
Thomas Mann DVD Literature Documentary

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The Life, Times And Literature Of Paul Thomas Mann (June 6, 1875 - August 12, 1955), The German-Born Pulitzer Prize Recipient Novelist, Short Story writer, Social Critic, Philanthropist, Essayist And Anti-Nazi Radio Broadcaster, As Seen Through The Lens Of His Greatest Novel, The Magic Mountain, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1987, 45 Minutes.) #ThomasMann #Novelists #Writers #Critics #SocialCritics #Philanthropists #Essayists #NobelPrize #NobelPrizeLaureatesInLiterature #MannFamily #Exilliteratur #Literature #GermanLiterature #DVD

Thomas Mann, German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist, and the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate (June 6, 1875 - August 12, 1955) was born Paul Thomas Mann to a bourgeois family in Lubeck, Northern Germany. Thomas Mann's highly symbolic and ironic epic novels and novellas are noted for their insight into the psychology of the artist and the intellectual. His analysis and critique of the European and German soul used modernized German and Biblical stories, as well as the ideas of Goethe, Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Mann was a member of the Hanseatic Mann family and portrayed his family and class in his first novel, Buddenbrooks. His older brother was the radical writer Heinrich Mann and three of his six children, Erika Mann, Klaus Mann and Golo Mann, also became important German writers. When Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933, Mann fled to Switzerland. When World War II broke out in 1939, he moved to the United States, returning to Switzerland in 1952. Thomas Mann is one of the best-known exponents of the so-called Exilliteratur, literature written in German by those who opposed or fled the Hitler regime. Mann's work influenced many future authors, including Heinrich Boll, Joseph Heller, Yukio Mishima, and Orhan Pamuk. Thomas Mann died of thrombophlebitis in his left leg in Zurich, Switzerland on August 12, 1955. He was buried in Village Cemetery, Kilchberg, Zurich.

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