
Open Mind FDR Inauguration March 4 1933 30 Years Later DVD

  • Model: 1944


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The Momentous Events Leading To, During And Leading From The March 4, 1933 First Inauguration Of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Where He Asserted To A Suffering Country "My Firm Belief That The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself", As Revisted On Host Richard Heffner's "The Open Mind" Public Affairs Interview Television Program With The Distinguished Panel Of Former Members Of His Administration, Including Vice President And Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace, Eldest Son James Roosevelt, Special Advisor And Key New Deal Policy Maker Thomas Corcoran aka "Tommy The Cork", DNC Chairman James Farley, And New York Herald Tribune Journalist And Newsweek Magazine Editor Ernest Lindley, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Black/White, 1963, 1 Hour 25 Minutes.) #TheOpenMind #TheOpenMindTVSeries #RichardHeffner #FirstInaugurationOfFranklinDRoosevelt #FranklinDRoosevelt #FDR #HenryWallace #JamesRoosevelt #ThomasCorcoran #TommyTheCork" #JamesFarley #ErnestLindley #First100DaysOfFranklinDRooseveltsPresidency #TheOnlyThingWeHaveToFearIsFearItself #NothingToFearButFearItself #NewDeal #FDR #PresidentsOfTheUS #AmericanPresidents #UnitedStatesPresidentialInauguration #UnitedStatesPresidentialInaugurations #UnitedStatesVicePresidentialInauguration #UnitedStatesVicePresidentialInaugurations #UnitedStatesPresidentialInaugurationDay #USPresidentialInauguration #USPresidentialInaugurations #POTUS #POTUSHistory #USVicePresidentialInauguration #USVIcePresidentialInaugurations #USPresidentialInaugurationDay #InaugurationDay #InaugurationDays #OathOfofficeOfThePresidentOfTheUnitedStates #OathOfofficeOfThePresidentOfTheUS #OathOfofficeOfTheVicePresidentOfTheUnitedStates #OathOfofficeOfTheVicePresidentOfTheUS #Inauguration #Inaugurations #UnitedStatesPresidentialSuccession #USPresidentialSuccession #UnitedStatesVicePresidentialSuccession #USVicePresidentialSuccession #HistoryOfPOTUS #VPOTUS #VPOTUSHistory #HistoryOfVPOTUS #PresidentsOfTheUnitedStates #VicePresidentsOfTheUnitedStates #VicePresidentsOfTheUS #PublicAffairsTVShows #PublicAffairsTVPrograms #AmericanHistory #USHistory #HistoryOfTheUS #WesternCulture #WesternCivilization #OccidentalCulture #WesternWorld #WesternSociety #WesternTradition #StoryOfCivilization #DVD

A marvelous panel discussion hosted by The Open Mind's Richard Heffner held on the 30th anniversary of the inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first term as president, with a uniquely qualified panel of special guests who were at the inauguration to discuss the matter: Henry Wallace, FDR's Vice President and Secretary of Commerce; James Roosevelt, FDR's eldest son and special aide; Thomas Corcoran, aka "Tommy the Cork", FDR's special advisor and key policy maker for much of the New Deal; James Farley, DNC Chairman and political genius who guided Roosevelt into running for the presidency, and who afterwards became Chairman of the Coca Cola Company; and Ernest Lindley, journalist for The New York Herald Tribune who covered FDR's campaigns for New York state governor and United States president, who wrote the first biography of FDR, helped draft many of his speeches, and later became Washington editor for Newsweek magazine. The discussion's particular objective: to communicate to an audience not allive at the time of FDR's first presidential term just how dire the situation for the country was in political, economic and social terms, and how this crucial moment in history laid the foundation not just for the redress of these issues, but for the modern federal government that was his administration's legacy.

The First Inauguration Of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the 32nd President of the United States was held on Saturday, March 4, 1933, at the East Portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. This was the 37th inauguration, and marked the commencement of the first term of Franklin D. Roosevelt as President and John Nance Garner as Vice President. It was also the last inauguration to be held on the constitutionally prescribed date of March 4, as the 20th Amendment, ratified earlier that year, moved Inauguration Day to January 20. As a result, Roosevelt's (and Garner's) first term in office was shorter than a normal term by 43 days. This was also the last time the vice president took the oath of office in the Senate chamber. The inauguration took place in the wake of Democrat Roosevelt's landslide victory over Republican incumbent Herbert Hoover in the 1932 presidential election. With the nation at its peak of the Great Depression, Roosevelt's inaugural speech was awaited with great anticipation. Broadcast nationwide on several radio networks, the speech was heard by tens of millions of Americans, and set the stage for Roosevelt's urgent efforts to respond to the crisis. Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes administered the presidential oath of office. Roosevelt wore a morning coat and striped trousers for the inauguration, and took the oath with his hand on his family Bible, open to I Corinthians 13. Published in 1686 in Dutch, it remains the oldest Bible ever used in an inaugural ceremony, as well as the only one not in English, and was originally used by Roosevelt for his 1929 and 1931 inaugurations as Governor of New York, and later his three subsequent presidential inaugurations until his death in 1945.

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