An Old Time Radio Christmas Collection MP3 DVD

  • Model: 241


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History's Most Beloved Christmas Radio Classics And Yuletide Broadcasts:

Cinnamon Bear | Abbott And Costello | The Aldrich Family | All Star Western Theater | American Weekly | Amos And Andy | Archie Andrews | Author's Playhouse | Baby Snooks | Batman | Edgar Bergen And Charlie McCarthy | Bernard Cribbons | The Beulah Show | The Bickersons | Big Town | Bing Crosby | Blondie And Dagwood | Bob Hope | Bob And Ray | Boston Blackie | Broadway Is My Beat | Burns And Allen | California Caravan | Calling All Detectives | The Campbell Playhouse | Casey Crime Photographer | Cavalcade Of America | The CBS Radio Workshop | Norman Corwin | Orson Welles | The CBS Radio Mystery Theater | Challenge Of The Yukon | Charles Laughton | The Chesterfield Show | The Christmas Seals Show | Winston Churchill | Command Performance | Coronet | Crisis | Damon Runyon | Dark Fantasy | Dennis Day | Dorothy Collins | Douglas Edwards | Dr. Sixgun | Dragnet | Duffy'sTavern | Eddie Cantor | Escape | The Private Lives Of Ethel And Albert| Family Hour | Family Theater | Father Knows Best | FranklinDRoosevelt | Fibber McGee And Molly | The First Nighter Program | Fred Allen | Front Page Drama | Gene Autry | Glenn Miller | Globe Theater | Grand Central Station | The Great Gildersleeve | The Greatest Story Ever Told | Grimm's Fairy Tales | Gunsmoke | Hallmark Hall Of Fame | Hancock's Half Hour | Have Gun Will Travel | Henry Morgan | Hercule Poirot | Honest Harold | Hotpoint Holiday Hour | Information Please | Jack Benny | Jack Armstrong The All American Boy | James Gleason | Jean Shepherd | Jimmy Durante | The Judy Canova Show | Kaltenmeyer's Kindergarten | Kraft Music Hall | Leo Is On The Air | Let's Pretend | Let George Do It | Lewis Carroll | The Life Of Riley | Life With Luigi | Lights Out! | Lionel Barrymore | The Lone Ranger | Loretta Young | Lorne Greene | Lum And Abner Lux Radio Theatre (Lux Radio Theater) | Mayor Of The Town | The Mel Blanc Show | The Mercury Theatre | The Milton Berle Show | Mr. President | Mutual Christmas Special | My Favorite Husband | My Friend Irma | My Little Margie | The Mysterious Traveler | Nero Wolf | New World A' Coming | Nick Carter Master Detective | Nightbeat | Old Tails And New | One Man's Family | Orson Welles Theater | Our Miss Brooks | The Advenntures Of Ozzie And Harriet | Passing Parade | The Phil Harris And Alice Faye Show | Philco Radio Time | Proctor And Gamble | Proudly We Hail | Quiz Kids | Radio City Playhouse | Radio Mystery Theater | The Railroad Hour | The Raleigh Cigarette Program | Red Ryder | The Red Skelton Show | Richard Diamond Private Detective | Ripley's Believe It Or Not | Rocky Fortune | Romance Radio Series | Romance Of The Ranchos | Ronald Coleman | The Roy Rogers Show | Screen Director's Playhouse | Sealtest Variety Theatre | Sherlock Holmes w/Basil Rathbone | Sing Something Seasonal | Six Shooter | Stars Over Hollywood | Superman | Suspense! Tales Of The Texas Rangers | Tarzan | Terry And The Pirates | The Falcon | The Fat Man | The Lives Of Harry Lime | The Mighty Memory Mobile | The Saint | The Shadow | Theater Of Romance | Theatre Royale | This Is Your FBI | Tom Hagg | Tom Mix | Treasury Star Parade | Truth Or Consequences | Vic & Sade | Voice Of The Army | War Time Christmas | The Whistler | Your Tune For The Day!

