Command Performance MP3 DVD Armed Forces WWII Radio Series

  • Model: 252


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Command Performance, The 1942-1949 Armed Forces Radio Network (AFRS) Shortwave Radio Program Aired For The Troops Overseas! The American Entertainment Industry Supporting Their Boys In Uniform During World War II And Beyond:

Eddie Cantor, Joe Lewis, Henny Youngman, Fred Allen, Kenny Baker, George Jessel, Connie Boswell, Kaye Kayser Gene Tierney, Clifton Fadiman, Abbott And Costello, Pat OBrien, Frances Langford, Betty Grable, Jack Benny, Edward G Robinson, Hedy Lamarr, George Raft, Deanna Durbin, Mickey Rooney, Don Ameche, William Powell, Gene Autry, Loretta Young, Spencer Tracy, Mary Lee, Bob Hope, Lena Horne, Edward Arnold, Dick Powell, Harold Peary, Cary Grant, Shirley Temple, Clark Gable, Walter Pidgeon, Virginia OBrien, Joan Davis, Bert Lahr, Betty Hutton, Tallulah Bankhead , Joan Edwards, Bing Crosby, James Cagney, Bob Burns, Dinah Shore, Tommy Dorsey, Count Basie, Spike Jones, Mary Martin, Linda Darnell, Zero Mostel, Red Skelton, H Hilliard, Rita Hayworth, Cass Daley, Frank Morgan, Judy Canova, Bergen And McCarthy, Alice Faye, Leopold Stokowski, Dorothy Maynor, Mishcha Elman, The Inkspots, Robert Taylor, King Sisters Nelson Eddy Lum And Abner, Joan Blondell, Connie Haines, Roy Rogers, Jeanette MacDonald, Virginia OBrien, Dale Evans, Mills Brothers, Ginnie Simms, Ann Miller, Kathryn Grason, Burns And Allen, Richard Crooks, Pat OMalley, Marian Anderson, Pat O'Malley, Cornelia Otis Skinner , Allen Jones, Judy Garland, John Charles Thomas, Virginia O'Brien, Lennie Hayton, Hedda Hopper, The Music Maids, Lee Sweetland, Johnny Mercer, Fay McKenzie, Glen Gray, The Pied Pipers, Ann Sheridan, Bonnie Baker, Paul Whiteman, Gracie Allen, Jose Iturbi, Kate Smith, Cass Daley, Eddie Dean, Jimmie Dean, Martha Raye, Rudy Vallee, Jimmy Grier, Dick Powell, Ruth Hussey Carlos Ramirez, Amos And Andy, Bob Crosby, Jimmy Wakely, Count Basie, Fanny Brice, Hanley Stafford, Fred MacMurray, Skinny Ennis, Phil Harris, Jerry Colonna, Gertrude Niesen, Rochester, Ronald Colman, Ella Mae Morse, Harry James, Robert Benchley, Rise Stevens, Katherine Hepburn , The Jesters, Ed Gardner, Kathryn Grayson, Greer Garson, Gloria Warren, Nelson Eddy, Rosalind Russell, Xavier Cugat, Jimmy Wakely, Ginger Rogers, Frank Sinatra, Jimmy Durante, Garry Moore, Jimmy Dorsey, Marlene Dietrich, The Andrews Sisters, Roy Acuff, Mitch Ayres, Jascha Heifetz, The Nat King Cole Trio, Robert Young, Tex Ritter, Bette Davis, Georgia Gibbs, , Jimmy Cash, Carole Landis, Shirley Ross, Lana Turner, Ida Lupino, Gracie Fields, Herbert Marshall, Fats Waller, The Charioteers, Benny Goodman, Fred Waring, Carmen Miranda, Dennis Day, Jo Stafford, Martha Tilton, Olivia de Havilland, Helen Forest, Paulette Goddard, Louis Armstrong, Dick Haymes, Marilyn Maxwell, Artie Shaw, Harpo Marx, Claudette Colbert, Alan Hale, Barbara Stanwyck, Danny Kaye, Helen Forrest, Florence Gill, Ken Carpenter, Gloria DeHaven, June Allyson, Jack Carson, Linda Darnell, Martha Tilton, Larry Adler, Diana Lynn, Ethel Merman, Joe E. Lewis, Irene Dunn, Jerome Kern, Fibber McGee And Molly, Lauren Bacall, Janet Blair, Joe Lilly, Foy Willing, Jeannie Crain, William Bendix, The Gene Krupa Trio, Danny Thomas, Dick Haymes, Jack Carson, Elizabeth Taylor Margaret OBrien, Humphrey Bogart, Lina Romay, Ingrid Bergman, Ella Mae Morse, Lionel Barrymore, Marilyn Maxwell, Gary Cooper, Martha Stewart, Peter Lorre, Ken Carpenter, Harry von Zell, Hoagy Carmichael, Mel Blanc, Jerry Sullivan, Charles Boyer, Nat King Cole, Robert Armbruster, Orson Welles, R Scott, Les Paul, erbert_Marshall, Marilyn_Maxwell, Ella Mae Morse, Herb Shriner, Nelson Eddy, Vera Vague, Walter O'Keefe, Marilyn Maxwell, The Les Paul Trio, Victor Borge, June Haver, Mel Torme, The Great Gildersleeve, Jane Wyman, Chico Marx, Larry Adler, Mischa Auer, Burl Ives, June Haver, Desi Arnaz, Esther Williams, Anita Ellis, Peter Lawford, Peggy Lee, Janet Blair, David Street, Tyrone Power, Walter O'Keefe, The Town Criers, Bela Lugosi, Donna Reed, Phil Silvers, Dorothy Patrick, Hal March, Rose Marie, Carole Landis, John Payne, Ozzie And Harriet, Glenn Ford, Marilyn Maxwell, Alan Young, June Havoc, Paulina Carter, Harry Babbitt, Phil Baker, Sergeant Ted Bentley, Andy Russell, Bert Gordon, The Mad Russian, Imogene Carpenter, Penny Singleton, Groucho Marx, Martha Tilton, Doris Day, Frank Sinatra, Jim Backus, Joan Barton, Hoagy Carmichael, Anita Ellis, Audrey Trotter, Bud Widom, Peter Lind Hayes, Mary Healey, The Mello-Larks, Marsha Hunt, Ish Kabibble, Andre Previn, Steve Allen, Ava Gardner, Ken Niles, Herb Jeffries, Vincent Price, Kay Starr, Joan Davis, Gertrude Nielsen, Margaret Whiting, Jack Smith, Evelyn Knight, Dick Powell, Alexis Smith, Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis, Martin And Lewis And Even More!

