin Roosevelt 440606 - D-Day Landings (Entire) | Franklin Roosevelt 440923 - Campaign Speech to Teamsters ( 'My Little Dog 'Falla'' Speech) | Franklin Roosevelt 4501 - InauguralSpeech - 'We Have Learned We Cannot Live Alone' | Franklin Roosevelt 4x - President's Wartime Responsibilities | Gamaliel Harding 21 - Int'l Conference On Limitation Of Arms Address | Grover Cleveland 1892 - 'Political Independence' | Grover Cleveland 1892 Campaign - National Sovereignty | Harry Truman - Announces Atomic Bomb Dropped | Harry Truman - On Kaltenborn's 1948 Election Coverage | Harry Truman - On Potsdam Resolution | Harry Truman - Victory In Europe Speech | Harry Truman 45 - On Learning He Became President | Harry Truman 48 Campaign - DNC Speech | Harry Truman 53 - Farewell Speech | Harry Truman 5x - Presidential Mystique | Harry Truman 5x - The Cold War | Harry Truman 5x - The President's Powers Come From The People | Hubert Humphrey 6710 - 'We Mean To Stick It Out' Saigon | Hubert Humphrey 68 - Campaign 'Biggest Election Surprise' | Hubert Humphrey 68 - On Nixon | Hubert Humphrey 68 DNC - Peace Talks | JFK 600715 - Accepts Democratic Nomination | JFK 6010 - Half Slave, Half Free | JFK 61 - 'We Face A Challenge In Berlin' | JFK 610120 - Inauguration Speech | JFK 610120 - Presidential Oath of Office | JFK 6102 - Prayer Breakfast Invocation | JFK 610301 - Establishes Peace Corp | JFK 610420 - Bay of Pigs Ame. Society of Newspaper Editors | JFK 610525 - Announces Moon Project | JFK 610725 - Address To Nation on Berlin Crisis | JFK 610806 - Alliance for Progress - ''Little Merit'' In Abandoning U.N. | JFK 610925 - Dag hammarskjold Eulogy aka UN ''3 Horses of the Troika'' speech | JFK 611125 - UN Speech on Terrorism | JFK 620412 - Steel Price Hike | JFK 620912 - Address on Space - Rice University | JFK 621022 - Cuban Missile Crisis Speech | JFK 6212 - The Satisfactions Of The Presidency | JFK 630513 - Birmingham Crisis Terminates | JFK 630610 - Commencement, American University (Begins Detente) | JFK 630611 - Civil Rights Address | JFK 630626 - ''Ich Bin Ein Berliner'' Rudolph Wilde Platz | JFK 630726 - Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Speech | JFK 630902 - 'It's Their War' | JFK 630902 - Withdrawal From Vietnam 'Wholly Wrong' | JFK 630920 - U.N. Address | JFK 631026 - Robert Frost Library at Amherst College Remark | JFK 631031 - Excerpt on Happiness from Press Conference | JFK 631121 - Last Speech - San Antonio Aerospace Health Center | JFK 631121 - Public reaction to his wife | JFK 6x - On Becoming President | JFk 6x - On Federal Power | JFK Death - LBJ makes first public address as President | JFK Death - UN's 1 Minute of Silence | JFK Funeral - 21 Gun Salute & Taps | JFK Funeral - Funeral March | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 1 600926 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 2 601007 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 3 601013 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 4 601021 | LBJ - Great Society | LBJ 610129 - Takes VP Oath | LBJ 631122 - 1st Address After JFK Assassination | LBJ 631122 - Swearing In As President | LBJ 631123 - First Presidential Proclamation | LBJ 65 - The Difficulties Of The Presidency | LBJ 650728 - Will Not Surrender Or Retreat | LBJ 650803- 'Why Oh Why' | LBJ 650803 - 'America Wins The Wars' | LBJ 660806 - Voting Rights Bill Signing | LBJ 671117 - 'Plenty Of Dissenters' | LBJ 68 - 'The Hour Is Here!' | LBJ 680331 - Bombing Halt On North Vietnam | LBJ 680331 - Will Not Accept Nomination | LBJ 69 Halloween - NV Bombing Halt | LBJ 6x - On Becoming President | LBJ 6x - The Difficulties Of The Presidency | LBJ 6x - The White House & His Career | LBJ On Khe Sanh - 'We Are Going To Win!' | RFK 64 - Democratic National Convention Address | RFK 67 - Declines Presidential Run | RFK 6801 - Announces Presidential Candidacy | Richard Nixon - 'Greatness Comes In Simple Trappings' | Richard Nixon - 'I'm Not A Crook' | Richard Nixon - Apollo 11 Phone Call | Richard Nixon - Checkers Speech | Richard Nixon - Election Ad 1968 | Richard Nixon - Vietnam & WWIII 6605 | Richard Nixon 6605 - Vietnam & WWIII | Richard Nixon 68 Campaign - 'Longest' | Richard Nixon 691103 - 'The Great Silent Majority' | Richard Nixon 700430 - Announces Invasion Of Cambodia - 'Helpless Giant' | Richard Nixon 730524 - 'Secrecy' Former POWS | Richard Nixon Announces End of Vietnam War | Richard Nixon Resignation Speech | Teddy Roosevelt - A Living Wage 1912 | Teddy Roosevelt - Crooked Politics & Crooked Business | Teddy Roosevelt - Hit The Line Hard | Teddy Roosevelt - Progressive covenant with the people | Teddy Roosevelt - Social and industrial justice | Teddy Roosevelt - The farmer and the business man | Teddy Roosevelt - The right of the people to rule | Teddy Roosevelt 12 Campaign - Response To Wilson On Labor | Thomas Dewey 44 Campaign - FDR's Leadership | Thomas Dewey 48 Campaign - America's World Position | Wendell Wilkie 40 DNC - Accepts Nomination | William Howard Taft - Humor | William Howard Taft - Striker's Rights | William Howard Taft 08 Campaign - Southern Democrats, Northern Republicans | William Jennings Bryan 1896 DNC - ''Cross Of Gold'' Speech | William McKinley 1896 - 'The Financial Honor Of The Government' | Woodrow Wilson 12 Campaign - Roosevelt's Position On Labor