238 Hours Of Christmas Season Celebrations Packed Into 523 MP3s Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 DVD! #AnOldTimeRadioChristmas #AnOTRChristmas #CinnamonBear #AbbottAndCostello #AldrichFamily #AllStarWesternTheater #AmericanWeekly #AmosNAndy #AmosAndAndy #Archie #ArchieAndrews #AuthorsPlayhouse #BabySnooks #Batman #BatmanAndRobin #BBC #EdgarBergenAndCharlieMcCarthy #BernardCribbons #TheBeulahShow #TheBickersons #BigTown #BingCrosby #BlondieAndDagwood #Blondie #BobHope #BobAndRay #BobNRay #BostonBlackie #BroadwayIsMyBeat #BurnsAndAllen #BurnsNAllen #CaliforniaCaravan #CallingAllDetectives #CampbellPlayhouse #TheCampbellPlayhouse #CaseyCrimePhotographer #CavalcadeOfAmerica #CBSRadioWorkshop #NormanCorwin #OrsonWelles #CBSRadioMysteryTheater #ChallengeOfTheYukon #CharlesLaughton #TheChesterfieldShow #ChesterfieldShow #ChristmasSeals #ChristmasSealsShow #TheChristmasSealsShow #WinstonChurchill #CommandPerformance #Coronet #Crisis #CrisisRadioSeries #DamonRunyon #DamonRunyonTheater #DarkFantasy #DennisDay #DorothyCollins #DouglasEdwards #DrSixgun #Dragnet #DragnetRadioSeries #DuffysTavern #EddieCantor #Escape #EscapeRadioSeries #EthelAndAlbert #EthelNAlbert #ThePrivateLivesOfEthelAndAlbert #FamilyHour #FamilyTheater #FatherKnowsBestRadioSeries #FDR #FranklinRoosevelt #FranklinDRoosevelt #FibberMcGee #FibberMcGeeAndMolly #FibberMcGeeNMolly #TheFirstNighterProgram #FredAllen #TheFredAllenShow #FrontPageDrama #GeneAutry #GlennMiller #GlobeTheater #GrandCentralStationRadioSeries #GreatGildersleeve #TheGreatGildersleeve #HaroldPeary #TheGreatestStoryEverTold #GrimmsFairyTales #Gunsmoke #GunsmokeRadioSeries #HallmarkHallOfFame #HancocksHalfHour #HaveGunWillTravel #HenryMorgan #HenryMorganRadioSeries #HerculePoirots #HerculePoirotsChristmas #HonestHarold #HotpointHolidayHour #InformationPlease #JackBenny #TheJackBennyShow #JackArmstrong #JackArmstrongTheAllAmericanBoy #JamesGleason #JeanShepherd #Shep #JimmyDurante #JudyCanova #TheJudyCanovaShow #KaltenmeyersKindergarten #KraftMusicHall #LeoIsOnTheAir #LetsPretend #LetGeorgeDoIt #LewisCarroll #LifeOfRiley #TheLifeOfRiley #LifeWithLuigi #LightsOut #LionelBarrymore #LoneRanger #TheLoneRanger #LoneRangerRadioSeries #TheLoneRangerRadioSeries #LorettaYoung #LorneGreene #LumAndAbner #LumNAbner #LuxRadioTheatre #LuxRadioTheater #MayorOfTheTown #MelBlanc #TheMelBlancShow #MercuryTheatre #TheMercuryTheatre #MiltonBerle #MiltonBerleShow #TheMiltonBerleShow #MrPresident #MisterPresident #MutualChristmasSpecial #MyFavoriteHusband #MyFriendIrma #MyLittleMargie #MysteriousTraveler #TheMysteriousTraveler #NeroWolf #NeroWolfRadioSeries #NewWorldAComing #NickCarter #NickCarterMasterDetective #Nightbeat #NightbeatRadioSeries #OldTailsAndNew #OneMansFamily #OrsonWellesTheater #OurMissBrooks #OzzieAndHarriet #TheAdvennturesOfOzzieAndHarriet #PassingParade #PhilHarrisAliceFayeShow #ThePhilHarrisAndAliceFayeShow #PhilcoRadioTime #ProctorAndGamble #ProudlyWeHail #QuizKids #RadioCityPlayhouse #RadioMysteryTheater #RailroadHour #TheRailroadHour #TheRaleighCigaretteProgram #RedRyder #RedSkelton #TheRedSkeltonShow #RichardDiamondPrivateDetective #RipleysBelieveItOrNot #RockyFortune #RomanceRadioSeries #RomanceOfTheRanchos #RonaldColeman #RoyRogers #TheRoyRogersShow #TheRoyRogersShowRadioProgram #ScreenDirectorsPlayhouse #Sealtest VarietyTheatre #SherlockHolmes #SherlockHolmesRadioSeries #BasilRathbone #SingSomethingSeasonal #SixShooter #StarsOverHollywood #Superman #SupermanRadioSeries #Suspense! #SuspenseRadioSeries #TalesOfTheTexasRangers #Tarzan #TarzanRadioSeries #TerryAndThePirates #TerryAndThePiratesRadioSeries #TheFalcon #TheFalconRadioSeries #TheFatMan #TheFatManRadioSeries #TheLivesOfHarryLime #TheMightyMemoryMobile #TheSaint #TheSaintRadioSeries #TheShadow #TheShadowRadioSeries #TheaterOfRomance #TheatreRoyale #ThisIsYourFBI #TomHagg #TomMix TomMixRadioShow #TreasuryStarParade #TruthOrConsequences #TruthOrConsequencesRadioSeries #VicAndSade #VoiceOfTheArmy #WarTimeChristmas #TheWhistler #YourTuneForTheDay #Christmas #Christmastide #ChristmasTime #ChristmasSeason #HolidaySeason #Festivals #Holidays #HolyDays #JesusChrist #JesusOfNazareth #MP3 #DVD #AudioDownload


Cinnamon Bear: Join Jimmy, Judy And Paddy O'Cinnamon On The Hunt For The Lost Silver Tree Star In This Heartwarming Children's Adventure Series Of The 1937 Christmas Season In 26 Quarter Hour Episodes!

