War Of The Worlds 1938 Orson Welles Radio Broadcast CD

  • Model: 232


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Our World Famous Digitally Remastered Production Of History's Most Famous Radio Broadcast On 1 Audio CD! The Entire ''Mischief Night'' Broadcast By Orson Welles And The Mercury Theater On-The-Air, Presented As An Archival Quality Audio CD! #WarOfTheWorldsRadioDrama #WarOfTheWorldsRadioBroadcast #OrsonWelles #HowardKoch #HowardEKoch #HGWells #WarOfTheWorlds #MercuryTheaterOnTheAir #MischiefNight #Halloween #Radio #OldTimeRadio #CBS #Airchecks #CD


Halloween could hardly have been better presaged in 1938 than by this electrifying radio broadcast! Coming upon the heels of the rumors of war that aired from Europe day after day during the Czechoslovakian crisis, this radio drama's tale of an invasion from Mars struck a chord in the conciousness of America that the mood the country resonated with, and it continues to reverberate to this day. Based on H. G. Wells' famed novel, dramatized by Howard Koch, and conducted by the radio wunderkind Orson Welles, this first example of what nowadays we call "reality" programming is also ironically history's most effective manipulation by a single broadcast of the perception of reality in the conciousness of the masses. Listen and wonder if you, too, might have been among the many who believed what they were hearing was real!

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