The Greatly Revered American History Weekly Radio Drama Series Written By Such Literary Greats As Arthur Miller! 319 Half Hour Episodes:

Richard Durham's 1948-50 History of African-American Experience - 17 Hours Packed Into 33 Broadcasts!

Destination Freedom 480627 001 The Knock-Kneed Man | Destination Freedom 480704 002 Railway to Freedom | Destination Freedom 480718 004 The Denmark Vesey Story | Destination Freedom 480725 005 The Making of a Man | Destination Freedom 480801 006 The Key to Freedom | Destination Freedom 480808 007 The Heart of George Cotton | Destination Freedom 480822 009 Arctic Biography | Destination Freedom 480829 010 The Story of 1875 | Destination Freedom 480905 011 The Poet of Pine Mill | Destination Freedom 480926 014 Shakespeare of Harlem | Destination Freedom 481010 016 Little David | Destination Freedom 481017 017 The Boy Who Was Traded for a Horse | Destination Freedom 481107 019 Echoes of Harlem | Destination Freedom 481121 021 The Rhyme of the Ancient Dodger (Jackie Robinson) | Destination Freedom 490220 034 Peace Mediator | Destination Freedom 490320 038 Black Boy | Destination Freedom 490515 045 Ballad of Satchell Paige, The | Destination Freedom 490605 048 Anatomy of an Ordinance | Destination Freedom 490717 053 Tales of Stackalee | Destination Freedom 490731 055 Trumpet Talks, The | Destination Freedom 490807 056 Long Road, The | Destination Freedom 490828 059 Segregation, Incorporated | Destination Freedom 490904 060 Senator Blanche K Bruce | Destination Freedom 491009 065 Father to Son | Destination Freedom 491106 069 Man Who Owned Chicago | Destination Freedom 500115 075 Birth of the Urban League | Destination Freedom 500312 083 Premonition of the Panther | Destination Freedom 500326 085 Liberator (Part 1) | Destination Freedom 500409 087 The Buddy Young Story | Destination Freedom 500611 094 The Shy Boy | Destination Freedom 500702 097 Kansas City Phone Call | Destination Freedom 500813 103 Last Letter Home | Destination Freedom 501015 111 Patriotic Format