Abbott & Costello 43-12-20 Christmas Show

Abbott & Costello 44-12-14 Christmas Shopping

Abbott & Costello 44-12-21 Christmas Show

Abbott & Costello 45-12-13 Christmas Show

Abbott & Costello 45-12-20 Lou's Christmas Party

Abbott & Costello 47-12-24 Christmas Program

Abbott & Costello 48-12-23 Christmas Show

Aldrich Family - 42-06-18 Selling Christmas Cards

Aldrich Family - 48-12-23 - Christmas Program

Aldrich Family - 520618 - Selling Christmas Cards

Aldrich Family - 521221 - Christmas Eve with the Family

Aldrich Family - Hinting For Christmas Present

AllStarWesternTheater 471220-TheWordsSignsFollow

American Weekly - 33-12-25 - Christmas Eve Ghost

Amos & Andy 411224 Annual Christmas Show

Amos & Andy 441222 Annual Christmas Show

Amos & Andy 46-12-24 Andy Plays Santa

Amos & Andy 471223 Christmas Show

Amos & Andy 541219 Christmas Program

Amos And Andy - 50-12-24 - Traditional Christmas Show

Amos And Andy - 51-12-23 - Andy Plays Santa Claus

Archie 47-12-13 Christmas Shopping

Archie 49-12-17 Christmas Shopping

Author's Playhouse 41-12-21 Christmas by Injunction

Baby Snooks - 401219 Christmas Skates

Batman And Robin OTR - The Christmas Carol Caper

BBC OTR - Christmas Decorations

BBC OTR - The Donkey That Helped Father Christmas

BBC 311224 AChristmasCarol

BBC GodfreyTalbot 421219 ChristmasWith8thArmy

Bergen & McCarthy EBCM 481219 Christmas Show with Mario Lanza

Bergen & McCarthy EBCM 551225 Christmas Show

Bergen & McCarthy Show 55-12-18 Xmas With Candy Bergen

Bernard Cribbons - The Snowman

Beulah Show - Honorary Santa Part 1

Beulah Show - Honorary Santa Part 2

Bickersons 44-xx-xx Christmas Eve

Big Town 48-12-21 Prelude To Christmas

Bing Crosby - xxxx Christmas Show

Bing Crosby 53-12-13 Guest - Ella Fitzgerald

Bing Crosby 53-12-20 Christmas Show

BingCrosby 421224 KraftMusicHall

BingCrosby 431230 KraftMusicHall

BingCrosby 471224 PhilcoChristmasShow

BingCrosby 471231 DannyThomas

BingCrosby 491222 AlJolson

BingCrosby 491229 MillsBrothers

BingCrosby Christmas

Blondie & Dagwood - 481215 Christmas Show

Blondie 391225 Scrooge

Bob Hope 45-12-18 014 ChristmasShowFromSanFrancisco

Bob Hope 50-12-26 013 ChristmasShowStoryOfBingsyAndBobsy

Bob Hope Xmas Show 1968 Long Binh Pt. 1

Bob Hope Xmas Show 1968 Long Binh Pt. 2

Bob Hope TakingPetertoToyland

Bob&Ray 481225

Bob&Ray 481227

Bob&Ray 491220

Bob&Ray 491221

Bob&Ray 491222

Bob&Ray 591225 ALittleRockMusic

Boston Blackie - 48-12-22 - Rings For Santa

Broadway Is My Beat - 51-12-22 - Jeweled Scimitar

Broadway Is My Beat 49-12-24 Nick Norman, Santa Claus

Burns & Allen 42-12-22 Santa and the Pirates

Burns & Allen 47-12-25 Gracie's Christmas Party

Burns And Allen - 36-12-23 - Gracie's Christmas Carol

Burns and Allen 361223 [13] Gracie's Christmas Carol

Burns and Allen 41-12-16 Mailing Christmas Package

Burns and Allen 470109 [19] Last Years Christmas Bills

Burns and Allen 471218 [16] George Gets Gracie A Christmas Gift

Burns&Allen 371223-GraciesChristmasCarol

Burns&Allen 401223-ChristmasShow

Burns&Allen 411223 SantaandtheWickedWitch

Burns&Allen 431221 PlayingSantaClaus

Burns&Allen 461226 Christmas Presents-with Eddie Cantor

CaliforniaCaravan 471221 HowSantaCameToSimpsonsBar

CallingAllDetectives 481224 AnExtraSantaShowsUp

Campbell Playhouse 381223 - A Christmas Carol

Campbell Playhouse 391224 (42) A Christmas Carol (1)

Campbell Playhouse 391224 (42) A Christmas Carol (2)

Casey, Crime Photographer 46-12-19 Christmas Shopping

Casey, Crime Photographer 47-12-25 Santa Claus of Bums Blvd

CavalcadeOfAmerica 411222 TheGreenPasture

CBS Radio Workshop 56-12-23 (47) All is Bright

CBS w Norman Corwin 1945 Plot To Overthrow Christmas

CBS w Orson Welles 1944 Plot To Overthrow Christmas

CBS Radio Mystery Theater 741224 AVeryPrivateMiracle

Challenge Of The Yukon - 48-12-22 - The Man With The Red Coat

Challenge of the Yukon 49-12-23 The Sergeant's Present

ChallengeYukon 45-12-18 (0411) Christmas Present

ChallengeYukon 46-12-19 (0462) Christmas Present

CharlesLaughton xxxxxx MrPickwicksChristmas

Chesterfield Show 50-12-20 Christmas Show (Bing Crosby)

ChesterfieldShow 411224

Christmas Seals Show 52-12-24 with Frank Sinatra

Churchill Christmas Message 411224

COA 361209 (060) the story of christmas seals

Command Performance 42-12-24 1942 Christmas Special

Command Performance 43-12-25 1943 Christmas Special

Command Performance 44-12-25 1944 Christmas Special

CommandPerformance 451224 ChristmasShow(2 hrs]