121 Hours Packed Into A 232 MP3 Collection, Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 DVD!

#CommandPerformance #CommandPerformanceRadioSeries #ArmedForcesRadioNetwork #AFRS #Radio #OldTimeRadio #OTR #RadioPropaganda #Morale #Movies #Film #MotionPictures #Hollywood #GoldenAgeOfHollywood #AmericanCinema #WorldWarIIRadio #WorldWarTwoRadio #WorldWar2Radio #WWIIRadio #WW2Radio #SecondWorldWarRadio #AmericanRadioWorldWarII #AmericanRadioWorldWarTwo #AmericanRadioWorldWar2 #AmericanRadioWWII #AmericanRadioWW2#AmericanRadioSecondWorldWar #AmericanSecondWorldWarRadio #EddieCantor #JoeLewis #HennyYoungman #FredAllen #KennyBaker #GeorgeJessel #ConnieBoswell #KayeKayserGeneTierney #CliftonFadiman #AbbottAndCostello #PatOBrien #FrancesLangford #BettyGrable #JackBenny #EdwardGRobinson #HedyLamarr #GeorgeRaft #DeannaDurbin #MickeyRooney #DonAmeche #WilliamPowell #GeneAutry #LorettaYoung #SpencerTracy #MaryLee #BobHope #LenaHorne #EdwardArnold #DickPowell #HaroldPeary #CaryGrant #ShirleyTemple #ClarkGable #WalterPidgeon #VirginiaOBrien #JoanDavis #BertLahr #BettyHutton #TallulahBankhead #JoanEdwards #BingCrosby #JamesCagney #BobBurns #DinahShore #TommyDorsey #CountBasie #SpikeJones #MaryMartin #LindaDarnell #ZeroMostel #RedSkelton #HHilliard #RitaHayworth #CassDaley #FrankMorgan #JudyCanova #BergenAndMcCarthy #AliceFaye #LeopoldStokowski #DorothyMaynor #MishchaElman #TheInkspots #RobertTaylor #KingSistersNelsonEddyLumAndAbner #JoanBlondell #ConnieHaines #RoyRogers #JeanetteMacDonald #VirginiaOBrien #DaleEvans #MillsBrothers #GinnieSimms #AnnMiller #KathrynGrason #BurnsAndAllen #RichardCrooks #PatOMalley #MarianAnderson #PatOMalley #CorneliaOtisSkinner #AllenJones #JudyGarland #JohnCharlesThomas #VirginiaOBrien #LennieHayton #HeddaHopper #TheMusicMaids #LeeSweetland #JohnnyMercer #FayMcKenzie #GlenGray #ThePiedPipers #AnnSheridan #BonnieBaker #PaulWhiteman #GracieAllen #JoseIturbi #KateSmith #CassDaley #EddieDean #JimmieDean #MarthaRaye #RudyVallee #JimmyGrier #DickPowell #RuthHusseyCarlosRamirez #AmosAndAndy #BobCrosby #JimmyWakely #CountBasie #FannyBrice #HanleyStafford #FredMacMurray #SkinnyEnnis #PhilHarris #JerryColonna #GertrudeNiesen #Rochester #RonaldColman #EllaMaeMorse #HarryJames #RobertBenchley #RiseStevens #KatherineHepburn #TheJesters #EdGardner #KathrynGrayson #GreerGarson #GloriaWarren #NelsonEddy #RosalindRussell #XavierCugat #JimmyWakely #GingerRogers #FrankSinatra #JimmyDurante #GarryMoore #JimmyDorsey #MarleneDietrich #TheAndrewsSisters #RoyAcuff #MitchAyres #JaschaHeifetz #TheNatKingColeTrio #RobertYoung #TexRitter #BetteDavis #GeorgiaGibbs # #JimmyCash #CaroleLandis #ShirleyRoss #LanaTurner #IdaLupino #GracieFields #HerbertMarshall #FatsWaller #TheCharioteers #BennyGoodman #FredWaring #CarmenMiranda #DennisDay #JoStafford #MarthaTilton #OliviadeHavilland #HelenForest #PauletteGoddard #LouisArmstrong #DickHaymes #MarilynMaxwell #ArtieShaw #HarpoMarx #ClaudetteColbert #AlanHale #BarbaraStanwyck #DannyKaye #HelenForrest #FlorenceGill #KenCarpenter #GloriaDeHaven #JuneAllyson #JackCarson #LindaDarnell #MarthaTilton #LarryAdler #DianaLynn #EthelMerman #JoeE.Lewis #IreneDunn #JeromeKern #FibberMcGeeAndMolly #LaurenBacall #JanetBlair #JoeLilly #FoyWilling #JeannieCrain #WilliamBendix #TheGeneKrupaTrio #DannyThomas #DickHaymes #JackCarson #ElizabethTaylorMargaretOBrien #HumphreyBogart #LinaRomay #IngridBergman #EllaMaeMorse #LionelBarrymore #MarilynMaxwell #GaryCooper #MarthaStewart #PeterLorre #KenCarpenter #HarryvonZell #HoagyCarmichael #MelBlanc #JerrySullivan #CharlesBoyer #NatKingCole #RobertArmbruster #OrsonWelles #RScott #LesPaul #erbert_Marshall #Marilyn_Maxwell #EllaMaeMorse #HerbShriner #NelsonEddy #VeraVague #WalterOKeefe #MarilynMaxwell #TheLesPaulTrio #VictorBorge #JuneHaver #MelTorme #TheGreatGildersleeve #JaneWyman #ChicoMarx #LarryAdler #MischaAuer #BurlIves #JuneHaver #DesiArnaz #EstherWilliams #AnitaEllis #PeterLawford #PeggyLee #JanetBlair #DavidStreet #TyronePower #WalterOKeefe #TheTownCriers #BelaLugosi #DonnaReed #PhilSilvers #DorothyPatrick #HalMarch #RoseMarie #CaroleLandis #JohnPayne #OzzieAndHarriet #GlennFord #MarilynMaxwell #AlanYoung #JuneHavoc #PaulinaCarter #HarryBabbitt #PhilBaker #SergeantTedBentley #AndyRussell #BertGordon #TheMadRussian #ImogeneCarpenter #PennySingleton #GrouchoMarx #MarthaTilton #DorisDay #FrankSinatra #JimBackus #JoanBarton #HoagyCarmichael #AnitaEllis #AudreyTrotter #BudWidom #PeterLindHayes #MaryHealey #TheMelloLarks #MarshaHunt #IshKabibble #AndrePrevin #SteveAllen #AvaGardner #KenNiles #HerbJeffries #VincentPrice #KayStarr #JoanDavis #GertrudeNielsen #MargaretWhiting #JackSmith #EvelynKnight #DickPowell #AlexisSmith #DeanMartin #JerryLewis #MartinAndLewis #WorldWarII #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #WWII #WW2 #SecondWorldWar #SecondEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #MP3 #DVD


