D-Day Broadcasts MP3 DVD All 24 Hours Plus Highlights And Songs

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The Normandy Landings That Began The Liberation Of Europe Of June 6, 1944, Documented In 24 Digitally Enhanced One-Hour Long MP3s -- Plus The Key Moments Of The Day's Radio News Coverage Carefully Excerpted, Restored And Digitally Remastered, Enhanced -- Plus The Actual Music The Nation Listened To As News Of The Liberation Of Europe Came Across The Airwaves -- All Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 DVD! #DDay #NormandyLandings #BattleOfNormandy #InvasionOfNormandy #OperationNeptune #VictoryInEurope #OperationOverlord #WesternFrontWWII #EuropeanTheatreOfWWII #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #EuropeanTheaterOfWWII #WorldWarII #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar


24 Carefully Restored And Digitally Enhanced One-Hour Long MP3s, Documenting The Normandy Landings That Began The Liberation Of Europe, June 6, 1944!

In the early morning hours of June 6th, 1944, word had reached America that the Third Reich had broadcast to the world (but not to her own people) that the Allied invasion of "Fortress Europe" had begun. No word was to be had confirming this from any Allied source. In an effort to keep the public abreast of the story as details developed, American news agencies kept an all-night vigil as they awaited confirmation of the story. This twenty four hour long mp3 audio cdrom captures these historic events as decorum is dropped in the news coverage, with CBS reporter Bob Trout leaving his announcers booth to broadcast emerging scraps of news as they came in over the wires. With tension mounting, the words America had been waiting for finally arrives - "Under the command of General Eisenhower, Allied naval forces, supported by strong air forces, began landing Allied armies this morning on the northern coast of France". There then proceeds a flood of reports from correspondants and sources both on the scene and in the loop, including Edward R. Murrow via CBS London, Herbert M. Clark by pre-written text before embarkation & more. This dramatic and unequalled moment in broadcast history is followed by all the news reporting and programming which followed on the CBS radio network up to the wee hours of the next day.

20+ Full Hours Packed Into 115 ~ Carefully Digitally Remastered ~ MP3s! 115 Audio Outtakes Carefully Chosen For Special Restoration And Encoded In High Quality High Bitrate MP3 Format! The Key Moments of the Day's Radio News Coverage As Broadcast During the June 6th 1944 Normandy Landings:

