
The DeStalinization Of Russia DVD

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The Fall From Power, Grace And Influence Of Joseph Stalin In The Life And Myth Of Russia (Color, 1988, 50 Minutes) PLUS BONUS TITLE: GLASNOST FILM FESTIVAL: AGAINST THE CURRENT, Documenting At The Dawn Of The Perestroika Era The Struggle Of The Citizens Of Kirishi, Russia Against The State-Owned Protein Plant That Was Poisoning Their Community (Color, 1988, 28 Minutes), Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! #Destalinization #Destalinizatsiya #Stalin #JosephStalin #Perestroika #Glasnost #SecondRussianRevolution #MikhailGorbachev #Communism #SovietCommunism #RussianCommunism #Russia #RussianHistory #HistoryOfRussia #SovietUnion #SovietHistory #HistoryOfTheSovietUnion #USSR #USSRHistory #HistoryOfTheUSSR #RevolutionaryWaves #RevolutionaryDecades #DVD

*11/28/21: Updated And Upgraded: Updated With GLASNOST FILM FESTIVAL: AGAINST THE CURRENT, And Upgraded From A Standard Format DVD To An Archival Quality Dual Layer Format DVD!

1988 was a watershed moment in Russian history. As the glasnost and perestroika reforms of Soviet Premier Gorbachev fostered a bloodless revolution in the conciousness of the nation, the cult of personality of Joseph Stalin began to disintegrate as the truth of his crimes, first diseminated by Premier Khrushchev some thirty years earlier with limited success, began to become common knowledge. The Destalinizaton Of Russia, through a survey of Stalin's tyranny, an overview of the current state of the nation, interviews with Russia's leading lights among the intelligentsia, business and political establishment, as well as the common people, illustrates the historic changes that were sweeping through Russia at this critical moment in history in sharp contrast, with insight, acute awareness of the gravity of the moment, and empathy. The fruits of such Destalization are evident in Against The Current, which documents a spontaneous 1988 grass roots rebellion against state power by the common citizens of a Russian community located just outside Leningrad that would have been unthinkable mere years prior.

De-Stalinization (Russian: Destalinizatsiya) consisted of a series of political reforms in the Soviet Union after the death of long-time leader Joseph Stalin in 1953, and the ascension of Nikita Khrushchev to power. It subsided during the Brezhnev period until the mid-1980s, and accelerated again with the policies of perestroika and glasnost under Mikhail Gorbachev. At the beginning, the reforms consisted of changing or removing key institutions that helped Stalin hold power: the cult of personality that surrounded him and the Stalinist political system, both of which had been created by Stalin. These reforms were started by the collective leadership which succeeded him after his death in March 1953, consisting of Georgi Malenkov, Premier of the Soviet Union; Lavrentiy Beria, head of the Ministry of the Interior; and Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Contemporary historians regard the beginning of de-Stalinization as a turning point in the history of the Soviet Union that began during the Khrushchev Thaw. De-Stalinization has been considered a fragile process. Historian Polly Jones said that "re-Stalinization" was highly likely after a brief period of "thaw". Anne Applebaum agrees: "The era which came to be called the 'Thaw' was indeed an era of change, but change of a particular kind: reforms took two steps forward, and then one step-or sometimes three steps-back."

Glasnost (Russian: Openness; Transparency) has several general and specific meanings since at least the end of the 18th century. In the Russian Empire of the late-19th century, the term was particularly associated with reforms of the judicial system. Among these were reforms permitting attendance of the press and the public at trials whose verdicts were now to be read aloud. In the mid-1980s, the term was popularised by Mikhail Gorbachev as a political slogan for increased government transparency in the Soviet Union.

Perestroika (Russian: Reconstruction; Restructuring) was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) during the 1980s widely associated with CPSU general secretary Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost (meaning "openness") policy reform. The literal meaning of perestroika is "reconstruction", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system, in an attempt to end the Era of Stagnation.Perestroika allowed more independent actions from various ministries and introduced many market-like reforms. The alleged goal of perestroika, however, was not to end the command economy but rather to make socialism work more efficiently to better meet the needs of Soviet citizens by adopting elements of liberal economics. The process of implementing perestroika created shortages, political, social, and economic tensions within the Soviet Union and is often blamed for the political ascent of nationalism and nationalist political parties in the constituent republics. Perestroika and its associated structural ailments have been cited as major catalysts leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Gorbachev first used the term in a speech during his visit to the City of Togliatti in 1986. Perestroika lasted from 1985 until 1991, and is sometimes argued to be a significant cause of the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This marked the end of the Cold War.

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