The Coronet Little Show 431219 GiftOfTheMagi

Crisis 751225 TheSpiritOfChristmas

Crisis 771229 MamaHadAGift

Damon Runyon Theater 49-03-13 Dancing Dan's Christmas

DamonRunyonTheater 491023 PalmBeachSantaClaus

DamonRunyonTheater 491225 DreamSweetRose

DarkFantasy 411226 HouseOfBread

Dennis Day - Christmas Is For The Family

Dorothy Collins - Send Me Your Love for Christmas

DouglasEdwards xxxxxx DouglasEdwardsAtTheNorthPole

Dr Sixgun 54-12-19 A Pony for Christmas

Dragnet-491222 e030 32-22-m 29m12s 22 Rifle for Christmas

Dragnet-501221 (080) 22 Rifle for Christmas

Dragnet-511220-The Big Twenty-Two Rifle For Christmas

Dragnet-521221 (0183) Twenty-Two Rifle for Christmas

Dragnet 54-12-21 Big Little Jesus

Duffy's Tavern - 48-12-23 - Archie's In Poor Spirits

Duffy's Tavern - 50-12-22 - Charles Coburn Plays Santa Claus

Duffy's Tavern 48-12-22 Miracle on Third Avenue (Christmas

Duffy's Tavern 50-12-22 Charles Coburn Plays Santa Claus

DuffysTavern 441222 Christmas Program (with Monty Woolley)

DuffysTavern 481229 DorothyShaye

DuffysTavern xxxxxx ArchiesChristmasCarol

EddieCantor 421223 GuestIdaLupino

EddieCantor 441220

EddieCantor 521224 ChristmasSpecial

EdgarBergen 441224 NavyChoir

EdgarBergen 541226 HopalongCassidy

Escape - 1947-12-24 - Ep 020 - Back For Christmas

Escape 47-12-24 Back for Christmas

Escape 501224 TheCave

Ethel And Albert (The Private Lives Of Ethel And Albert) Christmas

Family Hour Of Stars 48-12-19 Gregory Peck - Lullaby Of Chr

Family Theater 471211 SubstituteSanta

Family Theater 471225 TheJugglerOfOurLady

Family Theater 48-12-22 - Blessed Are They

Family Theater 480729 ChristmasInJuly

Family Theater 481215 ADaddyForChristmas

Family Theater 49-12-14 The Other Wiseman

Family Theater 491221 TheLittlestAngel

Family Theater 50-12-13 (199) Lullaby of Christmas

Family Theater 51-12-19 (249) Lullaby of Christmas

Family Theater 511226 StarOfWonder

Family Theater 52-12-10 (296) Lullaby of Christmas

Family Theater 52-12-17 (297) Crossroads of Christmas

Family Theater 521224 TheNativity

Family Theater 531223 Ruth

Father Knows Best 53-12-24 Christmas Program

FatherKnowsBest 501221 ChristmasProgram

FatherKnowsBest AHansChristianAndersonChristmas


FDR 401224 - Christmas Message Excerpt

FDR 411224 - Christmas Message Excerpt

FDR 431224 - Christmas Eve Fireside Chat

Fibber McGee & Molly 35-12-09 - Christmas Shopping

Fibber McGee & Molly 381220 Christmas Shopping

Fibber McGee & Molly 40-12-24 - The Radio Phonograph

Fibber McGee & Molly 401210 Mailing Christmas Pa

Fibber McGee & Molly 41-12-23 - Door Chimes Gift Arrives

Fibber McGee & Molly 42-12-15 - Misplaced Christmas Money

Fibber McGee & Molly 42-12-22 - Listening To Carols

Fibber McGee & Molly 42-12-22 Listening to the Christmas

Fibber McGee & Molly 43-12-21 Looking for a Christmas Tree

Fibber McGee & Molly 45-12-18 White Christmas Tree

Fibber McGee & Molly 46-12-24 - Fixing Broken Toys

Fibber McGee & Molly 48-12-07 Christmas Shopping

Fibber McGee & Molly 48-12-21 Christmas Card From Elizabeth

Fibber McGee & Molly 481207 Early Christmas Shop

Fibber McGee & Molly 49-12-06 Making Christmas Cards

Fibber McGee & Molly 49-12-20 Best Christmas Decorations

Fibber McGee & Molly 491220 Best Christmas Decor (different)