01 - General Montgomery's message to the troops (0:42) | 02 - General Eisenhower's message to the troops (1:40) | 03 - Charles Collingwood on LST immediately prior to landings (4:08) | 04 - George Hicks live off Normandy immediately before H-Hour (10:21) | 05 - Bob Trout - Germans Announce D-Day has begun 0200 ET (1:34) | 06 - Bob Trout - Incoming bulletins Approx. 0310 ET (2:56) | 07 - Bob Trout reads ONI bulletin, SHAEF broadcasts Communique #1 0331 ET (2:21) | 08 - Herbert M. Clark's text report read 0342 ET (3:39) | 09 - SHAEF Broadcast To Peoples Of Europe, featuring General Eisenhower, the King of Norway, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands & the Prime Minister of Belgium (24:56) | 10 - Wright Bryant reports on D-Day airborne troop landings (13:44) | 11 - John W. Van Der Cook - ''The invasion of Western Europe has begun" (3:01) | 12 - James Willard - D-Day landings as seen from Marauder aircraft (2:43) | 13 - Charles Shaw - News of D-Day in London (6:36) | 14 - Stanley Richardson & Merrill Mueller report from the Advance Allied Command Post (15:44) | 15 - Bill Henry on the Pentagon's D-Day military & psychological strategy (3:59) | 16 - Quentin Reynolds reassures parents about U.S. guns (4:04) | 17 - AlanJackson reports on naval forces utilized (0:58) | 18 - Quentin Reynolds analyzes Eisenhower's broadcast to Western Europe (4:12) | 19 - CBS gas rationing Public Service Announcement on "The Open Door" (0:42) | 20 - CBS appeal for WAV enlistment on "Amanda Of Honeymoon Hill" (1:24) | 21 - D-Day Prayer from CBS's "Second Husband" (2:40) | 22 - General DeGaulle's broadcast to the People of France (3:27) | 23 - D-Day appeal on CBS's "Spry's Real Life Stories" (2:09) | 24 - "Aunt Jennie" on CBS's "Spry's Real Life Stories" (0:21) | 25 - Lipton Soup ad for 5th War Bond Drive (0:20) | 26 - Appeal for women workers from CBS's "Big Sister" (0:59) | 27 - Edward R. Murrow reports from London (7:47) | 28 - Quincy Hull's assessment of Anglo-American prestige on D-Day (7:10) | 29 - Albert Leitsch on Washington D.C.'s reaction to D-Day (3:49) | 30 - King George VI addresses the Peoples of the British Empire 1500ET (8:17) | 31 - Merrill Mueller report on SHAEF's assessment of D-Day (2:48) | 32a - Bill Henry reports on the Houseof Representative's reaction to D-Day Pt. 1 (8:48) | 32b - Bill Henry reports on the Houseof Representative's reaction to D-Day Pt. 2 (4:49) | 33 - Howard Marshall reports on his D-Day landing experience (4:13) | 34 - William L. Shirer analyzes and predicts German reactions to D-Day (5:31) | 35 - Edward R. Murrow reports from London (3:39) | 36 - Farnsworth Powell reports fromRome regarding reactions to D-Day there (0:55) | 37 - Quentin Reynolds reports on expectations of Germany's response to D-Day (6:48) | 38 - Ward Smith reports on his flight with American airborne forces (4:04) | 39 - Quentin Reynolds on the personal expectations of American soldiers on D-Day (5:50) | 40 - CharlesShaw reports as D-Day passes by in Britain (7:18) | 41 - President Roosevelt's D-Day Prayer broadcast (6:19) | 42 - Edward R. Murrow reports again from London (7:57) | 43 - Quentin Reynolds assesses General Montgomery (5:23) | 44 - William L. Shirer analyzes German propaganda (3:25) | 45 - Quentin Reynolds analyzes Anglo-American soldier relations (6:09) | 46 - Charles Shaw reports as D-Day +1 Dawns In Britain (7:07) | ''KateSmithSpeaks''440606 | ''ThePassingParade''Approx1915EDT440606 | 44-06-06 Fred Waring | 44-06-06 The Ginny Simms Sh | 44-06-07 Kate Smith and New | BillHenryCBS-PentagonOnD-Day | Bob Hope's D-Day Show (also last show of the season) | BobTrout0333EST440606-''ThisMeansInvasion'' | CBS''AmandaOfHoneymoonHill''440606 | CBSCarriesSHAEFCommunique#1 | CBSNews440606-EveningRecapOfD-DayInvasion | CBSQuincyHull'sAssessmentOfAnglo-AmericanPrestigeOnD-Day | CharlesCollingwoodDescribesGlidersFlyingOverD-DayBeachhead | Col.R.EarnestDuPuyAnnouncesD-DayInvasion440606-0332AMEST | Crisco'sRadioNewspaper440606 | D-DayMusicApprox.1345EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1400EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1405EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1430EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1445EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1456EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1600EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1640EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1715EDT | D-DayMusicApprox.1815EDT | D-DayNewsCoverageHour01 | EdwinC.Hill1800EDT440606 | FarnsworthPowellCBSApprox.1850EDT-RomeOnD-Day | HerbertMClarkTextReportToUSD-Day | KentStevensonBBCApprox1845EDT-FlightWithRAFCoastalCommand440606 | KingGeorgeVIAddressesPeoplesOfBritishEmpire1500EDT440606 | KingOfNorway'sD-DayBroadcast | LiptonSoupAdFor5thWarBondLoanOnCBS440606 | MerrillMuellerCAN-SHAEFAssessmentOfD-DayLandingsApprox.1530EDT | MutualRadio-LarryMeyerOnD-Day | News 44-06-07 D-Day Kalmer, Quincy Howe | PaulWhite&CharlieShaw-2wayOnUKDuringD-Day | PrimeMinisterOfBelgium'sD-DayBroadcast | PrimeMinisterOfTheNetherlandsD-DayBroadcast | QuentinReynoldsCBSApprox.1905EDT-ExpectationsOfGermanResponseToD-Day | RaymondMasseyIn''TheDoctorFights''2130ET440606 | RichardC()-D-DayLandings | SHAEFCommunique#1BroadcastToUS0332AMEST440606 | StanleyRichardson&MerrillMuellerAdvanceAlliedCommandPost-D-Day | StanleyRichardsonCAN-1stEyewitnessAccountOfD-DayNavalActions | TheCorwinShowStarringCharlesLaughton-AnAmericanTrilogy-Epi.#1-CarlSandburg2000ET440606 | TheLightOfTheWorld440606 | USNavyBand2230ETOnD-Day | ValiantLady440606-AppealForWarBonds | WardSmithApprox1855EDT440606-FlightWithAmericanAirborneForces | WrightBryantCANOnD-DayAirborneTroopLandings | 44-06-06 - Live report from a D-Day Beach | 44-06-06 0330 CBS D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 0332 NBC D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 0400 NBC D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 0415 CBS D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 0415 NBC D-Day Broadcast - Reporter with Paratroops | 44-06-06 0500 CBS D-Day | Broadcast | 44-06-06 0540 CBS D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 0630 CBS D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 1000 CBS Valiant Lady - Buy War Bonds | 44-06-06 1015 CBS Light Of The World | 44-06-06 1200 CBS Kate Smith Speaks - Prayer For Our Troops | 44-06-06 1230 CBS Romance Of Helen Trent | 44-06-06 1245 CBS D-Day Broadcast | 44-06-06 1300 CBS News John Daly | 44-06-06 1300 NBC News Reports From London | 44-06-06 1500 CBS King George VI On D-Day