CP_42-03-01 ep001-Eddie Cantor

CP 42-03-09 ep002-Fred Warren Joe Lewis

CP 42-03-13 ep003-Kate Smith Henny Youngman

CP 42-03-18 ep004-Fred Allen Kenny Baker

CP 42-03-29 ep005-George Jessel Connie Boswell

CP 42-04-01 ep006-Kaye Kayser Eddie Cantor

CP 42-04-12 ep007-Gene Tierney

CP 42-04-16 ep008-Clifton Fadiman

CP 42-04-19 ep009-Dorothy Lamour Abbott and Costello

CP 42-04-23 ep010-Pat OBrien Frances Langford

CP 42-05-07 ep012-Betty Grable Jack Benny

CP 42-05-14 ep013-Edward G Robinson Hedy Lamarr

CP 42-05-18 ep014-George Raft Deanna Durbin

CP 42-06-02 ep016-Mickey Rooney

CP 42-06-11 ep017-Don Ameche

CP 42-06-18 ep018-William Powell Gene Autry

CP 42-06-23 ep019-Loretta Young

CP 42-06-30 ep020-Spencer Tracy Mary Lee

CP 42-07-07 ep021-Bob Hope Lena Horne

CP 42-07-14 ep022-Edward Arnold Jack Benny

CP 42-07-21 ep023-Pat OBrien Dick Powell Hal Peary

CP 42-07-28 ep024-Cary Grant Shirley Temple

CP 42-08-04 ep025-Clark Gable

CP 42-08-11 ep026-Walter Pidgeon

CP 42-08-18 ep027-Cary Grant Virginia OBrien Joan Davis Bert Lahr

CP 42-08-25 ep028-Red Skelton Betty Hutton

CP 42-09-04 ep029-Tallulah Bankhead Joan Edwards

CP 42-09-11 ep030-Bing Crosby Connee Boswell Kay Kyser James Cagney

CP 42-09-22 ep032-Don Ameche

CP 42-09-29 ep033-Bob Burns Dinah Shore Tommy Dorsey Count Basie Spike Jones

CP 42-10-07 ep034-Cary Grant Spike Jones

CP 42-10-13 ep036-Bing Crosby Mary Martin

CP 42-10-21 ep037-Frances Langford Bob Burns

CP 42-10-24 ep038-Linda Darnell Z Mostel R Skelton H Hilliard

CP 42-10-27 ep039-Rita Hayworth Cass Daley Frank Morgan Lena Horne

CP 42-11-03 ep040-Betty Grable Judy Canova Bergen and McCarthy

CP 42-11-10 ep041-Jack Benny Alice Faye Cass Daley

CP 42-11-15 ep042-Leopold Stokowski Dorothy Maynor Mishcha Elman

CP 42-12-09 ep043-Dinah Shore

CP 42-12-24 epxxx-Christmas Special

CP 43-01-02 ep045-Linda Darnell The Inkspots Abbott and Costello

CP 43-01-06 ep046-Robert Taylor King Sisters Joan Davis Nelson Eddy Lum and Abner

CP 43-01-10 ep047-Joan Blondell Connie Haines Roy Rogers - First Half

CP 43-01-16 ep048-Jeanette MacDonald Virginia OBrien Dale Evans Mills Brothers

CP 43-01-23 ep049-Bob Hope Joan Blondell Lena Horne Ginnie Simms

CP 43-01-30 ep050-Dinah Shore Chill Wills Ann Miller Kathryn Grason

CP 43-02-06 ep051-Rita Hayworth Betty Hutton Burns and Allen

CP 43-02-13 ep052-Bing Crosby Richard Crooks Pat OMalley

CP 43-02-24 ep054-Bob Hope Bing Crosby

CP 43-02-27 ep055-Betty Grable Marian Anderson Pat OMalley

CP 43-03-13 ep057-Dinah Shore Cornelia Otis Skinner Allen Jones

CP 43-03-20 ep058-Judy Garland Kenny Baker John Charles Thomas Virginia OBrien

CP 43-03-27 ep059-Kay Kyser Lennie Hayton Hedda Hopper Spike Jones

CP 43-04-01 ep060-Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Burns Music Maids

CP 43-04-03 ep061-Bob Hope Lee Sweetland Judy Garland Johnny Mercer

CP 43-04-17 ep062-Dinah Shore Fay McKenzie Glen Gray Pied Pipers

CP 43-04-24 ep063-Ann Sheridan Bonnie Baker Paul Whiteman Gracie Allen Jose Iturbi