Fibber McGee & Molly 51-12-25 - The Spirit Of Giving

Fibber McGee & Molly 52-12-23 Doc's Surprise Party

Fibber McGee & Molly 521216 Exchanging Christmas

Fibber McGee & Molly 53-11-20 The Christmas Fund

Fibber McGee & Molly 53-12-16 Christmas Shopping at Bon Ton

Fibber McGee & Molly 53-12-22 The Expensive Christmas Tree

Fibber McGee & Molly 53-12-23 Doc Helps Decorate The McGees

Fibber McGee & Molly 53-12-24 Laura, the Lopsided Pine

Fibber McGee & Molly 53-12-25 Spending Christmas At Home

Fibber McGee & Molly 55-12-22 Opening Doc's Christmas Cards

Fibber McGee & Molly Give Bonds for Christmas Ad 411207

First Nighter 52-12-23-e12 Oh, Little Town of Bethlehem

The First Nighter Program - 48-12-23 - Oh Little Town Of Bethleham

FirstNighter 480101 OneInTheMiddle

Fred Allen - 32-12-25 - Mammoth Department Store

Fred Allen - 37-12-22 - Santa Will Not Ride Tonight

Fred Allen 42-12-20 Risa Stevens - Santa Claus Sits Down

FredAllen 391227 ChristmaswRobertBenchley

FredAllen 44xxxx PlotToOverthrowChristmas

FredAllen 451225 PlotToOverthrowChristmas

FredAllen 471228 monty wooley - returning a clo

Front Page Drama 33-12-21 Christmas Eve Ghost

Front Page Drama 331221 [0035] Christmas Eve Ghost

Front Page Drama 51-12-25 Christmas Eve Ghost

Gene Lockhart - Return To Christmas Island

GeneAutry 481221 ChristmasParty

Glenn Miller First Reported Missing Christmas Eve 1944

GlobeTheater 471223 AChristmasCarol

Grand Central Station 49-12-24 Miracle for Christmas

GrandCentralStation 521219 MiracleForChristmas

Great Gildersleeve 41-12-21 017 Christmas Gift for Fibber McGee

Great Gildersleeve 42-12-20 061 Christmas Program

Great Gildersleeve 44-12-24 149 Twas the Night Before Christmas

Great Gildersleeve 45-12-23 190 Christmas Eve at Home

Great Gildersleeve 46-12-18 Leroy Wants a Motor Scooter

Great Gildersleeve 46-12-25 229 Christmas Caroling at Gildersleeve's

Great Gildersleeve 47-12-10 266 Christmas Shopping

Great Gildersleeve 47-12-24 268 Leroy's Christmas Dog

Great Gildersleeve 48-12-08 305 Disappearing Christmas Presents

Great Gildersleeve 48-12-15 306 Christmas Shopping

Great Gildersleeve 48-12-22 307 Christmas Eve at Gildersleeve's

Great Gildersleeve 50-12-20 385 Christmas Show - A Present for Kathryn

Great Gildersleeve 51-12-12 - Leroy Selling Christmas Trees

Great Gildersleeve 51-12-12 Leroy Selling Christmas Trees

Great Gildersleeve 51-12-19 423 Christmas Show

Great Gildersleeve 51-12-26 - Opening Last Christmas Presents

Great Gildersleeve 51-12-26 Opening Last Christmas Presents

Great Gildersleeve 52-12-24 476 Gildy and Leroy Alone for Christmas

Great Gildersleeve 53-12-02 525 Gildy Earns Christmas Money Selling Insu

Great Gildersleeve 53-12-16 527 Gildy and Hooker Feud at Christmas

Great Gildersleeve 53-12-23 Selling Trees for Needy Childre

Greatest Story Ever Told - Flight Into Egypt

Grimm's Fairy Tales (record) Rumpelstilsken

Gunsmoke 52-12-20 A Christmas Story

Hallmark Hall Of Fame 54-12-19 Lionel Barrymore - A Christm

Hallmark Playhouse - 48-12-23 - Silent Night

HallmarkPlayhouse 461219 Room For A Stranger

HallmarkPlayhouse 470320 GiftsOfTheMagi

HallmarkPlayhouse 491222 Silent Night

Hancock'sHalfHour 561223 HancocksHappyChristmas

Hancock'sHalfHour 581225 BillAndFFatherChristmas

Hancock'sHalfHour 591222 TheChristmasClub

HaveGunWillTravel 581221 HangingCross

HaveGunWillTravel 591220 RanchCarnival

HenryMorgan 471225 Christmas

Hercule Poirot's Christmas - Hercule Poirot's Christmas

Honest Harold 50-12-20 Children's Christmas Party

Hotpoint Holiday Hour 491225 ManWhoCameToDinner

Information Please 441225 Fred Allen James Wallace St Alba

Jack Benny 36-12-20 - An Old Fashioned Christmas Party

Jack Benny 361227 LetterFromMary'sMother

Jack Benny 37-12-12 - Christmas Shopping

Jack Benny 38-12-11 Christmas Shopping In New York

Jack Benny 38-12-25 Jack's Christmas Open House

Jack Benny 39-12-17 Christmas Shopping (East Coast Version)

Jack Benny 39-12-17 Christmas Shopping (West Coast Version)

