
Legacy Of The Hollywood Blacklist DVD Burt Lancaster


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Burt Lancaster Narrates This Penetrating Documentary On The Hollywood Communist Witch Hunts And Its Terrible Legacy For Its Victims And The Nation, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1987, 58 Minutes.) #LegacyOfTheHollywoodBlacklist #BurtLancaster #Blacklist #HollywoodBlacklist #HUAC #HollywoodTen #RedScare #SecondRedScare #Communism #TV #Television #Movies #Radio #Hollywood #DVD

Burt Lancaster narrates this sad journey into the persection of over 151 entertainment industry professionals generally and 10 high profile Hollywood movie industry professionals particularly by the House Un-American Activities Commission (HUAC). Beginning as early as 1938, reviving in 1946, hitting its stride in 1951, climaxing in the mid 1950s and, for some, never ending, the HUAC and its supporters persecuted, ruined and sometimes drove to suicide those whose resistance to them was ironically more patriotic than the oppression perpetrated by their persecutors. Some victims of the blacklist, like Academy Award winning screenwiter of the infamous "Hollywood Ten" Dalton Trumbo were resiliant enough to bounce back quickly throuch pluck and the help of other Hollywood greats such as Kirk Douglas; others like Bartley Crum, the lawyer who defended some of the "Hollywood Ten" in front of the committee in 1947, were labeled "Communist sympathizers", and after losing most of his clientele because of it, committed suicide. In this documentary, survivors of the blacklist and their families discuss these dark days in American history; it sympathizes with those who were unjustly victimized, ensures that the verdict that none were ever found guility of any of the offenses they were alleged to have committed is communicated, and makes certain that a clear understanding of what had happened is arrived at so that such bad epochs in history do not repeat.

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