CP 43-05-01 ep064-Kate Smith John Charles Thomas Cass Daley

CP 43-05-05 ep065-Ginny Simms Gene Autry Eddie and Jimmie Dean

CP 43-05-08 ep066-Martha Raye Rudy Vallee Jimmy Grier

CP 43-05-15 ep067-Joan Blondell Dick Powell Judy Canova Virginia OBrien

CP 43-05-22 ep068-Dinah Shore Sportsmen Ruth Hussey Carlos Ramirez

CP 43-06-05 ep069-Betty Hutton Amos and Andy

CP 43-06-12 ep070-Bob Crosby Jimmy Wakely Count Basie

CP 43-06-19 ep071-Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Fanny Brice Hanley Stafford

CP 43-06-26 ep072-Fred MacMurray Alice Faye Skinny Ennis Phil Harris Jerry Colonna

CP 43-07-03 ep073-Kay Kyser Gertrude Niesen Lena Horne Rochester

CP 43-07-10 ep074-Ronald Colman Ella Mae Morse Jeanette MacDonald Ginny Simms

CP 43-07-11 ep075-Bing Crosby Betty Grable Harry James

CP 43-07-24 ep076-Dinah Shore Tommy Dorsey Robert Benchley Rise Stevens

CP 43-07-31 ep077-Katherine Hepburn Jesters Ed Gardner Kathryn Grayson

CP 43-08-07 ep078-Greer Garson Gloria Warren Nelson Eddy Cass Daley

CP 43-08-14 ep079-Rosalind Russell Xavier Cugat Jimmy Wakely Judy Canova

CP 43-08-21 ep080-Ginger Rogers Frank Sinatra Alice Faye Ed Gardner

CP 43-08-28 ep081-Judy Garland Jimmy Durante Bing Crosby

CP 43-09-06 ep082-Dinah Shore Jeanette MacDonald Garry Moore Jimmy Dorsey

CP 43-09-09 ep083-Marlene Dietrich

CP 43-09-11 ep084-Ginny Simms Andrews Sisters Roy Acuff Mitch Ayres

CP 43-09-18 ep085-Ronald Colman Lena Horne Jascha Heifetz Rise Stevens

CP 43-09-25 ep086-Bob Hope Bing Crosby

CP 43-10-02 ep087-Don Ameche King Cole Trio Betty Hutton

CP 43-10-09 ep088-Robert Young Tex Ritter

CP 43-10-16 ep089-Bette Davis Georgia Gibbs Rise Stevens John Charles Thomas

CP 43-10-23 ep090-Bob Hope Jimmy Cash Carole Landis Shirley Ross

CP 43-10-30 ep091-Judy Garland Dinah Shore

CP 43-11-13 ep092-Bob Hope Betty Hutton Judy Garland Jimmy Durante Lana Turner

CP 43-11-20 ep093-Ida Lupino Phil Harris Gracie Fields Garry Moore

CP 43-11-27 ep094-Herbert Marshall Bergen and McCarthy

CP 43-12-04 ep095-Dinah Shore Abbott and Costello Fats Waller

CP 43-12-11 ep096-Bob Hope Francis Langford Martha Raye Carole

CP 43-12-18 ep097-Dinah Shore Bing Crosby Charioteers

CP 43-12-20 ep098-Fred Allen Ginny Simms Benny Goodman

CP 43-12-21 ep099-Fred Waring Kate Smith

CP 43-12-25 epxxx-Christmas 1943

CP 44-01-08 ep100-Carmen Miranda

CP 44-01-15 ep101-Frances Langford Virginia OBrien

CP 44-01-22 ep102-Bob Hope Deanna Durbin Dennis Day

CP 44-02-01 ep104-Bing Crosby Frank Sinatra

CP 44-03-25 ep112-Don Ameche Cass Daley

CP 44-04-08 ep114-Jerry Colonna Jo Stafford

CP 44-04-22 ep116-Gene Tierney Roy Acuff Martha Tilton

CP 44-04-29 ep117-Olivia de Havilland Bob Crosby

CP 44-05-06 ep118-Bob Hope Bing Crosby Betty Hutton

CP 44-05-13 ep119-Dinah Shore Helen Forest

CP 44-05-20 ep120-Paulette Goddard Jimmy Durante Louis Armstrong

CP 44-05-27 ep121-Dinah Shore Dick Haymes Virginia OBrien

CP 44-06-03 ep123-Connie Haines Bing Crosby Frank Sinatra

CP 44-06-10 ep124-Bette Davis Marilyn Maxwell Artie Shaw Jimmy Durante

CP 44-06-17 ep125-Jack Benny Harpo Marx Bing Crosby

CP 44-06-24 ep126-Bob Hope Andrews Sisters

CP 44-07-08 ep128-Claudette Colbert Alan Hale J Durante Betty Hutton Ronald Colman

