
No Time To Say Goodbye DVD German Jewish Child Refugees

  • Model: 1915


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The Sad And Telling Story Of The Jewish Children Sent Out Of Germany As Refugees By Families Who Would Die In The Concentration Camps Of The Third Reich That Would Have Claimed Their Children Had They Not Been Sent To Safety In Britain, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1989, 48 Minutes.) #JewishRefugeesFromNaziGermany #EmigrationOfJewsFromNaziGermany #EmigrationOfJewsFromGermanOccupiedEurope #NaziConcentrationCamps #NaziExterminationCamps #DeathCamps #NaziGermany #Holocaust #FinalSolution #FinalSolutionToTheJewishQuestion #JewishQuestion #ThirdReich #Nazis #Racism #DVD

After Adolf Hitler came into power in 1933, Jews began to escape Germany, and thereafter, occupied Europe. There were about 523,000 German Jews (<1% of the population) in the country when Hitler came to power. Subject to threats and persecution, Jews began to emigrate from that point until the start of World War II. In Austria, more than 50% of the Jews had left the country by May 1939, following Adolf Eichmann's program to force Jews to emigrate that began in the spring of 1938. Franz Mayer, a Jewish leader, said of Eichmann's system: "You put in a Jew at one end, with property, a shop, a bank account, and legal rights. He passed through the building and came out at the other end without property, without privileges, without rights, with nothing except a passport and order to leave the country within a fortnight; otherwise, he would find himself inside a concentration camp." By the end of 1939, there were more than 117,000 Jews who left Austria and more than 300,000 who left Germany. Most of them were trained in a particular field or college-educated. Generally, they were young in age. Many of the 100,000 people who found refuge in neighbouring European countries were captured and killed by the Nazis, after May 1940, when they invaded western Europe. As the Nazi regime extended into Czechoslovakia, beginning in 1938, and into Poland in 1939, there were more Jewish refugees, and even more as Nazi Germany conquered the rest of Europe.

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