Jubilee Armed Forces Radio MP3 DVD OTR Jazz Music

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The Legendary World War II Swing Music Show "AFRS Presents 'JUBILEE!'" Broadcasting Most-All Black Entertainment For American Soldiers For The Duration And Beyond:

Duke Ellington, Ethel Waters, Joe Louis, Lena Horne, Benny Carter, Nicodemus, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, Jimmy Rushing, The Delta Rhythm Boys, Jimmy Lunceford, Lucky Millinder, Jimmy Noone, The 5 Charioteers, Rochester (Edmund Lincoln Anderson), Ernie Morris, Jimmy Jordan, Erskine Hawkins, Rosetta Tharpe, Nat King Cole, Barney Bigard, Louis Jordan, Harlan Leonard, Lionel Hampton, The Golden Gate Quartet, Teddy Wilson, Nobile Sissle, Cee Pee Johnson, Etta James, The Mills Brothers, Johnny Mercer, Tiny Bradshaw, Jack Benny, Cab Calloway, Andy Kirk, Bob Crosby, Art Tatum, Fletcher Henderson, The International Sweethearts Of Rhythm, Jimmie Lunceford, Elmer Fain, Tommy Dorsey, Thelma Hopkins, Les Paul, Earl Hines, Gary Moore, June Richmond, Gene Krupa, Judy Carroll, Effie Smith, Betty Roche, Gwynne Time, Eddie Green, Joe Liggins, Alvino Rey, Lillian Randolph, Ann Moore, Dick Haymes, Eddie Green, Herb Jefferies, Stan Kenton, June Cristy, Frankie Robinson, Boyd Raeburn, David Allen, Ginny Powell, Art Walker, Delores Parker, Wingy Minone, Kid Ory, Bobby Sherwood, Cliff Lang, Four Chicks And Chuck, Kay Starr, Andre Previn, Charlie Barnett, Harry James, Josh White, Helen Humes, Jack McVea, Jack Teagarden, Joey Preston, Pete Daley, Martha Tilton, Woody Herman, Jesse Price, Gerald Wilson, Mabel Scott, The Hollywood Blazes, The Saul Davis Trio, Beryl Davis, Cyril Hanes, Ike Carpenter, The Four Blazes, Al Killean, Hadda Brooks, Eddie Skrivanek, Peter Lind Hayes, Roy Milton Sextet, Linda Stevens, Ella Mae Morse, Peggy Lee, Frankie Laine, The Ernie Gill Orchestra, Penny Piper, Murray MacEachern, The Opie Cates Orchestra, MarthaTilton, The Albert Stack Orchestra, Annette Warren, Benny Goodman, Earl Spencer, Kaye Starr, Ginny Anderson, Jimmy Mundy, Dave Cavanaugh, Ernie Felice, Howard McGhee, Joe Thomas, Jimmy Zito, Kay Starr, Harry Lubin, Walter Gross, Willie Smith, Harry James, Toni Harper, Jean Taylor, The Jackie Mills Quintet, Harry Babasin, The Connie Jordan Quartet, Johnny Otis Joan Barton, Billy Eckstine, The Trenier Twins, Jimmy Witherspoon, Ella Fitzgerald, Frances Wayne, The Neal Hefti Quartet, Dave Barbour, Dizzy Gillespie, Delores Hawkins, Ray Anthony, Judd Conlon And More!