The Actual Music The Nation Listened To As News Of the Liberation Of Europe Came Across The Airwaves June 6th, 1944!

As breaking news of the Allied Landings in Normandy trickled in throughout the day, CBS executives weren't sure whether they should have the network broadcast their regularly scheduled programming with interruptions for breaking developments or whether to go all news. By early afternoon, however, they decided in fact to do neither; rather, they would play patriotic music and interrupt that with news as it came in across the Atlantic. This mp3 collection features all the music segments broadcast during D-Day. Consisting mainly of live performances by the CBS Orchestra, with a rousing half hour finale by the U.S. Navy Band, the spirit of the moment clearly shines through their performance as they, along with their fellow hopeful Americans, eagerly awaited news of their greatest adventure.

No. 01: Approx. 1:45 PM (7:05) | No. 02: Approx. 2:00 PM (3:05) | No. 03: Approx. 2:05 PM (16:48) | No. 04: Approx. 2:30 PM (14:50) | No. 05: Approx. 2:45 PM (5:01) No. 06: Approx. 2:56 PM (2:39) | No. 07: Approx. 4:00 PM (14:40) | No. 08: Approx. 4:40 PM (17:20) | No. 09: Approx. 5:15 PM (14:29) | No. 10: Approx. 6:15 PM (13:51) No. 11: Approx. 10:30 PM (27:39)

D-Day, the largest amphibious landing in history, began in the early-morning hours of June 6, 1944 as Allied forces landed in Normandy on the north coast of France. Operation Overlord took months of planning and involved 1,527,000 soldiers in 47 Allied divisions along with 4,400 ships and landing craft, and 11,000 aircraft. The Germans had about 60 divisions spread along France and the low countries. American forces landed on two western beaches, Utah and Omaha, while British and Canadian troops landed farther east on Gold, Juno and Sword beaches. By the end of the day 150,000 Allied soldiers and their accompanying vehicles had landed with 15,000 killed and wounded.

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