
Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy Malcom McDowell DVD


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Malcolm McDowell Narrates This Startling Story Of The Occult And Metaphysical Roots Of The Nazi Party And The Third Reich, With Appearances By Wolfgang Hess, Son Of Rudolf Hess; Goffried Wagner, Great Grandson Of Richard Wagner; Former SS Officer Wilhelm Hoettl; Angus Douglas-Hamilton, At The Time Of This Documentary The Current Duke Of Hamilton; And Many More -- All Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS As An Archival Quality All Regions Format DVD! (Color, 1998, 1 Hour 44 Minutes.)

Occultism In Nazism is the influence of alternative belief systems (occult, paganism, mysticism, etc.) on the Nazi ideology and Hitler's personal philosophy, and the involvement of the secret Thule society in the creation of what became the Nazi Party. This docoumentary exposes the history and development of ideas and symbols used by the Nazi Party and of the Nazi eugenics program. In the early 20th century, the young Adolf Hitler was just one of many German-speaking people attracted by a new Germanic mythology that combined ancient legends and esoteric cosmologies with cutting-edge theories of genetic science. In the hands of the Nazis, the result was a new ideology that saw racial purity as the key to human destiny. This was a belief system of arcane rituals and potent symbols, with the ancient swastika appropriated for the Nazi cause. By the time of the Third Reich, Hitler and the Nazis had evolved an entirely new faith, complete with holy book, venerated relics, and a priestly elite in the form of Himmler's SS. It was a religion based on obedience, power, and the cult of the leader, with Hitler himself conceived in Messianic terms.

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