
The Roswell Incident (The Roswell UFO Incident) Documentary DVD


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The Controversial Roswell Incident, Also Known As The Roswell UFO Incident, Involving Two Extraterrestrial Craft; The Roswell, New Mexico And Corona, New Mexico Sites They Crashed Into; The Living And Dead Bodies Of Their Alien Occupants; The Otherworldy Debris And Intact Vehicular Artifacts Of The Crashes; The First-Hand Accounts Of Those Involved In The Incident, Including Jesse Marcell Sr., Dr. Jesse Marcell Jr., Walter Haut, Art McQuiddy, Irving Newton, Frank Joyce, George "Jud" Roberts, Frankie Rowe, Thomas DeBose, Frank Kaufmann (Of "The Nine" At RAAF), Loretta Proctor, William Woody, Bill Brainerd, Ruben Anaya, Pete Anaya, And Phyllis McGuire, Most Of Whom Were Severely Threatened And Intimidated By Army Personnel Into Not Talking About The Incident; New Mexico Representative Steven Schiff, As Well As The Hoax "Autopsy Film" Of Ray Santilli; And Still More -- All Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1995, 48 Minutes.)

July 8, 1947: The Roswell Incident (The Roswell UFO Incident): Radio and print news bulletins first report that a "flying saucer", an unidentified flying object (UFO) had crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, an event which eventually became known as The Roswell UFO incident. Today, the Roswell UFO Incident involves the recovery of materials near Roswell, New Mexico, USA which, since the late 1970s, has become the subject of intense research, debate, speculation, rumor, disinformation and questioning. There are widely divergent views on what actually happened, and passionate debate about the evidence and testimony of those involved in it. The United States military has repeatedly maintained that what was actually recovered was a debris from a balloon - at first claiming it was a weather baloon, then later an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul." Many witnesses and UFO researchers maintain that a crashed alien craft and bodies were recovered, and that the military engaged in a cover-up. The incident has turned into a widely known pop culture phenomenon, making Roswell synonymous with UFOs. It ranks as one of the most publicized and controversial UFO incidents that ever happened.

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