Jack Benny 39-12-24 Christmas Open House at Jack's

Jack Benny 41-01-05 Christmas Gift Exchange

Jack Benny 41-12-21 The Christmas Tree

Jack Benny 41-12-28 Jack Talks About Christmas Party He Gave

Jack Benny 43-12-19 Jack and Mary Go Christmas Shopping

Jack Benny 43-12-26 Christmas at Jack's House

Jack Benny 441224 ChristmasTreewAndyDevine

Jack Benny 451223 ColmansforDinner

Jack Benny 46-12-08 Jack Buys Don Shoe Laces for Christmas

Jack Benny 46-12-22 Christmas Party at Birmingham General Hospital

Jack Benny 47-12-21 Last Moment Christmas Shopping

Jack Benny 48-12-19 Jack Buys a Wallet for Don as Christmas Gift

Jack Benny 49-12-25 Rochester Is Shocked by an Electric Ala

Jack Benny 491218 ChristmasSpirit

Jack Benny 50-12-17 Jack Buys Don Golf Tees For Christmas

Jack Benny 50-12-24 - Beavers Come Over To Jack's For Christmas

Jack Benny 50-12-24 Beavers Come Over To Jack's For Christmas

Jack Benny 51-12-02 - Shopping For Cuff Links

Jack Benny 51-12-23 Christmas Tree Decoration

Jack Benny 52-12-07 Happy Time

Jack Benny 52-12-14 Jack Buys a Gopher Trap for Don

Jack Benny 52-12-21 Setting Up Christmas Tree

Jack Benny 53-12-13 Christmas Show from Palm Springs

Jack Benny 53-12-20 Cactus Christmas Tree

Jack Benny 54-12-05 Christmas Shopping

Jack Benny 54-12-19 Christmas At Palm Springs

Jack Benny 54-12-26 Day After Christmas - Dennis' Cold

Jack Benny 56-12-23 Christmas Show

Jack Benny Addressing Christmas Cards

JackArmstrong 401223 AdventureoftheSunkenReef1

JackArmstrong 401224 AdventureoftheSunkenReef2

JackArmstrong 401225 AdventureoftheSunkenReef3

JackArmstrong 401226 AdventureoftheSunkenReef4

JackArmstrong 401227 AdventureoftheSunkenReef5

JackArmstrong 401230 AdventureoftheSunkenReef6

JackArmstrong 401231 AdventureoftheSunkenReef7

JackArmstrong 410101 AdventureoftheSunkenReef8

JackArmstrong 410102 AdventureoftheSunkenReef9

JackArmstrong 410103 AdventureoftheSunkenReef10

James Gleason - Christmas With Love

Jean Shepherd 711224 Earliest Christmas

Jean Shepherd 741206 Army Christmas Gift

Jean Shepherd 741223 ChristmasPipe

Jean Shepherd 741224 RedRyderNailsTheClevelandStreetKid

Jean Shepherd 751216 BoyScoutSantaClaus

Jean Shepherd 751217 MonolopyChristmasCards

Jean Shepherd 751224 Christmas In The Air

Jean Shepherd 7512XX Monolopy Christmas

Jimmy Durante - Frosty The Snowman

Jimmy Durante 441222 ChristmasShow

Jimmy Durante 47-12-24 Christmas Show

Jimmy Durante 48-12-24 Problems With Christmas Dinner Rose Marie

Judy Canova Show 451222 Exclusive Brentwood Society Christmas P

Judy Canova Show 461221 Quiet Christmas Party

Kaltenmeyers Kindergarten xxxxxx Christmas(excerpt)

Kraft Music Hall 441214 - Christmas Show

Kraft Music Hall 441221 - Christmas Show

Kraft Music Hall 471224 Bing Crosby Show 013 Christmas Show

Kraft Music Hall 471225 BorisKarloff

Kraft Music Hall 50-12-20 Christmas Special

Kraft Music Hall ChristmasShow BingCrosby

Leo Is On The Air - HolidayBroadcast MickeyRooney&JudyGarland

Leo The Lion xxxxxx-Holiday

Let's Pretend 421226 - House of the World - Christmas Special

Let's Pretend 490416 Snowdrop and the Seven Dwarves

Let's Pretend 52-12-20 'Twas the Night Before Christmas

Let's Pretend 53-12-12 Snow Queen

Let's Pretend 54-06-05 Beauty And The Beast

Let George Do It 51-01-29 223 Christmas In January

Let George Do It 51-12-24 270 Christmas Letter

Lewis Carroll 1958 Alice In Wonderland

Life of Riley 441217 049 The Christmas Present

Life of Riley 441224 050 Roswell's a Guest for Christmas

Life of Riley 47-12-20 First Christmas in Store Window

Life of Riley 47-12-27 Family Christmas Present - Tv or Piano

Life of Riley 481224 225 Christmas Bonuses from Mr Stevenson

Life of Riley 49-12-23 The Christmas Club

Life with Luigi 49-12-20 Gifts for Pasquale

Lights Out - 37-12-22 - Uninhabited (Christmas Story - 1918)

Lionel Barrymore - A Christmas Carol (Another Version)

Lionel Barrymore 49-12-25 A Christmas Carol

Lone Ranger 46-12-25 The Bells of San Pedro

Lone Ranger 471224 MissionBells

Lone Ranger 501225 Christmas Tree

Loretta Young 1944 The Littlest Angel

Lorne Greene 1953 The Gift Of The Magi

Lorne Greene 1954 T'was The Night Before Christ

Lum & Abner 15 min ChristmasStory

Lum & Abner 381223-ChristmasStory

Lum & Abner 40-12-25- Christmas Show

Lum & Abner 44-12-25 Christmas Show

Lum & Abner 481219 ChristmasShow

Lum & Abner 49-12-24 Christmas Show

Lum & Abner Traditional Christmas Show

Lux Radio Theatre 381226 SnowWhite

Lux Radio Theatre 391225 Pinocchio

Lux Radio Theatre 411222 RememberTheNight

Lux Radio Theatre 440626 446 Christmas In July

Lux Radio Theatre 450618 Canterville Ghost

Lux Radio Theatre 450917 494 Christmas Holiday

Lux Radio Theatre 461202 MeetMeinStLouis

Lux Radio Theatre 47-03-10 ITS A WONDERFUL LIFE

Lux Radio Theatre 47-12-22 EP597 MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET

Lux Radio Theatre 470310 ItsAWonderfulLife

Lux Radio Theatre 481220 MiracleOn34thStreet

Lux Radio Theatre 50-03-13 EP694 LITTLE WOMEN

Lux Radio Theatre 501225 WizardOfOz

Lux Radio Theatre 511210 TheLemonDropKid

Lux Radio Theatre 53-05-11 The Bishop's Wife

Mayor of the Town 42-12-24 (13) A Christmas Carol

Mayor Of The Town 42-12-24 A Christmas Carol

Mayor of the Town 43-01-22 (17) The Burning christmas Tree

Mel Blanc - Betty's Christmas Present

Mel Blanc - Christmas Shopping (With Audience Warm Up)

Mel Blanc Show 46-12-24 Mel Plays Santa

Mercury Theatre 4112xx - Christmas Show

Milton Berle Show 471223 042 Christmas

Mr President 49-12-25 The Man At The Gate Of The World

Mutual Christmas Special - AChristmasCarol

Mutual Christmas Special - My Son is a Wise Man

Mutual Christmas Special - The Special Christmas Show

My Favorite Husband 49-12-16 George's Christmas Presents

My Favorite Husband 49-12-23 The Sleigh Ride

My Favorite Husband 50-12-16 Christmas Card Pictures

My Favorite Husband 50-12-23 The Christmas Stag

My Friend Irma 47-12-22 Christmas Party

My Friend Irma 48-12-20 Irma's Christmas Party

My Little Margie-Christmas[2]

Mysterious Traveler - 51-12-25 - Christmas Story

Nero Wolf - 50-12-22 - The Slaughtered Santas

Nero Wolfe-(00) Christmas Party

New World a'Coming (Black Civil Rights Radio) - 441224 (27) Christmas Program

Nick Carter 431225 Nick Carter's Christmas Adventure

Nightbeat - 51-12-21 - Christmas Story

Old Tails and New 50-10-16 Three Billy Goats Gruff

One Man's Family 50-12-25 - Christmas At The Barbours

One Man's Family 521225 ATouchOfChrsitmasSpirit

Orson Welles Theater 41-12-xx Christmas Show

Our Miss Brooks 48-12-19 (xxxx) Magic Christmas Tree, The

Our Miss Brooks 49-12-18 A Letter to Santa

Our Miss Brooks 49-12-25 The Magic Christmas Tree (1)

Our Miss Brooks 50-12-17 ASuitForCharity

Our Miss Brooks 50-12-24 - The Magic Christmas Tree

Our Miss Brooks 50-12-31 - Returning Christmas Presents

Our Miss Brooks 55-12-25 The Magic Christmas Tree (2)

Ozzie & Harriet 48-12-19 Radio Phonograph Christmas Gift

Ozzie & Harriet 481212 Worrying

Ozzie & Harriet 53-12-25 The Lost Christmas Gift

Ozzie & Harriet xx-xx-xx Christmas Present Agreement

Passing Parade 43-12-24 The Story Of Christmas Seals

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 47-12-21 Annual Christmas Show

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 48-12-19 Hiring a Santa Claus

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 48-12-26 The Christmas Present

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 49-12-18 Getting a Christmas Tr

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 49-12-25 Annual Christmas Show

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 52-12-21 Alice Volunteers Phil

Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show 53-12-25 Christmas Show

Philco Radio Time 47-12-24 - 049 - Christmas Show

Philco Radio Time 47-12-24 (63)-Adestes Fideles [repeat of 12-25-46]