The Renowned "Old Soldier" Who Lead Allied Forces During World War II & The Korean War - 88 Dramatic Minutes Packed Into 26 MP3s!

MacArthur 4404 Australia - ''I Have Returned'' | MacArthur 441020 ''A-Day'' - ''I Have Returned'' Leyte Gulf Landing | MacArthur 441020 ''A-Day'' - Broadcast To The Philippine People - ''I Have Returned!'' | MacArthur 4411- Flag Raising Ceremony Corregidor | MacArthur 4502- Flag Raising Ceremony Manila | MacArthur 4503 Manila - Self Government Restored To Philippines Newsreel | MacArthur 4503 Manila - Self Government Restored To Philippines Shortwave | MacArthur 4508 - Japanese Surrender Speech To Troops (Ending) | MacArthur 450901 - ''Today The Guns Are Silent'' | MacArthur 450902A - Japanese Surrender Ceremony Preamble | MacArthur 450902B - MacArthur, Wainwright & Percival Sign Japanese Surrender Document | MacArthur 450902C - Japanese Surrender Ceremony Peroration | MacArthur 4604 - To Allied Council On Japan Renunciating War | MacArthur 4607 - Philippine Independence Day | MacArthur 5006 - North Korean ''Sneak Attack'' More Infamous Than Pearl Harbor | MacArthur 5104 - New York City Waldorf Speech | MacArthur 5104 - New York City Welcoming | MacArthur 5104 - San Francisco Airport Welcoming - Great Reception | MacArthur 5104 - San Francisco Welcoming - No Politics & ''Best Soldier'' | MacArthur 510419 - Entire Joint Session ResignationSpeech | MacArthur 5912 Football Foundation Dinner - Coolidge & Army-Notre Dame Game | MacArthur 5912 Football Foundation Dinner - Fullback Truman Kicks MacArthur Out | MacArthur 5912 Football Foundation Dinner - TR & Havard-Yale Game | MacArthur 61 - Remarks On Luncheon With JFK | MacArthur 620512 - Entire Final Speech Graduating Class of the USMA West Point | MacArthur 620816 - Accepts Certificate Of Appreciation From LBJ

The Acclaimed 1948-51 Literary Radio Drama Series That Reenacted Great Novels As A College Course Supplement For Washington State College, University of Louisville, University of Tulsa & More! Over 97 Hours Packed Into 103 MP3s!