CP 44-07-15 ep129-Bing Crosby Judy Garland

CP 44-07-22 ep130-Ronald Colman Ginny Simms Cary Grant

CP 44-07-30 ep131-Barbara Stanwyck Dick Haymes

CP 44-08-05 ep132-Ginger Rogers Virginia OBrien Jimmy Durante

CP 44-08-19 ep134-Judy Garland Danny Kaye Helen Forrest

CP 44-08-26 ep135-Fred Allen Rochester Ginny Simms

CP 44-09-02 ep136-Florence Gill Ken Carpenter

CP 44-09-09 ep137-Gloria DeHaven Frank Morgan

CP 44-09-13 ep138-Bob Hope Johnny Mercer June Allyson

CP 44-09-23 ep139-Martha Raye Jack Carson

CP 44-09-30 ep140-Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers

CP 44-10-07 ep141-Dinah Shore Ed Gardner

CP 44-10-14 ep142-Ken Carpenter Highlights of 1944-compilation

CP 44-10-26 ep144-Winged Victory Edition

CP 44-11-01 ep148-Ken Carpenter Assembled Shows

CP 44-11-07 ep149-Claudette Colbert Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey

CP 44-11-08 ep146-Kate Smith Fred Waring

CP 44-11-18 ep150-Linda Darnell Martha Tilton Amos n Andy

CP 44-11-23 epxxx-Thanksgiving Special

CP 44-11-25 ep151-Ginny Simms Larry Adler Diana Lynn

CP 44-11-xx ep145-Ethel Merman Joe E Lewis

CP 44-12-02 ep152-Irene Dunn Johnny Mercer Jerome Kern

CP 44-12-09 ep153-Fibber McGee and Molly

CP 44-12-16 ep154-Bob Hope Bing Crosby Lauren Bacall

CP 44-12-25 epxxx-Christmas 1944

CP 44-12-30 ep156-Jack Benny James Cagney

CP 45-01-11 ep157-Linda Darnell Janet Blair Jimmy Durante Andy

CP 45-01-18 ep158-Burns and Allen Connie Haines Joe Lilly Chorus

CP 45-01-25 ep159-Frank Morgan Frank Sinatra Foy Willing

CP 45-02-01 ep160-Gloria DeHaven Carmen Miranda Bing Crosby

CP 45-02-08 ep161-Jeannie Crain William Bendix Gene Krupa Trio

CP 45-02-15 ep162-Dick Tracy in B Flat

CP 45-02-22 ep163-Danny Thomas Dick Haymes Ginny Simms

CP 45-03-01 ep164-Helen Forrest Jack Carson Roy Rogers

CP 45-03-08 ep165-Frank Sinatra Elizabeth Taylor Margaret OBrien

CP 45-03-15 ep166-Jimmy Durante Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacall

CP 45-03-22 ep167-Dinah Shore Lina Romay Judy Canova

CP 45-03-29 ep168-Bob Hope Ingrid Bergman Ella Mae Morse William Bendix

CP 45-04-05 ep169-Bing Crosby Lionel Barrymore Marilyn Maxwell

CP 45-04-12 ep170-Kay Kyser Gary Cooper Edward G Robinson

CP 45-04-19 ep171-Martha Stewart Peter Lorre

CP 45-05-03 ep173-Ken Carpenter H Von Zell Tribute to Walt Disney

CP 45-05-10 ep174-Jack Benny P Goddard H Carmichael J Sullivan

CP 45-05-31 ep177-Rita Hayworth Charles Boyer Nat King Cole

CP 45-06-07 ep178-Robert Armbruster Orson Welles

CP 45-06-14 ep179-Gloria DeHaven Bob Hope King Sisters

CP 45-06-21 ep180-Joan Edwards J Carson P Goddard R Scott

CP 45-06-22 ep181-Jack Haley, Les Paul, Herbert_Marshall, Marilyn_Maxwell

CP 45-07-05 ep182-Bing Crosby G I Jill Ella Mae Morse

CP 45-07-12 ep183-Janet Blair Rise Stevens

CP 45-07-19 ep184-Judy Canova Herb Shriner Orson Welles Donna D

CP 45-08-02 ep186-Nelson Eddy Vera Vague

CP 45-08-09 ep187-Walter OKeefe Marilyn Maxwell Les Paul Trio

CP 45-08-14 epxxx-Victory Extra

CP 45-08-30 ep189-Frank Sinatra Bogart and Bacall Victor Borge

CP 45-09-02 epxxx-XVJ VJ Day Special

CP 45-09-06 ep190-Bing Crosby Bob Hope Frank Sinatra

CP 45-09-27 ep193-Betty Grable June Haver Jack Carson

CP 45-10-04 ep194-Dinah Shore Lum and Abner

CP 45-10-11 ep195-Ralph Edwards Connie Haines Bob Hope

CP 45-10-25 ep197-Eddie Cantor Mel Torme

CP 45-11-01 ep198-Ginny Simms Dennis Day

CP 45-11-08 ep199-Bob Crosby Gildersleeve Leroy

CP 45-12-13 ep202-Andrews Sisters Gary Moore Jimmy Durante

CP 45-12-25 epxxx-Christmas 1945-First Half

CP 45-12-25 epxxx-Christmas 1945-Second Half

CP 45-12-27 ep204-Jane Wyman

CP 46-01-07 ep207-Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show

CP 46-01-10 ep206-Abbott and Costello Andrews Sisters Pied Pipers

CP 46-01-24 ep208-Repeat of CP 102

CP 46-01-31 ep209-Chico Marx Jack Benny Lina Romay

CP 46-02-07 ep210-Larry Adler Mischa Auer

CP 46-03-07 ep214-Ginger Rogers Burl Ives

CP 46-03-14 ep215-June Haver Desi Arnaz

CP 46-04-19 epxxx-Army Day Special

CP 46-05-05 ep220-Kay Kyser Lina Romay Esther Williams

CP 46-06-16 ep226-Shirley Temple Anita Ellis Peter Lawford

CP 46-06-23 ep227-Esther Williams Peggy Lee

CP 46-09-22 ep232-Janet Blair David Street

CP 46-10-20 ep235-Tyrone Power Walter OKeefe Town Criers

CP 46-11-10 ep238-Bob Hope Bela Lugosi

CP 46-11-24 ep240-Donna Reed Garry Moore

CP 46-12-01 ep241-Judy Garland Phil Silvers

CP 46-12-08 ep242-Rudy Vallee Dorothy Patrick Hal March

CP 46-12-25 epxxx-Christmas Special 1946

CP 47-02-23 ep253-Ginger Rogers Rose Marie

CP 47-02-30 ep254-Carole Landis Frank Sinatra Jimmy Durante

CP 47-03-09 ep255-Dick Haymes Helen Forrest

CP 47-03-16 ep256-John Payne Ozzie and Harriet

CP 47-03-23 ep257-Glenn Ford Marilyn Maxwell Phil Silvers

CP 47-03-30 ep258-Lina Romay Garry Moore Virginia OBrien

CP 47-04-06 ep259-Ginnie Powell Alan Young

CP 47-04-14 ep266-George Murphy Martha Tilton

CP 47-05-04 ep272-Marilyn Maxwell Johnny Mercer Frank Sinatra

CP 47-05-14 ep271-June Havoc Connie Hainey

CP 47-05-25 ep275-Lina Romay Paulina Carter

CP 47-05-31 ep276-Harry Babbitt Alan Young

CP 47-06-18 ep273-Phil Baker Sergeant Ted Bentley

CP 47-07-08 ep280-Esther Williams Andy Russell Danny Thomas

CP 47-07-15 ep281-Eddie Cantor Joan Davis The Mad Russian Imogene Carpenter

CP 47-08-05 ep284-Judy Canova Dave Street Mel Blanc

CP 47-09-02 ep288-Penny Singleton Virginia OBrien

CP 47-09-30 ep289-Groucho Marx Martha Tilton

CP 47-10-21 ep300-Doris Day Frank Sinatra Jim Backus

CP 47-10-28 ep301-Joan Barton Hoagy Carmichael

CP 47-11-20 ep307-Anita Ellis Harpo Marx

CP 47-12-09 ep294-Audrey Trotter Bud Widom

CP 47-12-16 ep295-Peter Lind Hayes Mary Healey Mello-Larks

CP 47-12-23 ep302-Kay Kyser Marsha Hunt Ish Kabibble

CP 48-05-25 ep324-Gloria DeHaven Andre Previn

CP 48-05-29 epxxx-Sixth Anniversary Special

CP 48-09-07 ep340-Lina Romay G Moore H Petrie S Allen

CP 48-09-14 ep341-Ava Gardner K Niles H Jeffries S Allen

CP 48-10-20 epxxx-Special - Dear John Club Of The Air

CP 48-11-30 ep353-Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis

CP 48-12-25 epxxx-Christmas 1948 - Hy Averback Announcer

CP 49-02-22 ep362-Gertrude Nielsen Danny Kaye

CP 49-03-29 ep368-Lina Romay Ed Gardner

CP 49-06-14 ep379-Margaret Whiting W Niles J Smith S Allen

CP 49-06-21 ep376-Evelyn Knight Dick Powell

CP 49-10-18 ep397-Alexis Smith Dean Martin Jerry Lewis