Proctor & Gamble xx-xx-xx Special Christmas Program

Proudly We Hail 51-12-23 (168) Christmas Story

Quiz Kids 48-12-19 Christmas Special

Radio City Playhouse 48-12-20 The Three Men

Radio City Playhouse 49-12-25 Twas' the Night Before Christmas

Radio Mystery Theater xx-xx-xx A Christmas Carol

Railroad Hour 52-12-22 pgm.221 Christmas Party

Raleigh Cigarette Program 45-12-25 Christmas Trees

Red Ryder - 48-12-23 - Christmas Story

Red Skelton - 51-12-26 - Day After Christmas

Red Skelton - Christmas Story

Red Skelton - Special Christmas Show Santa Is Missing

Red Skelton 45-12-25 (04) Christmas Trees

Red Skelton 45-12-25 Christmas Trees

Red Skelton 46-12-24 (43) Christmas Stories

Red Skelton 46-12-24 Christmas Stories

Red Skelton 51-12-19 The Little Christmas Tree

Red Skelton 51-12-26 Day After Christmas, The

Red Skelton 51-12-26 Day After Christmas

Richard Diamond Private Detective - 49-12-24 A Christmas Carol

Richard Diamond Private Detective - 51-12-21 - A Christmas Carol

Ripley's Believe It or Not - xxxxxx - 043 - Floating Christmas Present

Rocky Fortune 53-12-22 The Plot To Murder Santa Claus

Romance 55-12-24 Richer by One Christmas

Romance of the Ranchos 41-12-24 (16) Christmas at San Gabriel

Ronald Coleman As Scrooge - A Christmas Carol

Roy Rogers 52-12-25 Night Before the Night Before Christmas

Screen Director's Playhouse 49-05-08 It's A Wonderful Life

Screen Director's Playhouse 49-12-23 Miracle on 34Th Street

Screen Director's Playhouse 50-12-21 Miracle On 34th Street

Sealtest Variety Theatre 48-12-23 VT 0015 Christmas Show

Sherlock Holmes (Rathbone & Bruce) 45-12-24 NIGHT BEFORE C

Sherlock Holmes (Rathbone & Bruce) 47-12-21 CHRISTMAS BRIDE

Sing Something Seasonal - Sing Something Seasonal

Six Shooter 53-12-20 Britt Ponset's Christmas Carol

Stars Over Hollywood - 51-12-22 - A Christmas Carol

Superman - Light Up The Tree, Mr. President

Suspense 431223 Back For Christmas

Suspense 48-12-23 - Holiday Story

Suspense 501221-Christmas for Carole

Suspense 51-12-24 - The Night Before Christmas

Suspense 53-12-21 Twas The Night Before Christmas

Suspense 561223 Back For Christmas

Suspense 57-12-22 Dog Star

Suspense 581221 Out For Christmas

Suspense 59-12-20 A Korean Christmas Carol

Tales Of The Texas Rangers - 50-12-24 - Christmas Presents

Tales Of The Texas Rangers 51-12-23 Christmas Pay-off

Tarzan - 51-12-20 - Congo Christmas

Terry & The Pirates 1946-12-25 Special Christmas Rhyme

The Falcon - 50-12-24 - Case Of The Unwelcome Christmas

The Fat Man - Murder Sends A Christmas Card

The Lives Of Harry Lime -51-09-21 - Rogues Holiday

The Mighty Memory Mobile - Stars Salute To The Holidays

The Saint - 50-12-24 - Christmas Eve Problems

The Shadow 47-12-21 A Gift Of Murder

The Shadow xx-xx-xx Joeys Christmas Story

Theater of Romance 45-12-25 078 The Messiah

Theatre Royale 53-12-24 A Christmas Carol

This Is Your FBI - 50-12-22 - The Return Of Saint Nick

This Is Your FBI - 51-12-21 - The Innocent Santa Claus

This Is Your FBI 48-12-24 Return Of St Nick

This Is Your FBI 50-12-22 The Return of Saint Nick

This Is Your FBI 51-12-21 The Innocent Santa Claus

Tom Hagg - A Cup Of Christmas Tea

Tom Mix -'xx-xx-xx Christmas show-Recreation

Treasury Star Parade 42-12-25 A Modern Scrooge

Truth or Consequences 47-12-20 Christmas Show

Unknown - Christmas Eve In Heaven

Vic & Sade 41-12-12 Thirty-four Christmas Gifts for $20

Vic & Sade 42-08-06 Christmas Cards, C O D

Vic & Sade 42-10-27 Boss' Christmas Present {12m59s HQ]

Vic & Sade 43-11-26 Choosing Christmas Present for Boss, Again

Voice of the Army #433 Christmas Harps Diane Deering Marie MacQuarrie

War Time Christmas 41-12-16 Christmas In Europe

Whistler 441225 (136) Christmas Bonus (Misnamed Lie or Consequences)

Whistler 47-12-24 Decision

Whistler 481226 (343) Delayed Christmas Present

Whistler 49-12-25 Letter From Cynthia

Whistler 50-12-24 - Three Wise Guys

Whistler 51-12-23 - Christmas Gift

Whistler 52-12-21 Christmas Bonus

Your Tune For The Day - Jolly Old St. Nicholas

Your Tune For The Day - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindr

Your Tune For The Day - Up On The House Top

Christmas Day, an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, is observed primarily on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people around the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year, it is preceded by the season of Advent or the Nativity Fast and initiates the season of Christmastide, which historically in the West lasts twelve days and culminates on Twelfth Night; in some traditions, Christmastide includes an octave. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many of the world's nations, is celebrated religiously by a majority of Christians, as well as culturally by many non-Christians, and forms an integral part of the holiday season centered around it. The traditional Christmas narrative, the Nativity of Jesus, delineated in the New Testament says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in accordance with messianic prophecies. When Joseph and Mary arrived in the city, the inn had no room and so they were offered a stable where the Christ Child was soon born, with angels proclaiming this news to shepherds who then further disseminated the information. Although the month and date of Jesus' birth are unknown, the church in the early fourth century fixed the date as December 25. This corresponds to the date of the winter solstice on the Roman calendar. Most Christians celebrate on December 25 in the Gregorian calendar, which has been adopted almost universally in the civil calendars used in countries throughout the world. However, some Eastern Christian Churches celebrate Christmas on December 25 of the older Julian calendar, which currently corresponds to a January date in the Gregorian calendar. For Christians, believing that God came into the world in the form of man to atone for the sins of humanity, rather than knowing Jesus' exact birth date, is considered to be the primary purpose in celebrating Christmas. The celebratory customs associated in various countries with Christmas have a mix of pre-Christian, Christian, and secular themes and origins. Popular modern customs of the holiday include gift giving; completing an Advent calendar or Advent wreath; Christmas music and caroling; viewing a Nativity play; an exchange of Christmas cards; church services; a special meal; and the display of various Christmas decorations, including Christmas trees, Christmas lights, nativity scenes, garlands, wreaths, mistletoe, and holly. In addition, several closely related and often interchangeable figures, known as Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, and Christkind, are associated with bringing gifts to children during the Christmas season and have their own body of traditions and lore. Because gift-giving and many other aspects of the Christmas festival involve heightened economic activity, the holiday has become a significant event and a key sales period for retailers and businesses. The economic impact of Christmas has grown steadily over the past few centuries in many regions of the world.

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