NBC UTotA 48-08-06 Farewell to Arms | NBC UTotA 48-08-13 Number One | NBC UTotA 48-08-20 Noon Wine | NBC UTotA 48-08-27 Romantic Comedians | NBC UTotA 48-09-03 Candide | NBC UTotA 48-09-10 Peter Ibbertson | NBC UTotA 48-09-17 The Purloined Letter | NBC UTotA 48-09-24 Gulliver's Travel's | NBC UTotA 48-10-03 Lord Jim | NBC UTotA 48-10-10 An American Tragedy | NBC UTotA 48-10-17 History of Mr Polly | NBC UTotA 48-10-24 They Stooped to Folly | NBC UTotA 48-10-31 Justice | NBC UTotA 48-11-07 Arrowsmith | NBC UTotA 48-11-14 Of Human Bondage | NBC UTotA 48-11-21 Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber | NBC UTotA 48-11-28 A Passage to India | NBC UTotA 48-12-05 Three Soldiers | NBC UTotA 48-12-12 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan | NBC UTotA 48-12-26 Alice in Wonderland | NBC UTotA 49-01-02 Main Street | NBC UTotA 49-01-09 Grapes of Wrath The | NBC UTotA 49-01-16 All the King's Men | NBC UTotA 49-02-06 Gulliver's Travels | NBC UTotA 49-02-13 Tom Jones | NBC UTotA 49-02-20 Pride and Prejudice | NBC UTotA 49-02-27 Heart of Mid-Lotheian | NBC UTotA 49-03-06 Tales of Edgar Allen Poe | NBC UTotA 49-03-13 The Pickwick Papers | NBC UTotA 49-03-20 The Marble Fawn | NBC UTotA 49-03-27 The History of Henry Esmond | NBC UTotA 49-04-03 Jane Eyre | NBC UTotA 49-04-10 Moby Dick | NBC UTotA 49-04-17 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | NBC UTotA 49-04-24 The Way of All Flesh | NBC UTotA 49-05-01 The Mayor of Casterbridge | NBC UTotA 49-05-08 The Red Badge of Courage | NBC UTotA 49-05-15 Heart of Darkness | NBC UTotA 49-05-22 The Age of Consent | NBC UTotA 49-05-29 The Ambassadors | NBC UTotA 49-06-05 Short, Happy Life of Francis McComber | NBC UTotA 49-06-12 A Passage to India | NBC UTotA 49-07-02 The Ides of March | NBC UTotA 49-07-09 Goodby, Mr Chips | NBC UTotA 49-07-16 Point of No Return | NBC UTotA 49-07-23 How Green Was My Valley | NBC UTotA 49-07-30 This Side of Paradise | NBC UTotA 49-08-06 The Death of a Heart | NBC UTotA 49-08-20 The Crusaders | NBC UTotA 49-08-27 1984 | NBC UTotA 49-09-03 Precious Bane | NBC UTotA 49-09-25 Penrod | NBC UTotA 49-10-02 Portrait of a Lady | NBC UTotA 49-10-09 The House of Mirth | NBC UTotA 49-10-16 Sister Carrie | NBC UTotA 49-10-30 Dark Laughter | NBC UTotA 49-11-06 Dodsworth | NBC UTotA 49-11-13 Babalon Revisited | NBC UTotA 49-11-20 For Whom the Bells Toll | NBC UTotA 49-11-27 Point of No Return | NBC UTotA 49-12-04 The Wild Palms | NBC UTotA 49-12-18 You Can't Go Home Again | NBC UTotA 50-01-01 Great Expectations | NBC UTotA 50-01-08 Manhattan Transfer | NBC UTotA 50-01-15 The Ides of March | NBC UTotA 50-01-22 At Heaven's Gate | NBC UTotA 50-01-29 And | NBC UTotA 50-02-05 Track of the Cat | NBC UTotA 50-02-12 The Light That Failed | NBC UTotA 50-02-19 Victory | NBC UTotA 50-02-26 The Patrician | NBC UTotA 50-03-12 There Is No Convention | NBC UTotA 50-03-19 Angel Pavement | NBC UTotA 50-03-26 Howard's End | NBC UTotA 50-04-02 Mrs Dalloway | NBC UTotA 50-04-09 The Nazarine | NBC UTotA 50-04-16 After Many a Summer Dies the Swan | NBC UTotA 50-04-23 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | NBC UTotA 50-04-30 Sons and Lovers | NBC UTotA 50-05-07 England Made Me | NBC UTotA 50-05-14 Protter Violet | NBC UTotA 50-05-21 The House in Paris | NBC UTotA 50-05-28 Imperial Palace | NBC UTotA 50-06-04 Gallion's Reach | NBC UTotA 50-06-11 Monsieur Vincent | NBC UTotA 50-06-18 The Wild Palms | NBC UTotA 50-06-25 The Doctor in Spite of Himself | NBC UTotA 50-07-02 The Chips Are Down | NBC UTotA 50-07-09 The Time of Man | NBC UTotA 50-07-16 The Treasure of Franchard | NBC UTotA 50-07-30 Trent's Last Case | NBC UTotA 50-08-06 Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Cour | NBC UTotA 50-08-20 A High Wind in Jamaica | NBC UTotA 50-08-27 Hedda Gabbler | NBC UTotA 50-09-03 The Crime of Sylvester Bonard | NBC UTotA 50-09-10 Lost Horizon | NBC UTotA 50-09-17 Portrait in the Mirror | NBC UTotA 50-09-24 Don Quixote | NBC UTotA 50-10-01 Jonathan Wilde | NBC UTotA 50-10-08 Candide | NBC UTotA 50-10-22 Pere Goric | NBC UTotA 50-12-27 The Gambler | NBC UTotA 51-01-17 Daisy Miller