126 Half Hour Episodes Presented As An Archival Quality MP3 DVD!

#AFRSPresentsJubilee #ArmedForcesRadioServicePresentsJubilee #Jubilee #AfricanAmericanEntertainment #BlackEntertainment #AfricanAmericanMusic #BlackMusic #AfricanAmericanHeritage #BlackHeritage #AfricanAmericanHistory #Jazz #Swing #ArmedForcesRadioNetwork #AFRS #AFRSBroadcasts #GoldenAgeOfRadioMusic #OldTimeRadioMusic #RadioMusic #OTRMusic #GoldenAgeOfRadio #OldTimeRadio #OTR #Radio #RadioPropaganda #Morale #DukeEllington #EthelWaters #JoeLouis #LenaHorne #BennyCarter #Nicodemus #LouisArmstrong #CountBasie #JimmyRushing #DeltaRhythmBoys #JimmyLunceford #LuckyMillinder #JimmyNoone #The5Charioteers #Rochester #EdmundLincolnAnderson #ErnieMorris #JimmyJordan #ErskineHawkins #RosettaTharpe #NatKingCole #BarneyBigard #LouisJordan #HarlanLeonard #LionelHampton #GoldenGateQuartet #TeddyWilson #NobileSissle #CeePeeJohnson #EttaJames #TheMillsBrothers #MillsBrothers #JohnnyMercer #TinyBradshaw #JackBenny #CabCalloway #AndyKirk #BobCrosby #ArtTatum #FletcherHenderson #InternationalSweetheartsOfRhythm #JimmieLunceford #ElmerFain #TommyDorsey #ThelmaHopkins #LesPaul #EarlHines #GaryMoore #JuneRichmond #GeneKrupa #JudyCarroll #EffieSmith #BettyRoche #GwynneTime #EddieGreen #JoeLiggins #AlvinoRey #LillianRandolph #AnnMoore #DickHaymes #EddieGreen #HerbJefferies #StanKenton #JuneCristy #FrankieRobinson #BoydRaeburn #DavidAllen #GinnyPowell #ArtWalker #DeloresParker #WingyMinone #KidOry #BobbySherwood #CliffLang #FourChicksAndChuck #KayStarr #AndrePrevin #CharlieBarnett #HarryJames #JoshWhite #HelenHumes #JackMcVea #JackTeagarden #JoeyPreston #PeteDaley #MarthaTilton #WoodyHerman #JessePrice #GeraldWilson #MabelScott #TheHollywoodBlazes #SaulDavisTrio #BerylDavis #CyrilHanes #IkeCarpenter #TheFourBlazes #AlKillean #HaddaBrooks #EddieSkrivanek #PeterLindHayes #RoyMiltonSextet #LindaStevens #EllaMaeMorse #PeggyLee #FrankieLaine #ErnieGillOrchestra #PennyPiper #MurrayMacEachern #OpieCatesOrchestra #MarthaTilton #AlbertStackOrchestra #AnnetteWarren #BennyGoodman #EarlSpencer #KayeStarr #GinnyAnderson #JimmyMundy #DaveCavanaugh #ErnieFelice #HowardMcGhee #JoeThomas #JimmyZito #KayStarr #HarryLubin #WalterGross #WillieSmith #HarryJames #ToniHarper #JeanTaylor #JackieMillsQuintet #HarryBabasin #ConnieJordanQuartet #JohnnyOtisJoanBarton #BillyEckstine #TrenierTwins #JimmyWitherspoon #EllaFitzgerald #FrancesWayne #NealHeftiQuartet #DaveBarbour #DizzyGillespie #DeloresHawkins #RayAnthony #JuddConlon #WorldWarIIRadio #WorldWarTwoRadio #WorldWar2Radio #WWIIRadio #WW2Radio #SecondWorldWarRadio #AmericanRadioWorldWarII #AmericanRadioWorldWarTwo #AmericanRadioWorldWar2 #AmericanRadioWWII #AmericanRadioWW2#AmericanRadioSecondWorldWar #AmericanSecondWorldWarRadio #MP3 #DVD


