
Adolf Hitler DVD Documentaries World War II Third Reich

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6 Documentaries From The Golden Age Of Television Journey Through The Madness Of Adolf Hitler, Fuhrer Of Germandy And The Man Responsible For World War II And The Holocaust! A Full 4 Hours Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! #AdolfHitler #Hitler #MenOfOurTime #Biography #MikeWallace #MenInCrisis #EdmundOBrien #HalHolbrook #WalterCronkite #JamesMason #MeinKampf #MyStruggle #MyFight #Nazis #Nazism #Gleichschaltung #Nazification #Antisemitism #WeimarRepublic #BetweenTheWars #InterwarPeriod #CausesOfWorldWarII #CausesOfWWII #RoadToWar #BeerHallPutsch #MunichPutsch #Hitlerputsch #HitlerLudendorffPutsch #BurgerbrauPutsch #MarschAufDieFeldherrnhalle #NaziParty #LandsbergPrison #ThirdReich #NaziGermany #FinalSolution #Holocaust #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #EuropeanTheatreOfWWII #NationalSocialism #ChancellorOfGermany #Dictators #Fascists #Fascism #Totalitarians #Totalitarianism #OnePartyState #Autocracy #NewOrder #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Eugenics #Antisemiticism #AntisemiticCanards #Pogroms #JewishPogroms #FinalSolutionOfTheJewishQuestion #PanGermanism #InvasionOfPoland #OperationBarbarossa #AxisPowers #EuropeanTheaterOfWWII #BattleOfBerlin #EvaBraun #Braunau #Austria #Leonding #MilitaryCareerOfAdolfHitler #WorldWarI #WorldWarOne #WorldWar1 #WWI #WW1 #FirstWorldWar #FirstEuropeanWar #IronCross #Oratory #Charisma #Propaganda #PeopleExcludedFromTheCoverOfSgtPepper #DVD


MEN OF OUR TIME: ADOLF HITLER (Black/White, 45 Minutes.)
The seminal British documentary series gives especial treatment to the legacy of the man that Great Britain risked all to defeat in World War II.

BIOGRAPHY (CBS): HITLER (Black/White, 45 Minutes.)
The mother of all TV biography documentary series gives its standard-setting treatment to this especial subject. Narrated by Mike Wallace.

Edmund O'Brien narrates this fascinating and informative installment of the definitive "opponent vs opponent" documentary series which explores the struggle for power and domination over Germany between its doddering figurehead leader, General von Hindenburg, and the up and coming tyrant he dismissively referred to as "The Bohemian Corporal"..

HITLER: PORTRAIT OF A TYRANT (Black/White, 30 Min., Color/B&W)
A 1969 analysis narrated by Hal Holbrook documenting Hitler's rise and fall as held accountable by the psychological standards of the late 1960s.

Two half hour episodes of this celebrated half hour CBS documentary series with Walter Cronkite that chronicle the many abortive and foiled plots to assassinate Hitler right up the a careful recounting of the 7/20/44 assassination plot that nearly succeeded.

THE PLOT TO MURDER HITLER (Black/White, 45 Minutes.)
A venerable Wolper production that reenacts the July 20th 1944 German military plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in order to bring about an end to the Second World War. Narrated by James Mason.

April 20, 1889: Adolf Hitler, German politician who was the leader of the Nazi Party, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Fuehrer ("Leader") of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945 (d. 1945) was #born in Braunau am Inn, Austria. As dictator of Nazi Germany, Hitler initiated World War II in Europe with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, and was central to the Holocaust. Hitler was raised near Linz, Austria. He moved to Germany in 1913 and was decorated during his service in the German Army in World War I. In 1919, he joined the German Workers' Party (DAP), the precursor of the NSDAP, and was appointed leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923, he attempted to seize power in a failed coup in Munich and was imprisoned. While in jail he dictated the first volume of his autobiography and political manifesto Mein Kampf ("My Struggle"). After his release from prison in 1924, Hitler gained popular support by attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting Pan-Germanism, anti-semitism and anti-communism with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. He frequently denounced international capitalism and communism as being part of a Jewish conspiracy. By 1933, the Nazi Party was the largest elected party in the German Reichstag, but did not have a majority, and no party was able to form a majority parliamentary coalition in support of a candidate for chancellor. This led to former chancellor Franz von Papen and other conservative leaders persuading President Paul von Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933. Shortly after, the Reichstag passed the Enabling Act of 1933, which began the process of transforming the Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany, a one-party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of National Socialism. Hitler aimed to eliminate Jews from Germany and establish a New Order to counter what he saw as the injustice of the post-World War I international order dominated by Britain and France. His first six years in power resulted in rapid economic recovery from the Great Depression, the abrogation of restrictions imposed on Germany after World War I and the annexation of territories that were home to millions of ethnic Germans which gave him significant popular support. Hitler sought Lebensraum ("living space") for the German people in Eastern Europe and his aggressive foreign policy is considered to be the primary cause of the outbreak of World War II in Europe. He directed large-scale rearmament and on 1 September 1939 invaded Poland, resulting in Britain and France declaring war on Germany. In June 1941, Hitler ordered an invasion of the Soviet Union. By the end of 1941, German forces and the European Axis powers occupied most of Europe and North Africa. In December 1941, he formally declared war on the United States, bringing America directly into the conflict. Failure to defeat the Soviets and the entry of the United States into the war forced Germany onto the defensive and it suffered a series of escalating defeats. In the final days of the war during the Battle of Berlin in 1945, he married his long-time lover Eva Braun. Less than two days later on 30 April 1945, the two committed suicide to avoid capture by the Soviet Red Army and their corpses were burned. Under Hitler's leadership and racially motivated ideology, the Nazi regime was responsible for the genocide of at least 5.5 million Jews and as many more other victims whom he and his followers deemed Untermenschen (sub-humans) or socially undesirable. Hitler and the Nazi regime were also responsible for the killing of an estimated 19.3 million civilians and prisoners of war. In addition, 29 million soldiers and civilians died as a result of military action in the European theatre. The number of civilians killed during the Second World War was unprecedented in warfare and the casualties constituted the deadliest conflict in human history.

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