Command Performance was a radio program which originally aired between 1942 and 1949. The program was broadcast on the Armed Forces Radio Network (AFRS) and transmitted by shortwave to the troops overseas; with few exceptions, it was not broadcast over domestic U.S. radio stations. Most episodes of the program were produced before an audience in the Vine Street Playhouse in Hollywood, California, and recorded via electrical transcription. The weekly listening audience of was estimated at 95.5 million. Troops sent in requests for a particular performer or program to appear, and they also suggested unusual ideas for music, sketches, or sounds from home on the program, such as: "Ann Miller tap dancing in military boots"; "a sigh from Carole Landis" or Lucille Ball; "foghorns on San Francisco Bay"; "Errol Flynn taking a shower"; "a slot machine delivering the jackpot" and "Bing Crosby mixing a bourbon and soda for Bob Hope". Top performers of the day appeared, including Bing Crosby, Jack Benny, Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, Fred Allen, Ginger Rogers, Judy Garland, Lena Horne and The Andrews Sisters. The first Command Performance was broadcast on March 1, 1942, almost exactly three months after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It was produced under the aegis of the Office of War Information and its success paved the way for the creation of the Armed Forces Radio Service in May 1942. Time magazine described Command Performance as being, "the best wartime program in America". However very few listeners in the United States ever heard it and it would appear that the Christmas Eve Command Performance of 1942 was the only program of the series to be broadcast to a general audience. Variety magazine commented on this saying: "The War Department on Christmas Eve gave domestic listeners their first taste of a series that had been going out to the Armed Forces on short-wave for 43 consecutive weeks. The purpose of the special occasion as Elmer Davis, Office of War Information chief, expressed it in a foreword to the show, was to forge a link between the servicemen abroad and the folks on the Home Front. A recorded version of the show was short-waved, all over the world, the next day... Hope emceed, tossed off a monologue and cross-fired with Crosby. A special treat in the vocal department was the version of "Basin Street Blues" that came out of the tonsil partnership of Bing Crosby and The Charioteers." Variety also observed that "sometimes the language on these shows is just a little more robust than is passed by standard broadcasting stations. Jack Benny, as we recall, last Sunday night encouraged our fighting men to 'give 'em hell.'" At the outset, the AFRS was shortwaving the shows but the reception was often distorted or spoiled by fading and static. Also, many servicemen had no access to a shortwave receiver. These problems were resolved when the Armed Forces Radio Service sought permission from the four major radio networks to record favorite programs on 16" transcription discs. As many as 70 of these programs were recorded and produced each week, especially for the armed forces, together with Command Performance, Mail Call, G.I. Journal, and various other series. At the peak of the war around 21,000 transcriptions were being shipped to troops in Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific and over 800 radio stations, operated by and for servicemen, were set up to cover all theaters of war. Performers volunteered their talents for the program. An article in a 1943 issue of Tune In magazine estimated if "Presented by a commercial sponsor, Command Performance would have a weekly talent cost of 50K USD." In addition, performing and production unions waived their rules for the war effort on the condition that the shows were only broadcast to service personnel. The final episode of Command Performance, the 415th in the series, was produced in December 1949. The program was one of nine AFRS shows that were ended as a result of a budget cut by the Secretary of Defense.

The Entertainment Industry During World War II: Hollywood: On December 8, 1941, the United States entered World War II. It was a big year for the country because they had to arrange for the results of the war. The main focus that the US wanted to make on films was their own historical phenomena and a spread of US culture. The war films made focused mostly on the "desperate affirmation" and the "societal tensions". Many films main focus was about the war; they wanted to make sure that they explain the objectives. The US war films were good and bad, many of them showed the different lives of the people during the war. The importance of these films and as studies have mentioned, is the influence behind these films. Furthermore, war films showed a lot of information about the war and the life of their families just like the film Since You Went Away. When the US government noticed the content of the feature films they became more interested in the political and social significance messages in the film. This shows how Hollywood wanted to raise two important production of films together with war films. With the growth of the film industry came the growth of the influence of Hollywood celebrities. Hollywood stars appeared in advertisements and toured the country to encourage citizens to purchase war bonds to support their country in the war.

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