Jubilee-421009 001DukeEllington EthelWaters

Jubilee-421027 002JoeLouis LenaHorne

Jubilee-421218 004BennyCarter Nicodemus

Jubilee-430524 026LouisArmstrong AintMisbehavin

Jubilee-430607 028CountBasie JimmyRushing BasieBoogie

Jubilee-430712 033DeltaRhythmBoys JimmyLunceford

Jubilee-430809 037DeltaRhythmBoys LuckyMillinder

Jubilee-430816 038LuckyMillinder-JimmyNoone

Jubilee-430823 039 5Charioteers Rochester LuckyMillinder

Jubilee-430906 041ErnieMorris JimmyJordan

Jubilee-430920 043ErskineHawkins-RosettaTharpe

Jubilee-431004 045ErskineHawkins NatKingCole

Jubilee-431011 046BarneyBigard LouisJordan

Jubilee-431025 048ErskineHawkins Rochester

Jubilee-431101 050AllSoldierShow

Jubilee-431102 049DukeEllington-LouisArmstrong

Jubilee-431108 051LouisJordan NatKingCole

Jubilee-431115 052HarlanLeonard DeltaRhythmBoys

Jubilee-431122 053LionelHampton GoldenGateQuartet

Jubilee-431206 055CountBasie TeddyWilson

Jubilee-431213 056NobileSissle BarnyBigard

Jubilee-431220 057CeePeeJohnson EttaJames

Jubilee-431227 058LouisArmstrong TheMillsBrothers

Jubilee-440117 061CeePeeJohnson JohnnyMercer

Jubilee-440124 062TinyBradshaw JackBenny

Jubilee-440214 065CabCalloway NatKingCole

Jubilee-440306 068AndyKirk AHO BobCrosby

Jubilee-440311 069DukeEllington ArtTatum

Jubilee-440424 076FletcherHenderson

Jubilee-440501 077FletcherHenderson LenaHorne

Jubilee-440529 082InternationalSweetheartsofRhythm

Jubilee-440626 086JimmieLunceford NatKingCole

Jubilee-440703 087JimmieLunceford

Jubilee-440710 088BennyCarter

Jubilee-440717 089EthelWaters JohnnyMercer

Jubilee-440724 090JimmieLunceford LenaHorne

Jubilee-440807 092ElmerFain TommyDorsey

Jubilee-440911 097CountBasie ThelmaHopkins

Jubilee-441002 100CountBasie Rochester

Jubilee-441016 102LionelHampton LesPaul

Jubilee-441024 103EarlHines GaryMoore

Jubilee-441030 104EarlHines JuneRichmond

Jubilee-441120 107JackBenny Rochester

Jubilee-450101 113LuckyMillinder GeneKrupa

Jubilee-450115 115LuckyMillinder JudyCarroll

Jubilee-450122 116DukeEllington

Jubilee-450319 123BennyCarter EffieSmith

Jubilee-450326 124BennyCarter BettyRoche

Jubilee-450521 133AndyKirk GwynneTime

Jubilee-450604 135EddieGreen BennyCarter

Jubilee-450611 136JoeLiggins JimmieLunceford

Jubilee-450618 137JimmieLunceford

Jubilee-450625 138AlvinoRey LillianRandolph

Jubilee-450709 140CountBasie-AnnMoore

Jubilee-450924 149DickHaymes CountBasie

Jubilee-451029 154EddieGreen HerbJefferies

Jubilee-451112 156StanKenton JuneCristy

Jubilee-451126 158LionelHampton FrankieRobinson

Jubilee-451217 161BoydRaeburn DavidAllen

Jubilee-460107 164LionelHampton LenaHorne

Jubilee-460624 189BoydRaeburn GinnyPowell

Jubilee-460722 193BennyCarter DeltaRythmBoys

Jubilee-460805 195ArtWalker DeloresParker

Jubilee-461130 198WingyMinone KidOry

Jubilee-461213 200BobbySherwood

Jubilee-461227 202CliffLang FourChicksAndChuck

Jubilee-470110 204CliffLang KayStarr

Jubilee-470117 205LesPaul BennyCarter

Jubilee-470124 206CountBasie

Jubilee-470131 207BennyCarter NatKingCole

Jubilee-470221 210LionelHampton LenaHorne

Jubilee-470228 211AndyKirk EddieHeywood