The 1944 Testament Of The Life & Issues Of Black Americans During World War II - 19 Hours Packed Into 48 MP3s!

NWaC 440305 (01) Premier Program | NWaC 440312 (02) The Negro Fascism and Democracy | NWaC 440319 (03) The Negro in Early America | NWaC 440326 (04) The Negro in Entertainment | NWaC 440402 (05) Ghettoes | NWaC 440409 (06) The Negro and Health | NWaC 440416 (07) The Story of Negro Humor | NWaC 440423 (08) Story Behind the Headlines | NWaC 440430 (09) Negro Church in NYC | NWaC 440507 (10) Arrangement in Black and White | NWaC 440514 (11) The Colored Orphan Asylum | NWaC 440521 (12) The Story of James Pearson | NWaC 440528 (13) The Story of Ted Morgan | NWaC 440604 (14) Life in the Ghetto | NWaC 440611 (15) A Statement on DDay | NWaC 440618 (16) The Mammy Legend | NWaC 440625 (17) The Story of Negro Music | NWaC 441022 (18) The Vermont Experiment (No Opening) | NWaC 441029 (19) Music at War | NWaC 441105 (20) Executive Order 8802 | NWaC 441112 (21) The Barbara Latham Story | NWaC 441119 (22) A Tribute to W C Handy | NWaC 441126 (23) Parachutes for Democracy | NWaC 441203 (24) Heroes of the Sky (Partial Show) | NWaC 441210 (25) The American Negro Theater | NWaC 441217 (26) We Deliver the Goods | NWaC 441224 (27) Christmas Program | NWaC 441231 (28) I Teach Negro Girls | NWaC 450107 (29) Hot Spots USA | NWaC 450114 (30) Freedom Road (Part 1) | NWaC 450121 (31) Freedom Road (Part 2) | NWaC 450128 (32) Roll Call (Partial Show) | NWaC 450204 (33) There Are Things to Do (Partial Show) | NWaC 450211 (34) They Knew Later | NWaC 450218 (35) The Story of Blood Plasma | NWaC 450225 (36) Furlough Home | NWaC 450304 (37) Negroes in Housing | NWaC 450311 (38) Negroes and Health | NWaC 450318 (39) Negroes in Labor | NWaC 450325 (40) The Negro Reporter | NWaC 450401 (41) The Negro in Early American History | NWaC 450408 (42) White Folks Do Some Funny Things | NWaC 450415 (43) Memorial to Franklin D Roosevelt | NWaC 450422 (44) The Story of Negro Nurses | NWaC 450429 (45) Report From the Western Front | NWaC 450506 (46) Blood Flows Red (Mid 10 min Missing) | NWaC 450520 (48) The Meaning of VE Day to Negroes | NWaC 450527 (49) The Wind at My Back

Speeches & Broadcasts By America's Only President To Resign His Office - 220+ Minutes Packed in 26 MP3s!

