
Guns Tanks & Gorbachev: The 1991 Baltic Crackdown DVD


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The Bloody Climax Of The Singing Revolution Known As The January Events (Lithuania) And The Barricades (Latvia), The January-February 1991 Soviet Crackdown On The Independence Movements Of The Baltic States Of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, February 19, 1991, 59 Minutes.) #1991BalticCrackdown #JanuaryEvents #JanuaryEventsLithuania #BloodySunday #SausioIvykiai #TheBarricades #TheBarricadesLatvia #Barikades #SingingRevolution #MikhailGorbachev #Gorbachev #RevolutionsOf1989 #FallOfNations #AutumnOfNations #RevolutionaryWaves #RevolutionaryDecades #Latvia #RepublicOfLatvia #ThirdAwakening #LatvianIndependenceMovement #Estonia #EstonianIndependence #EstonianRevolution #Lithuania #IndependenceOfLithuania #RepublicOfLithuania #SecondRussianRevolution #SovietUnion #SovietHistory #HistoryOfTheSovietUnion #USSR #USSRHistory #HistoryOfTheUSSR #DVD

The January Events (Lithuanian: Sausio Ivykiai), commonly referred to as Bloody Sunday, took place in Lithuania on January 11-13, 1991 in the aftermath of the Act of the Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania. As a result of Soviet military actions, 14 civilians were killed and over 140 were injured. The events were centered in its capital, Vilnius, along with related actions in its suburbs and in the cities of Alytus, Siauliai, Varena, and Kaunas. January 13th is the Day of the Defenders of Freedom (Lithuanian: Laisves Gyneju Diena) in Lithuania and it is officially observed as a commemorative day.

The Barricades (Latvian: Barikades) were a series of confrontations between the Republic of Latvia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in January 1991 which took place mainly in Riga. The events are named for the popular effort of building and protecting barricades from 13 January until about 27 January. Latvia, which had declared restoration of independence from the Soviet Union a year earlier, anticipated that the Soviet Union might attempt to regain control over the country by force. After attacks by the Soviet OMON on Riga in early January, the government called on people to build barricades for protection of possible targets (mainly in the capital city of Riga and nearby Ulbroka, as well as Kuldiga and Liepaja). Six people were killed in further attacks, several were wounded in shootings or beaten by OMON. Most victims were shot during the Soviet attack on the Latvian Ministry of the Interior on January 20, while another person died in a building accident reinforcing the barricades. The exact number of casualties among the Soviet loyalists is unknown. Around 32,000 people have received the Commemorative Medal For Participants Of The Barricades of 1991 for the participation or support for the event.

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