Jubilee-470314 213JimmieLunceford AndrePrevin

Jubilee-470321 214CharlieBarnett EddieHaywood

Jubilee-470404 216HarryJames EttaJames

Jubilee-470425 219BennyCarter JoshWhite

Jubilee-470502 220BennyCarter NatKingCole

Jubilee-470516 222BennyCarter HelenHumes

Jubilee-470523 223JackMcVea JackTeagarden

Jubilee-470606 225JackMcVea JoeyPreston

Jubilee-470613 226PeteDaley MarthaTilton

Jubilee-470704 229WoodyHerman JessePrice

Jubilee-470725 232GeraldWilson MabelScott

Jubilee-470801 233StanKenton TheHollywoodBlazes

Jubilee-470829 237BobbySherwood TheSaulDavisTrio

Jubilee-470905 238BerylDavis CyrilHanes

Jubilee-470919 240IkeCarpenter FourBlazes

Jubilee-471003 242AlKillean HaddaBrooks

Jubilee-471010 243EddieSkrivanek PeterLindHayes

Jubilee-471017 244RoyMiltonSextet LindaStevens

Jubilee-471024 245CountBasie EllaMaeMorse

Jubilee-471031 246BennyCarter PeggyLee

Jubilee-471107 247CharlieBarnett FrankieLaine

Jubilee-471114 248BennyCarter PeggyLee

Jubilee-471121 249ErnieGillOrchestra PennyPiper

Jubilee-471128 250MurrayMacEachern KidOry

Jubilee-471205 251OpieCatesOrchestra MarthaTilton

Jubilee-471213 252AlbertStackOrchestra AnnetteWarren

Jubilee-471227 254BennyCarter BennyGoodman

Jubilee-480103 255EarlSpencer AHO KayeStarr

Jubilee-480110 256OpieCatesOrchestra GinnyAnderson

Jubilee-480117 257JimmyMundy NatKingCole

Jubilee-480120 258JimmyMundy

Jubilee-480205 260DaveCavanaugh ErnieFelice

Jubilee-480213 261BennyGoodman HowardMcGhee

Jubilee-480220 262BennyGoodman PeggyLee

Jubilee-480227 263JimmyLuncefordOrchestra JoeThomas

Jubilee-480305 264JimmyZito KayStarr

Jubilee-480312 265HarryLubin WalterGross

Jubilee-480319 266HarryLubin DeltaRhythmBoys

Jubilee-480409 267HarryJamesOrchestra WillieSmith

Jubilee-480416 268HarryJames EarlHines

Jubilee-480423 269CountBasieOrchestra JimmyRushing

Jubilee-480430 270CountBasie ToniHarper

Jubilee-480514 272JeanTaylor JackieMillsQuintet

Jubilee-480521 274HarryBabasin JackTeagarden

Jubilee-480604 276BennyCarterOrchestra ConnieJordanQuartet

Jubilee-480625 279JohnnyOtis JoanBarton

Jubilee-480702 280BillyEckstine TheTrenierTwins

Jubilee-480709 281JimmyWitherspoon EllaFitzgerald

Jubilee-480723 283FrancesWayne NealHeftiQuartet

Jubilee-480730 284PeggyLee DaveBarbour

Jubilee-480806 285EddieGillOrchestra PattyPiper

Jubilee-481210 302DizzyGillespie StanKenton

Jubilee-490101 306GeneKrupa DeloresHawkins

Jubilee-521225 380RayAnthony JuddConlon

Jubilee was an Armed Forces Radio Service (AFRS) radio program that featured African American musicians and singers. It was broadcast to servicemen via AFRS from 1942 to 1953. Jubilee was conceived at least in part as a morale-building service for African American troops stationed overseas. The wartime host was Ernie "Bubbles" Whitman. Most of the shows were recorded before live audiences in Los Angeles. The series emerged as an important piece of black heritage. Its War Department status exempted the performing artists from the union-mandated recording bans of 1942-43 and 1947-48 and many of the shows contain unique performances.

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