Hubert Humphrey on Nixon 1968 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 1 600926 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 2 601007 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 3 601013 | Kennedy - Nixon Debate 4 601021 | Nixon- Election Ad 1968 | Nixon - 'Greatness Comes In Simple Trappings' | Nixon - Apollo 11 Phone Call | Nixon - Entire Checkers Speech | Nixon - Entire Resignation Speech | Nixon - Gubernatorial Concession Speech | Nixon - I'm not a crook speech | Nixon - I'm not a crook | Nixon - I've made my mistakes | Nixon - I had never obstructed justice | Nixon - Kick yourself in the butt | Nixon - No complaints about press coverage | Nixon - Unpredictability | Nixon - Vietnam & WWIII 6605 | Nixon & Khrushchev - The Kitchen Debate | Nixon 68 Campaign - 'Longest' | Nixon 691103 - 'The Great Silent Majority' | Nixon 700430 0 Announces Invasion Of Cambodia - 'Helpless Giant' | Nixon 730524 - 'Secrecy' Former POWS | Nixon announces end of Vietnam War | Nixon Doctrine In Cambodia 70

The Historic Broadcast Time Capsule Project Recorded For The National Archives - The Entire Broadcast Day Of The CBS Radio Affiliate From Washington, D.C. At A Pivotal Moment In U.S. History Where The Great Depression & World War II Met In Time!

The Controversial Old Time Radio Evangelist In 24 Carefully Restored & Digitally Enhanced Complete Broadcasts!

01: Memorial Day, May 28, 1939 | 02: June 4, 1939 | 03: June 18, 1939 | 04: September 24, 1939 | 05: October 1, 1939 | 06: October 8, 1939 | 07: October 15, 1939 | 08: October 22, 1939 | 09: October 29, 1939 | 10: December 31, 1939 | 11: January 7, 1940 | 12: January 21, 1940 (Part I) | 13: January 21, 1940 (Part II) | 14: January 28, 1940 | 15: February 4, 1940 | 16: February 11, 1940 | 17: February 18, 1940 | 18: February 25, 1940 | 19: March 10, 1940 | 20: March 17, 1940 | 21: March 24, 1940 | 22: April 7, 1940 | 23: April 14, 1940 | 24: April 21, 1940

The 1941-46 Historical Drama About Life In California During "The Days Of The Dons" - 35 Half Hour Episodes!

The Renowned 1947-50 Weekly Historical Dramatization Series By The Famed WWII Staff Of CBS News - Updated To Include 82 Half Hour Episodes!

