
KTLA: The First 35 Years: Los Angeles TV Station Channel 5 DVD

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A Retrospective Of Los Angeles TV Station KTLA Channel 5, The First Commercial Television Station West Of The Mississippi River, Which Was The First To Do So Many Things In The History Of Television And Broadcast Journalism, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1982, 58 Minutes) #KTLA #TVStations #TelevisionStations #CommercialTelevisionStations #CommercialTVStations #LosAngeles #Hollywood #ClassicalHollywoodCinema #GoldenAgeOfHollywood #OldHollywood #Television #TelevisionHistory #TelevisionPioneers #TelevisionBroadcasting #TelevisionBroadcastingHistory #TV #TVBroadcasting #TVBroadcastingHistory #BroadcastingFirsts #GoldenAgeOfTV #GoldenAgeOfTelevision #DVD

Another one of the great gems of is this station retrospective of the Los Angeles television broadcaster that was the first to do so many of the things in the field of television generally, and TV broadcast journalism especially, that we take for granted today. Brought to life in 1947 by the pioneer electrical engineer Klaus Landsberg, an escapee from Nazi Germany, KTLA Channel 5's stunning broadcast achievements includes Los Angeles' first commercial television transmission, starring Bob Hope; the first live remote news report, which was also the first time television scooped the press; the perfection of long distance remote TV broadcasts; the first remote broadcast of an unfolding personal tragedy when it covered the failed rescue attempts of three year old Kathy Fiscus, the first live broadcast of an atomic bomb test, a feat they repeated not long afterwards; the creation and use of the world's first telecopter, from which were broadcast extraordinary live televised coverage of the 1961 Bel Air fires, the 1963 bursting of the Baldwin Hills Reservoir Dam and the disaster it left in its wake; even the infamous 1965 Watts riots, during which they did spotting and reconnaissance for the L.A. Police Department while gunshots were aimed at the telecopter by rioters below. It was their news feed that informed the world when Khruschev came to town in 1959, when Robert Kennedy was assassinated in 1968, and when the 1971 earthquake struck Los Angeles. L.A.'s first commercial TV station was truly a pioneer in the limits of what television could achieve, and this is their proud story. Broadcast breaks contain plenty of classic commercials, featuring Bob Hope, Datsun, South California Gas Company, Channel For Men and more. Hosted by two of KTLA's own broadcast greats: Hal Fishman, America's longest-serving TV news anchor, and the Emmy Award winning "Dean" of L.A. TV News broadcasters, Stan Chambers.

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