YAT-470707 (01)- Assassination of Abraham Lincoln | YAT-470714 (02)-The Storming of the Bastille | YAT-470728 03 Columbus Discovers America | YAT-470804 (04)-Witchcraft Trials at Salem | YAT-470811 (05)-The Defeat of the Spanish Armada | YAT-470818 (06)-The Alamo | YAT-470825 07 The Last Day of Pompeii | YAT-471021 The Battle Of Gettysburg & The Death of Socrates | YAT-471106 (Special) The Listening Years | YAT-471207 08 Napoleon Recaptured & Exiled | YAT-471214 09 Assassination Of Lincoln | YAT-471221 (10)The Sailing of the Mayflower | YAT-471228 11 Storming of the Bastille | YAT-480111 13 Burr-Hamilton Duel (1st Half Only) | YAT-480118 (14)The Signing of the Magna Carta | YAT-480125 15 Defense of the Alamo | YAT-480201 16 Defeat of the Spanish Armada | YAT-480208 (17)The Dreyfus Case | YAT-480215 (18)The Assassination of Julius Caesar | YAT-480222 (19)The Battle of Gettysburg (1) | YAT-480229 (20)Joan of Arc Is Burned at the Stake | YAT-480314 (22)The Death of Socrates | YAT-480321 (23)Philadelphia, July 4, 1776 | YAT-480404 (24)The Monitor and the Merrimac | YAT-480411 25 The Last Day Of Pompeii | YAT-480418 (26)The Battle of Plassey | YAT-480425 (27)The Fall of Troy | YAT-480502 28 Surrender of Sitting Bull | YAT-480516 (30)The Signing of the Magna Carta | YAT-480523 31 The Execution of Maxmilian | YAT-480530 32 LOW Volume - Betrayal of Toussant L'Overture | YAT-480620 (35)The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson | YAT-480627 36 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots | YAT-480704 37 Philadelphia - Declaration Of Independence | YAT-480822 38 Lexington And Concord | YAT-480829 39 Joan Of Arc Is Burned At The Stake | YAT-480919 (42)The Ratification of the Us Constitution | YAT-480926 43 Ann Hutchinson's Trial | YAT-481003 44 The First Battle of Bull Run | YAT-481010 45 Columbus Discovers America | YAT-481017 46 The Trial of Marie Antoinette | YAT-481024 (47)The Fall of Troy | YAT-481031 [48] The Election of Thomas Jefferson | YAT-481107 (49)Lee and Grant at Appomattox | YAT-481114 (50)Napoleon Recaptured and Exiled | YAT-481121 51 Assassination Of Lincoln | YAT-481205 (53)The Execution of Maxmilian | YAT-481212 (54)The Conspiracy of Cataline | YAT-481219 (55)The Hanging of Captain Kidd | YAT-481226 (56)The Monitor and the Merrimac | YAT-490102 57 Surrender of Sitting Bull | YAT-490109 (58)The Sentencing of Charles I | YAT-490116 [59] Mutiny in the Colonial Army | YAT-490123 [60] Toussaint L'ouverture Liberates Haiti | YAT-490130 [61] Colonel Johnson Eats the Love Apple | YAT-490206 [62] The Trial of John Peter Zenger | YAT-490213 [63] The Battle of Hastings | YAT-490220 [64] The Ordeal of Savonarola | YAT-490227 (65)The Impeachment of Andrew Johnson | YAT-490306 [66] The Rise of Alexander the Great - Peace Offer | YAT-490313 [67] The Rise of Alexander the Great - Battle for Asia | YAT-490320 [68] The Rise of Alexander the Great - Mutiny in India | YAT-490327 [69] The Okalahoma Land Run | YAT-490403 (70)-Execution of Mary Queen of Scots | YAT-490410 [71] Perry's Dash to the North Pole | YAT-490417 [72] Napoleon Returns from Elba | YAT-490424 (73)Caesar Is Assassinated | YAT-490501 (74)Montezuma and the Spaniards | YAT-490508 (75)The Trial of Samuel Chase | YAT-490515 (76)Lexington and Concord (1) | YAT-490522 (77)Bombardment of Fort Sumter | YAT-490529 [78] The Siege of Leiden - Holland | YAT-490605 (79)The Capture of John Wilkes Booth | YAT-491030 [81] The Trial of Burr | YAT-491127 (82)Tom Thumb | YAT-491225 [83] Charlemagne | YAT-500122 [84] New Amsterdam | YAT-500219 [85] Charge of the Light Brigade | YAT-500319 [86] Stamp Act Rebellion | YAT-500416 [87] Thermopolae | YAT-500514 [88] William Penn Trial | YAT-500611 [89] Women's Rights

The history of sound recording - which has progressed in waves, driven by the invention and commercial introduction of new technologies - can be roughly divided into four main periods: The Acoustic era (1877-1925); The Electrical era (1925-1945); The Magnetic era (1945-1975); The Digital era (1975-present). Experiments in capturing sound on a recording medium for preservation and reproduction began in earnest during the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s. Many pioneering attempts to record and reproduce sound were made during the latter half of the 19th century - notably Scott's phonautograph of 1857 - and these efforts culminated in the invention of the phonograph by Thomas Edison in 1877. Digital recording emerged in the late 20th century and has since flourished with the popularity of digital music and online streaming services.

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